Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

There are no prisoners in Gaza before 10/7 besides the Fatah and other Arabs who did not agree with Hamas.

You continue to repeat the toxic garbage that comes out of anti Israel sources.

Gaza is not a Ghetto. Not a concentration camp. Never was. Gaza population, very wealthy most of them with the Billions poured into Gaza ( what prison receives that much money? ), left on vacations all the time.

The latest: People with money in Gaza paid U$5000 to the Egyptian government since 10/7 to leave.

Egypt has used and abused the people of Gaza. But what do you care?

You've lost the opportunity to discuss anything with me after your insults earlier.

No, I doubt that ever happened but a prisoner is not characterized by what kind of business transactions they might engage in.

They are characterized by being imprisoned with some kind of impenetrable or imposing barrier between them and the outside.
They are characterized by having no freedom to enter/leave the facility, they must seek approval from an authority.
They are characterized be relying on the external authority for all kinds of important supplies like medicines and equipment.

The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto faced a similar existence. Nobody today calls them "terrorists" for resisting, fighting, resorting to violence.

What you describe is not a "prisoner of war" but a greedy anarchist.
How many Gazans used to travel abroad each year?

Now it's high time for the Rafa travel agency.

Maybe you want to see more people
falling from burning high scrapers,
I don't, do you?

The destruction of the airport was illegal, a crime, condemned by the United Nations and the ICAO.

If its OK to destroy Gaza's airport then it's OK to destroy Israeli airports too, after all we know Israel brings weapons in using it's airports, weapons and tanks and planes and guns from the United States and Europe.

Israel understands only force, it even now seeks war with Hezbollah, actually planning on that war. It is bringing war to the population, all of the Jews it claims to "protect" the "safe haven for Jews" that was promised in the 1930s doesn't exist, it's dangerous for everybody.

Hezbollah even said - today - that they will unconditionally stop all military actions on the border if Israel declares a ceasefire in Gaza, but notice how that is treated with contempt by Nazinyahu and the other Third Reich copy cats.

Zionism has created nothing but danger and hatred and suffering, even Jews are beaten and abused there, how ironic, how sad:

Notice how you need to sign in? this wasn't necessary a few months ago, then lots of people starting seeing and so it had to be hidden, Zionists don't want people to see how antisemitic Israel is today.

Here's a few screenshots anyway in case you can't watch the video for some reason





If this was taking place in Munich in 1935, I wonder what people would call it...

Face it Israel is a dump, a cesspit of racism and brutality and misery for Palestinians and many Jews, no safe haven after all - they were lied to.
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The destruction of the airport was illegal, a crime, condemned by the United Nations and the ICAO.

If its OK to destroy Gaza's airport then it's OK to destroy Israeli airports too, after all we know Israel brings weapons in using it's airports, weapons and tanks and planes and guns from the United States and Europe.

Israel understands only force, it even now seeks war with Hezbollah, actually planning on that war. It is bringing war to the population, all of the Jews it claims to "protect" the "safe haven for Jews" that was promised in the 1930s doesn't exist, it's dangerous for everybody.

Hezbollah even said - today - that they will unconditionally stop all military actions on the border if Israel declares a ceasefire in Gaza, but notice how that is treated with contempt by Nazinyahu and the other Third Reich copy cats.

Zionism has created nothing but danger and hatred and suffering, even Jews are beaten and abused there, how ironic, how sad:

Notice how you need to sign in? this wasn't necessary a few months ago, then lots of people starting seeing and so it had to be hidden, Zionists don't want people to see how antisemitic Israel is today.

Here's a few screenshots anyway in case you can't watch the video for some reason

View attachment 970567

View attachment 970568

The Gaza Airport was destroyed because there was the possibility that Palestinains there would try to use it to attack Israel once the attacks against Israel from the PA started at that time.

Image courtesy of
Palestinian militant attacks
  • Israel first bombed Gaza airport in 2001, in answer to Palestinian militant attacks on Israelis in the West Bank. The second Palestinian Intifada had erupted a few months earlier. Israel's F-16s later repeatedly rocketed the runway and knocked down the tower. Palestinian Airlines shifted operations to Egypt and Jordan; the airport never reopened.

Hundreds killed and Injured. It was just another endless attack on Jews with the intent of making Israel give up more land by force, and not peace negotiations.

To seriously believe that Israel or Egypt or any other sovereign country would allow Gaza or PA to attack them with planes when they had tried before in 1948, 1967 and 1973.

The world with rose colored glasses you live in.

Egypt itself would have put an end to Gaza had Hamas or anyone else tried to attack Egypt with planes or endless rockets aimed at the country.
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The destruction of the airport was illegal, a crime, condemned by the United Nations and the ICAO.

If its OK to destroy Gaza's airport then it's OK to destroy Israeli airports too, after all we know Israel brings weapons in using it's airports, weapons and tanks and planes and guns from the United States and Europe.

Israel understands only force, it even now seeks war with Hezbollah, actually planning on that war. It is bringing war to the population, all of the Jews it claims to "protect" the "safe haven for Jews" that was promised in the 1930s doesn't exist, it's dangerous for everybody.

Hezbollah even said - today - that they will unconditionally stop all military actions on the border if Israel declares a ceasefire in Gaza, but notice how that is treated with contempt by Nazinyahu and the other Third Reich copy cats.

Zionism has created nothing but danger and hatred and suffering, even Jews are beaten and abused there, how ironic, how sad:

Notice how you need to sign in? this wasn't necessary a few months ago, then lots of people starting seeing and so it had to be hidden, Zionists don't want people to see how antisemitic Israel is today.

Here's a few screenshots anyway in case you can't watch the video for some reason

View attachment 970567

View attachment 970568
View attachment 970573

View attachment 970575

If this was taking place in Munich in 1935, I wonder what people would call it...

Face it Israel is a dump, a cesspit of racism and brutality and misery for Palestinians and many Jews, no safe haven after all - they were lied to.

" Zionists don't want people to see how antisemitic Israel is today."

Thanks for the laugh :)
The destruction of the airport was illegal, a crime, condemned by the United Nations and the ICAO.

If its OK to destroy Gaza's airport then it's OK to destroy Israeli airports too, after all we know Israel brings weapons in using it's airports, weapons and tanks and planes and guns from the United States and Europe.

Israel understands only force, it even now seeks war with Hezbollah, actually planning on that war. It is bringing war to the population, all of the Jews it claims to "protect" the "safe haven for Jews" that was promised in the 1930s doesn't exist, it's dangerous for everybody.

Hezbollah even said - today - that they will unconditionally stop all military actions on the border if Israel declares a ceasefire in Gaza, but notice how that is treated with contempt by Nazinyahu and the other Third Reich copy cats.

Zionism has created nothing but danger and hatred and suffering, even Jews are beaten and abused there, how ironic, how sad:

Notice how you need to sign in? this wasn't necessary a few months ago, then lots of people starting seeing and so it had to be hidden, Zionists don't want people to see how antisemitic Israel is today.

Here's a few screenshots anyway in case you can't watch the video for some reason

View attachment 970567

View attachment 970568
View attachment 970573

View attachment 970575

If this was taking place in Munich in 1935, I wonder what people would call it...

Face it Israel is a dump, a cesspit of racism and brutality and misery for Palestinians and many Jews, no safe haven after all - they were lied to.

The signing in on YouTube is to verify one's age, that someone is over 18. That is all.

Yes, there are some very religious Jews who are anti Israel. They have their reasons. You do not know what they are. And you do not care. And it does not matter. The majority of Jews are pro Israel. And the majority of the population in Israel, including non Jews, are pro Israel.

And the video has some context which of course is missing in the video uploaded to an Islamic account. Wonder why they uploaded that video and without context. What could be the reason?

What else do you have?
The destruction of the airport was illegal, a crime, condemned by the United Nations and the ICAO.

If its OK to destroy Gaza's airport then it's OK to destroy Israeli airports too, after all we know Israel brings weapons in using it's airports, weapons and tanks and planes and guns from the United States and Europe.

Israel understands only force, it even now seeks war with Hezbollah, actually planning on that war. It is bringing war to the population, all of the Jews it claims to "protect" the "safe haven for Jews" that was promised in the 1930s doesn't exist, it's dangerous for everybody.

Hezbollah even said - today - that they will unconditionally stop all military actions on the border if Israel declares a ceasefire in Gaza, but notice how that is treated with contempt by Nazinyahu and the other Third Reich copy cats.

Zionism has created nothing but danger and hatred and suffering, even Jews are beaten and abused there, how ironic, how sad:

Notice how you need to sign in? this wasn't necessary a few months ago, then lots of people starting seeing and so it had to be hidden, Zionists don't want people to see how antisemitic Israel is today.

Here's a few screenshots anyway in case you can't watch the video for some reason

View attachment 970567

View attachment 970568
View attachment 970573

View attachment 970575

If this was taking place in Munich in 1935, I wonder what people would call it...

Face it Israel is a dump, a cesspit of racism and brutality and misery for Palestinians and many Jews, no safe haven after all - they were lied to.

All that verbosity all over the place...But you didn't answer if you want
to see more people falling from high scrapers and international
flights taken hostage? Can't figure that one?

All that verbosity all over the place...But you didn't answer if you want
to see more people falling from high scrapers and international
flights taken hostage? Can't figure that one?
Well that's a fair question, what can we do to reduce the probability of terrorist attacks to those states that support Israel?

The WTC was attacked because the United States has been facilitating Israel's campaign against Palestinians for decades. So the best way to avoid being attacked is to stop supporting Israel, stop vetoing important resolutions, impose sanctions on Israel like we did to South Africa, threaten it with targeted air strikes if it refuses to comply.

The airport in Gaza played no role in the WTC attack, so why you think its relevant needs to be explained.

I'm pretty sure that even now there are people planning attacks perhaps here perhaps in the US and the sad reality is that these will lead to deaths in say France, the UK, Germany or the US all because of support for a neo-fascist regime in the God forsaken backwater of Palestine.

Israel is generating a huge amount of anger and hatred and it is going to be vented sooner or later, we need to step away, have nothing more to do with the apartheid monstrosity, let the Israeli people deal with their government and sort out the mess.

Everything the US, UK, Germany, France etc are doing with Israel directly increases the risks and danger to its own citizens, I've been fearing a terrorist attack recently, it is the natural thing to expect given our support for genocide, torture, ethnic cleansing, settlement building and so on.

Israel isn't worth all this, it's costs are starting to exceed any benefits, sooner or later it will be abandoned and the Zionists are not seeing this, they will then face a dark reality as their enemies rise up and there are no more handouts and weapons from the West.

It's time for regime change and if the Israeli people don't take care of that, someone else will do it for them, its just a matter of time.

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