Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Well that's a fair question, what can we do to reduce the probability of terrorist attacks to those states that support Israel?

The WTC was attacked because the United States has been facilitating Israel's campaign against Palestinians for decades. So the best way to avoid being attacked is to stop supporting Israel, stop vetoing important resolutions, impose sanctions on Israel like we did to South Africa, threaten it with targeted air strikes if it refuses to comply.

The airport in Gaza played no role in the WTC attack, so why you think its relevant needs to be explained.

I'm pretty sure that even now there are people planning attacks perhaps here perhaps in the US and the sad reality is that these will lead to deaths in say France, the UK, Germany or the US all because of support for a neo-fascist regime in the backwater of Palestine.

Israel is generating a huge amount of anger and hatred and it is going to be vented sooner or later, we need to step away, have nothing more to do with the apartheid monstrosity, let the Israeli people deal with their government and sort out the mess.

Everything the US, UK, Germany, France etc are doing with Israel directly increases the risks and danger to its own citizens, I've been fearing a terrorist attack recently, it is the natural thing to expect given our support for genocide, torture, ethnic cleansing, settlement building and so on.

Israel isn't worth all this, it's costs are starting to exceed any benefits, sooner or later it will be abandoned and the Zionists are not seeing this, they will then face a dark reality as their enemies rise up and there are no more handouts and weapons from the West.

It's not only about states that support Israel,
but threatening international routes,
and their own people.

Do you suggest rewarding 7th Oct
with an airport ticket to Hamas leaders?
That's the only way to make sense out of your post, and no.
After losing 6 Million Jews because of lunatics in Europe and the ME during WWII, NO ONE has the right to tell Jews that they cannot defend themselves and they must forget about Israel and return to being punch bags without a home in a world with people who have learned to hate them out of lies since Christianity was founded by a liar.

And exactly how do you propose to get rid of all the non Jewish Zionists in the world? Balfour was a Zionist himself.

The land belongs to the Jews. And they can NOW fight for it again. THAT is what Zionism is all about. Being FREE in their own homeland, the Land of Israel, just as they did before.

Remember that !

Zionism was active and planning to ethnically cleanse, decades before WW2 so don't abuse the memory of Holocaust victims by pretending that justifies mass ethnic cleansing, using the Holocaust as a justification for a latter day form of Nazism is despicable.

They could have a had homes without stealing them from the 750,000 people who already lived there. By all means seek a safe place to dwell but invading and stealing people's houses is no better than the Nazis so stop pretending Zionism is any more noble than Nazism.

How did you reach the conclusion "The land belongs to the Jews" ? how is that different to the Nazis saying Europe belongs to the German people? The vast majority of Jews never laid claim to Palestine, most Jews were not even Zionists until after the Holocaust.

It's a mess, a destructive and disgusting ideology that needs to be wiped of the map just as the Third Reich was wiped of the map, its no better and deserves no more respect.
Zionism was active and planning to ethnically cleanse, decades before WW2 so don't abuse the memory of Holocaust victims by pretending that justifies mass ethnic cleansing, using the Holocaust as a justification for a latter day form of Nazism is despicable.

They could have a had homes without stealing them from the 750,000 people who already lived there. By all means seek a safe place to dwell but invading and stealing people's houses is no better than the Nazis so stop pretending Zionism is any more noble than Nazism.

How did you reach the conclusion "The land belongs to the Jews" ? how is that different to the Nazis saying Europe belongs to the German people? The vast majority of Jews never laid claim to Palestine, most Jews were not even Zionists until after the Holocaust.

It's a mess, a destructive and disgusting ideology that needs to be wiped of the map just as the Third Reich was wiped of the map, its no better and deserves no more respect.
And with this post you have managed to totally wipe out one of the Four Mandates taken by France and England after WWI.

Boy, you are BRILLIANT !!!!

Again you show that each and every word you post has been borrowed by a totally crazy, totally gone in the brain, haters of Jews.

How does the land belong to the Jews? History. And it says so in the NT and the Quran. And every traveler who ever came to the region before the Mandate for Palestine. Which is WHY the land was promised to its indigenous people, the JEWS. And every invader to the region will also attest through their writings that the land belongs to the Jews.

Palestine/Israel belongs to the Jews just as Australia belongs to the Aboriginal people, and the Americas belong to their indigenous populations. Palestine was the word the Romans used to try to wipe out the land out of Jewish memory. They failed.And all will continue to fail to destroy Israel again.
Here, this is from British records, a 1919 document where The British met with leading Zionist voices, this is twenty five years before the Holocaust, Hitler was a struggling painter, there were no Nazis:


Note the text - emphasis mine

"Major Rothschild also suggested that it would be well if His Majesty's Government would also later consider whether some comprehensive emigration scheme to the south (Egypt) as well as to the north (Damascus) could be arranged for the Arab Palestinian peasantry in conjunction with schemes for the immigration of the Jews".

So stop the lies about the Holocaust having anything whatsoever to do with Zionist ethnic cleansing, this as I said predates the Holocaust by twenty five years.

Read it - EMIGRATION scheme for Palestinians and IMMIGRATION scheme for Jews - that, right there, is the Zionist planning for 1948.
And with this post you have managed to totally wipe out one of the Four Mandates taken by France and England after WWI.

Boy, you are BRILLIANT !!!!

Again you show that each and every word you post has been borrowed by a totally crazy, totally gone in the brain, haters of Jews.

How does the land belong to the Jews? History. And it says so in the NT and the Quran. And every traveler who ever came to the region before the Mandate for Palestine. Which is WHY the land was promised to its indigenous people, the JEWS. And every invader to the region will also attest through their writings that the land belongs to the Jews.

Palestine/Israel belongs to the Jews just as Australia belongs to the Aboriginal people, and the Americas belong to their indigenous populations. Palestine was the word the Romans used to try to wipe out the land out of Jewish memory. They failed.And all will continue to fail to destroy Israel again.

The Jews came came from Abraham a migrant from Ur to Canaan almost 4,000 years ago. The land has changed hands many times, why single out the Israelite kingdom period alone? The Palestinians being descended from Canaanites could argue it is their land - but they never did argue that, they are not xenophobes like the Zionists.

In fact according to that history this is the second time the Israelite outsiders have stolen the land from the original inhabitants! well it all fell apart the first time and I dare say its going to fall apart again very soon.
The Jews came came from Abraham a migrant from Ur to Canaan almost 4,000 years ago. The land has changed hands many times, why single out the Israelite period alone? The Palestinians being descended from Canaanites could argue it is their land - but they never did argue that, they are not xenophobes like the Zionists.
look -- another claim which lacks any sort of you just make stuff up hoping no one will notice?

"By trying to trace our “ancestry” to the Canaanites, we lie to ourselves and demonstrate our silliness and self-deception to the world. "
Bassam Tawil, “Muslim Blood and Al-Aqsa,” Gatestone Institute, (October 31, 2015)
Here, this is from British records, a 1919 document where The British met with leading Zionist voices, this is twenty five years before the Holocaust, Hitler was a struggling painter, there were no Nazis:

View attachment 970610

Note the text - emphasis mine

So stop the lies about the Holocaust having anything whatsoever to do with Zionist ethnic cleansing, this as I said predates the Holocaust by twenty five years.

Read it - EMIGRATION scheme for Palestinians and IMMIGRATION scheme for Jews - that, right there, is the Zionist planning for 1948.
All discussion about that period belongs here:

Go there and stop pestering this thread.
The Jews came came from Abraham a migrant from Ur to Canaan almost 4,000 years ago. The land has changed hands many times, why single out the Israelite kingdom period alone? The Palestinians being descended from Canaanites could argue it is their land - but they never did argue that, they are not xenophobes like the Zionists.

In fact according to that history this is the second time the Israelite outsiders have stolen the land from the original inhabitants! well it all fell apart the first time and I dare say its going to fall apart again very soon.
Go to the thread I mentioned:

You have no business posting here on this thread which is about the war taking place now.
look -- another claim which lacks any sort of you just make stuff up hoping no one will notice?

"By trying to trace our “ancestry” to the Canaanites, we lie to ourselves and demonstrate our silliness and self-deception to the world. "
Bassam Tawil, “Muslim Blood and Al-Aqsa,” Gatestone Institute, (October 31, 2015)
Let us stop answering Holmes if it has nothing to do with the topic. Thank you.
My post is a refutation of your claims about the Holocaust being relevant to the Zionism, it is absolutely relevant to your post.
Neither discussion about Zionism or Holocaust has to do with this thread and I am asking you to stop and go to the proper threads.

What is your problem with posting the topic you wish to discuss in the correct thread?

You have the links. Now, go to them.
look -- another claim which lacks any sort of you just make stuff up hoping no one will notice?

"By trying to trace our “ancestry” to the Canaanites, we lie to ourselves and demonstrate our silliness and self-deception to the world. "
Bassam Tawil, “Muslim Blood and Al-Aqsa,” Gatestone Institute, (October 31, 2015)


So there it is, kind of blows a very large hole in the "This land belongs to the Jews" doctrine doesn't it...
Neither discussion about Zionism or Holocaust has to do with this thread and I am asking you to stop and go to the proper threads.

What is your problem with posting the topic you wish to discuss in the correct thread?

You have the links. Now, go to them.

This post of yours in this thread a few minutes ago mentions "Balfour" and "Holocaust" and "Zionism" and other themes, you raised these themes and I responded to that post.

If your post was relevant to this thread then my response to it must be relevant too.

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