Not going to debate the DNA which links most Jews of any background. And converts are as Jews. No matter skin colour.


How would you FranklinRoosevelt_FTW like it if you were lumped with (Goebbles stuff pusher) Luiza as a sock puppet which you back and complaint to mods. for?

That Luiza, account repeats your weird code language about hasba. too.

Golden Rule/Talmud : "don't do unto others?"
Adolf Hitler was white and a catholic in good standing with the
Roman catholic church and the pope.

Not going to debate the DNA which links most Jews of any background. And converts are as Jews. No matter skin colour.


How would you FranklinRoosevelt_FTW like it if you were lumped with (Goebbles stuff pusher) Luiza as a sock puppet which you back and complaint to mods. for?

That Luiza, account repeats your weird code language about hasba. too.

Golden Rule/Talmud : "don't do unto others?"



SemĀ·ite Ėˆse-ĖŒmÄ«t
especially British Ėˆsē-ĖŒmÄ«t

: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs
: a descendant of these peoples

: a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language

Not about dna

people who use the term anti-Semitic are Almost always incorrect. They should be using the term anti-Jewish. Thatā€™s what they actually mean. But I canā€™t fault them the mass media regurgitates that term ā€œanti-Semiticā€ incorrectly on a frequent basis.

Luiza makes many valid points whether it is about the conflict in Ukraine or the one in Palestine. We might not agree on everything but I like said poster.

Ok I find it to be horrifying that there are politicians in the USA, who are attempting to destroy free speech and give somebody a jail sentence or some kind of a penalty if they claim that the Israeli government is similar to Nazism. Now that might be offensive to people and I donā€™t agree with that type of comparison btw , but this is the USA. This is a free speech country.

Its unacceptable to accuse somebody of racism or bigotry by them using ā€œcode languageā€. No way thatā€™s not how things work. Thereā€™s dictionary definitions for these things like if somebodyā€™s anti-Jewish they believe that Jews are inferior to non-Jews. Also if somebody is anti-white, they would have to believe that whites are inferior to non-whites. Otoh disagreeing with a foreign government or organization never equals racism.

By the way. I am a Catholic if somebody said something very insulting about the Catholic Church I would not whine about it or call for them to be banned. I would bring up something great and glorious about Catholic history. Like something from the first Crusade when the Knights Hospitalers would build hospitals and would give refuge to Jews and Muslims alike.
Adolf Hitler was white and a catholic in good standing with the
Roman catholic church and the pope.
He was not a Catholic, he was a radical left wing bohemian. He did have admiration for Martin Luther, who was a Catholic priest, but started the Protestant movement.



SemĀ·ite Ėˆse-ĖŒmÄ«t
especially British Ėˆsē-ĖŒmÄ«t

: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs
: a descendant of these peoples

: a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language

Not about dna

people who use the term anti-Semitic are Almost always incorrect. They should be using the term anti-Jewish. Thatā€™s what they actually mean. But I canā€™t fault them the mass media regurgitates that term ā€œanti-Semiticā€ incorrectly on a frequent basis.

Luiza makes many valid points whether it is about the conflict in Ukraine or the one in Palestine. We might not agree on everything but I like said poster.

Ok I find it to be horrifying that there are politicians in the USA, who are attempting to destroy free speech and give somebody a jail sentence or some kind of a penalty if they claim that the Israeli government is similar to Nazism. Now that might be offensive to people and I donā€™t agree with that type of comparison btw , but this is the USA. This is a free speech country.

Its unacceptable to accuse somebody of racism or bigotry by them using ā€œcode languageā€. No way thatā€™s not how things work. Thereā€™s dictionary definitions for these things like if somebodyā€™s anti-Jewish they believe that Jews are inferior to non-Jews. Also if somebody is anti-white, they would have to believe that whites are inferior to non-whites. Otoh disagreeing with a foreign government or organization never equals racism.

By the way. I am a Catholic if somebody said something very insulting about the Catholic Church I would not whine about it or call for them to be banned. I would bring up something great and glorious about Catholic history. Like something from the first Crusade when the Knights Hospitalers would build hospitals and would give refuge to Jews and Muslims alike.
there is nothing "glorious" about the history of the Catholic
Church. The Catholic Church is responsible for the genocide
of TENS OF MILLIONS (well---probably hundreds of millions).
Canon law (Justinian law) inspired both the filth of SHARIAH
and the Inquisition and the Nuremburg code of the CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING---Adolf Hitler and his best pals Josef Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler. I have relatives who still speak Spanish---but have not seen Spain for more than 500 years----
thanks to the filthy disgusting whore---"saint" Queen Isabella
He was not a Catholic, he was a radical left wing bohemian. He did have admiration for Martin Luther, who was a Catholic priest, but started the Protestant movement.
Adolf was a baptized Catholic. He was never excommunicated---thus a catholic "IN GOOD STANDING" He attended the catholic church wedding of his good friends---Josef and Magda Goebbels ---also catholic in good standing. Magda looked like an ANGEL in her white lace veil. They lived happily thru the bombing of Berlin in their deep Bunkers whilst the children of Berlin starved and died of allied bombs (shades of Gaza).
Martin Luther was a minor player in the Nazi movement----it was mostly catholic
Adolf was a baptized Catholic. He was never excommunicated---thus a catholic "IN GOOD STANDING" He attended the catholic church wedding of his good friends---Josef and Magda Goebbels ---also catholic in good standing. Magda looked like an ANGEL in her white lace veil. They lived happily thru the bombing of Berlin in their deep Bunkers whilst the children of Berlin starved and died of allied bombs (shades of Gaza).
Martin Luther was a minor player in the Nazi movement----it was mostly catholic
Attending a friends wedding doesnā€™t make you a follower of their religion
Attending a friends wedding doesnā€™t make you a follower of their religion

Apparently, you didn't read what he wrote.

Hitler was baptized Catholic and never removed from the church
Hitler attended services (not a wedding) with friends.

Hitler might not have considered himself a Catholic, but his church was not ashamed to call him one of their own.
And Lebanese are to be suffering too after Hezbollah rampage for 8 months... (for no reason other than Jihad).

No .
They hate supporters of the insane Nazisraelis and regard you as vermin .
Which is reasonable because that is the way you have behaved .

Good to see the Hezzers taking control of the north and to support the outstanding work of the Hooty Tooty Boys to cause Nazisrael economic pain and grief .

The insane Hitler Impersonator in deep trouble .

Attending a friends wedding doesnā€™t make you a follower of their religion
Magda remained a catholic in good standing whilst in the Berlin Bunker with her best friend, Adolf and her five toddlers---
as the kids of Berlin were bombed out of existence. She remained Adolf's designated HOSTESS of the nazi party---until she shoved cyanide down the throats of her five babies and her own throat----because---well---DER FUHRER took a bullet to his head----or so they say
No .
They hate supporters of the insane Nazisraelis and regard you as vermin .
Which is reasonable because that is the way you have behaved .

Good to see the Hezzers taking control of the north and to support the outstanding work of the Hooty Tooty Boys to cause Nazisrael economic pain and grief .

The insane Hitler Impersonator in deep trouble .

luiza never met a Marronite from Lebanon
Apparently, you didn't read what he wrote.

Hitler was baptized Catholic and never removed from the church
Hitler attended services (not a wedding) with friends.

Hitler might not have considered himself a Catholic, but his church was not ashamed to call him one of their own.
But today, the most adoration for Hitler is at palestine Arabs cult-ure.
FranklinRoosevelt_FTW said:
Luiza makes..valid points...
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

Against all Jews.

And more...

And more...

Responding to thread by Islamist quoting a fake piece by infamous CJ Werleman.
30 Jan 2024


Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

In whitewashing HER-Hitler and Nazis' worshipping, Luiza claimed to "deny" Kristallnacht .(Feb 5, 2024).

More from the horrific Luiza on WW2, IT wrote:
The disabled , Roma and Jews were probably top of the list which was fiendishly brilliant.... .(Mar 6, 2023).

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Who the hell is "Petronella Wyatt"? You have to realize that the anti-American (foreign) left are no fools. They are sophisticated in the ways of manipulating the ignorant and the semi-ignorant but they might rely on old commie tactics that were archaic fifty years ago. The intent is to deflect the argument about America's support for America's only ally in the Mid East and Israel's right to defend it's own country, into a race based rant.
Who the hell is "Petronella Wyatt"? You have to realize that the anti-American (foreign) left are no fools. They are sophisticated in the ways of manipulating the ignorant and the semi-ignorant but they might rely on old commie tactics that were archaic fifty years ago. The intent is to deflect the argument about America's support for America's only ally in the Mid East and Israel's right to defend it's own country, into a race based rant.
Old commie tactics is especially seen at TheSquad..
It could all end today, if Hamas would simply lay down their arms and surrender. Obviously, they could care less about their own women and children.
Forum outcast infamous RACIST motivated posting:
'Luiza' - Nazism:


  • Pro Jihad child killing.
  • Admitting Jews today are the same ethnicity as Jesus . But often tries to lie about it.
  • Advocates for genocide.
  • Pro Jihad entities use of its children.
  • Promoting Hitler garbage.
  • Spamming the forums with despicable wording.

Gas chambers or Ovens - Nazi Luiza asks?

Exterminating J.

Against all Jews.

And more...

And more...

Responding to thread by Islamist quoting a fake piece by infamous CJ Werleman.
30 Jan 2024

View attachment 962915

Today's Jews are as Jesus ethnicity she admits. But racist Luiza still hates via ancient lies canards stereotypes.

In whitewashing HER-Hitler and Nazis' worshipping, Luiza claimed to "deny" Kristallnacht .(Feb 5, 2024).

More from the horrific Luiza on WW2, IT wrote:
The disabled , Roma and Jews were probably top of the list which was fiendishly brilliant.... .(Mar 6, 2023).

Ok youā€™re going into extreme overdrive about one poster. I already said I donā€™t agree with everything that Luiza says but agree with many points by this poster. By the way of course you do know youā€™re engaging in an outright hypocrisy. Some of the people that you agree with here have said the most anti-Muslim things one could imagine. It doesnā€™t make you anti-Muslim. I canā€™t remember if you have made critical remarks of Muslims.

Did you just say ā€œPalestiniansā€ as if they donā€™t exist. Thatā€™s no different than saying ā€œ israelisā€ Donā€™t exist. I canā€™t recall if itā€™s you, Sayaras or FDR_Reagan which might all be the same person, but even if itā€™s not you all like each otherā€˜s posts and have made plenty of outright anti-Muslim postsā€¦. so what leg do you possibly have to stand on when you try and convince other people that thereā€™s anti-Jewish behavior going on

Notice how you did not respond to me talking about your points about Semitic people. Or about the core issues at hand.

Whether or not you are either paid by the Israeli government to post or your simply a pro Israel person with multiple accounts or neither of thoseā€¦ you clearly concentrate almost all of your time talking about Israel, Palestine, or Islam. And now you have spent a lot of time talking about one poster Luizaā€¦. Where do you get all of this time.
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But today, the most adoration for Hitler is at palestine Arabs cult-ure.
arabs were adoring him even back then. The islamo-nazi propaganda that I read in the 1950s (as a child) dated all the way back to 1935---its major
theme was "zionism = evil" and "joooos got all the money" and acts against jews in Germany were already being OUTRIGHT denied. The origins of the pamphlets included a place called Syria----all the people called Syrians I knew back then were christians so NATURALLY I assumed there were nazis in
Syria ----I was not the most sophisticated nine year old---I had heard of
Hitler------bad man. Syrians in the USA did say that there were bad people
back there-----must have been nazis in my baby imagination.
FranklinRoosevelt_FTW said:
Ok youā€™re going into ..
1. Have you ever thought that it was your obsession against Israel and even against Jews in Nov/2023 that might have called people to join this forum?

2. Regarding Semites or not - not related.
As per this thread. Rashida Tlaib claims to be a person of color...

3. Re "palestinians": Arabs are Arabs. Though most are grandchildren of Arab immigrants in that land overthere. But they are not a distinct SEPARATE nation...

4. I don't post about the religion of Islam as such. But by in large about the culture by Islamists (political islam) .
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