Snopes now verifies Ashley Biden's "showers with dad" story as being "True"

What does "inappropriate" mean to you in this context?

She didn't say, "inappropriate." You're saying that because you're a pervert.

She said, "probably not appropriate."

Sexual assault is not, "probably not appropriate," it's absofuckinglutely inappropriate, perv. It's why her words are a good indication she was very young and the showers were not sexual in nature.
She didn't say, "inappropriate." You're saying that because you're a pervert.

She said, "probably not appropriate."

Sexual assault is not, "probably not appropriate," it's absofuckinglutely inappropriate, perv. It's why her words are a good indication she was very young and the showers were not sexual in nature.
Probably not appropriate = inappropriate.

This is fun watching Fawnboi run down his rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery do defend his incestuous pervert Messiah. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
She didn't say, "inappropriate." You're saying that because you're a pervert.

She said, "probably not appropriate."

Sexual assault is not, "probably not appropriate," it's absofuckinglutely inappropriate, perv. It's why her words are a good indication she was very young and the showers were not sexual in nature.

Pure semantics. The lengths you're going to to defend a man accused of sexual impropriety by his own daughter are stunning.
Stop making up bullshit definitions, it has to be specifically SEXUAL BEHAVIOR and there is not a single indication that Joe Biden exhibited any sexual behavior towards his own daughter.
That maybe true we don't know for sure but personally I like millions of other people find Biden taking "showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)" Ashley Biden's diary, see below..
DEFINITELY find it inappropriate! Only a pedophile of record like Biden's actions prove, and people trying to ignore, are disgusting to millions of us with a little more respect for our children!
Obviously Biden hasn't any respect as these photos "banned by FaceBook" show!





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Wow... you say this is a "lie"? Probably not appropriate = inappropriate. ?
Hmm... well once again your IQ is showing!
You are saying that the word "inappropriate" is not the same as "not appropriate"?
Truly you are an example of people of your ilk that make "inappropriate" to make "not appropriate"
i.e. "ignorant" comments!
I love that metaphor. Lesser of two evils. I love more when people forget it's just a metaphor. No one is asking you to engage in the struggle between Lucifer and his bastard anti christ offspring for dominion over hell. You live in a society of rule and law. Rules and laws that get determined by elected officials and their appointees. What you're being asked to do is choose the candidate who's policies you'd prefer, not necessarily the candidate who's policies you like. Maybe you don't like any of them, fair enough. You're still getting one of them whether you like it not. Telling me you don't care to choose between them seems a bit synonymous with telling me you don't care to have any agency in the process. That you don't care if you're ruled over. That you don't care about having that choice made for you. Might as well be a serf at that point.
That is how I vote,
I love that metaphor. Lesser of two evils. I love more when people forget it's just a metaphor. No one is asking you to engage in the struggle between Lucifer and his bastard anti christ offspring for dominion over hell. You live in a society of rule and law. Rules and laws that get determined by elected officials and their appointees. What you're being asked to do is choose the candidate who's policies you'd prefer, not necessarily the candidate who's policies you like. Maybe you don't like any of them, fair enough. You're still getting one of them whether you like it not. Telling me you don't care to choose between them seems a bit synonymous with telling me you don't care to have any agency in the process. That you don't care if you're ruled over. That you don't care about having that choice made for you. Might as well be a serf at that point.
I vote for those that are closer to my ideals, if it were just Biden and Trump, I don’t align with Biden at all and I don’t like Trump, so I go third party, we have gotten $34 trillion in debt letting Democrats and Republicans rule, I want better solutions, you like the status quo. I want higher taxes on everyone and less government spending across the board. So you believing I don’t care is a false assumption.
She didn't say, "inappropriate." You're saying that because you're a pervert.

She said, "probably not appropriate."

Sexual assault is not, "probably not appropriate," it's absofuckinglutely inappropriate, perv. It's why her words are a good indication she was very young and the showers were not sexual in nature.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


[ in-uh-proh-pree-it ]
Phonetic (Standard)IPA


  1. not appropriate; not proper or suitable:
    an inappropriate dress for the occasion
Wow... you say this is a "lie"? Probably not appropriate = inappropriate. ?
Hmm... well once again your IQ is showing!
You are saying that the word "inappropriate" is not the same as "not appropriate"?
Truly you are an example of people of your ilk that make "inappropriate" to make "not appropriate"
i.e. "ignorant" comments!
Dumbass, if there was anything sexual in Biden's behaviour then she wouldn't be writing "probably inapropriate", she would be writing about how her father sexually abused her.
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Dumbass, if there was anything sexual in Biden's behaviour then she would be writing "probably inapropropriate", she would be writing about how her father sexually abused her.
So now you are eally showing how truly DUMB you are!
You don't even pay attention to the little red dotted line under YOUR misspellings!
Such a simple task and yet you ignore.
That's an indication you miss "details"!
The word is spelled "behavior" not "behaviour" and the word is "inappropriate" NOT "inapropropriate"! See it's these simple things that people how truly uninformed idiots like you are!
Consequently you are living proof how Biden depends on even dumber people than him to defend him!
Truly I'm thankful for your very inane and sloppy efforts!
Proves the point that only dummies support Biden!
So now you are eally showing how truly DUMB you are!
You don't even pay attention to the little red dotted line under YOUR misspellings!
Such a simple task and yet you ignore.
That's an indication you miss "details"!
The word is spelled "behavior" not "behaviour" and the word is "inappropriate" NOT "inapropropriate"! See it's these simple things that people how truly uninformed idiots like you are!
Consequently you are living proof how Biden depends on even dumber people than him to defend him!
Truly I'm thankful for your very inane and sloppy efforts!
Proves the point that only dummies support Biden!

Yep, spelling nitpicks, thats all you have left of your argument.

Run along idiot.
Dumbass, if there was anything sexual in Biden's behaviour then she would be writing "probably inapropropriate", she would be writing about how her father sexually abused her.

No interest in THE WOMAN AT ALL

TO politically, to damage her father

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