No one talks about siege of Gaza by.. Egypt. For years Because...
Because Jews have controlled Gaza's borders for decades:

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

"A blockade has been imposed on the movement of goods and people in and out of the Gaza Strip since Hamas's takeover in 2007, led by Israel and supported by Egypt.

"The blockade's current stated aim is to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Gaza; previously stated motivations have included exerting economic pressure on Hamas.[1]

"Human rights groups have called the blockade illegal and a form of collective punishment, as it restricts the flow of essential goods, contributes to economic hardship, and limits Gazans' freedom of movement.[2][3]

"The blockade and its effects have led to the territory being called an 'open-air prison'"
Because Jews have controlled Gaza's borders for decades:

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

"A blockade has been imposed on the movement of goods and people in and out of the Gaza Strip since Hamas's takeover in 2007, led by Israel and supported by Egypt.

"The blockade's current stated aim is to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Gaza; previously stated motivations have included exerting economic pressure on Hamas.[1]

"Human rights groups have called the blockade illegal and a form of collective punishment, as it restricts the flow of essential goods, contributes to economic hardship, and limits Gazans' freedom of movement.[2][3]

"The blockade and its effects have led to the territory being called an 'open-air prison'"
So true----almost as disgusting as BDS
Because Jews ..
Just for no reason is the blockade right? Gaza Islamic regime didn't attack innocent Israelis before that?

And the two thirds of Arab Gazans supporting Oct 7 genocidal attempts are all innocent. Right?

I can also look up wiki. No need in pasting it. So are you saying that Egypt does not impose a blockade on Gazans?

So, "open air prison" drama language can be applied to the Arab side?

And how many thousands of Gazans have been entering Israel to work , but not into Egypt???
This is from YOUR own Wiki page:


So you admit that you have an anti Jewish agenda- especially as of your choice of words.

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Add the al ahli hospital blood libel as well as tent fire and famine fake news too.

Videos analyzed by The Post reveal that rockets were launched from Gaza in the direction of the hospital 44 seconds before an explosion there

United Nations commitee says not enough evidence to declare famine in Gaza

It's not about zionists it's about da joos.
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Just for no reason is the blockade right? Gaza Islamic regime didn't attack innocent Israelis before that?
What do you find "innocent" about the Zionist project of transforming Palestine into a Jewish majority state?

Zionism as settler colonialism - Wikipedia

"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Population shift from 1947–1951 in Israel–Palestine, plotted with the % of land controlled by what Neve Gordon calls the 'Jewish establishment'
Zionism has been described as a form of settler colonialism in relation to the region of Palestine and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

"Many of the fathers of Zionism themselves described it as colonialism, such as Vladimir Jabotinsky, who said 'Zionism is a colonization adventure.'"

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