Read The Supreme Court Ruling On Presidential Immunity

It's nonsensical. In what court? Who would have standing? You people have lived with all kinds of crazed accusations before and for so long you people believe that shit has legs.

Nonsensical? A case like that would never make it into the courts, for a myriad of reasons. Try and keep up. Your whack-a-doodle-doo conspiracy theories, and the crazed narratives you expound daily here @ usmb are nonsensical hypotheticals based on irrelevant and crazed views of reality..
Like I said, you are too emotional to have a cogent discussion in Politics. I stated clearly that Biden WOULD BE IMMUNE from prosecution. And after all the nonsensical cases that the Democrats have thrown at Trump, you cannot assume any case would be thrown out of court. The precedent has been set by the Stalinist Democrats.
if the president is immune, what kind of "high crimes and misdemeanors" were the founders babbling about?

Now you posted these words which NO immunity can erase because they are illegal acts that applies to everyone President on down to the homeless in a camp under a bridge:

Treason and "high crimes and misdemeanors"

Here are some fall out from ruling:

  • The court ruled that Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for any conduct “involving his discussions with Justice Department officials” — a significant segment of his federal indictment. For instance, this would seem to take off the table Trump’s interactions with Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, a key figure who has been indicted in Georgia alongside Trump, as well as other top Justice Department officials telling Trump his voter-fraud theories were wrong.
  • It ruled that he is presumed immune from prosecution for pressuring then-Vice President Mike Pence to overturn the election on Jan. 6, 2021, because Trump’s acts “involve official conduct.” It said the burden is on the government to prove that prosecuting Trump for this wouldn’t “pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch.”
  • It left open the possibility that Trump can be prosecuted for other actions, particularly those with regard to people outside the executive branch and in the states. It ruled that “this alleged conduct cannot be neatly categorized as falling within a particular Presidential function.”

All of which means some of Trump’s conduct can still be prosecuted, but some cannot. And figuring out what can and cannot be is still to be determined.

The other crucial point is this: The court ruled not only that Trump can’t be prosecuted for certain conduct, but also that conduct for which he is immune can’t even be used as evidence against him. So, his interactions with Justice Department officials, for instance, can’t be used to establish a criminal conspiracy to overturn the election.



It appears that two of the Lawsuit will collapse, the Georgia and Pence pressure lawsuits.

Pence KNEW he never had the authority to stop electoral ballot counting anyway which is why he did his duty correctly.
So, now the judge will rule that a specific act was a[sic] official act. Trump will appeal. The next higher court will hear it, if they agree with the judge it will work its way to the SCOTUS. This could take up to a year since they will not need to hurry as Trump will either be the POTUS or will have lost the election.
Chief Justice Roberts wrote that it was not the Supreme Court’s job to sift through the evidence and to separate protected conduct from the rest. “That analysis,” he wrote, “ultimately is best left to the lower courts to perform in the first instance.”

But he issued guideposts for Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, of the Federal District Court in Washington, who is overseeing the case.

Mr. Trump, the chief justice wrote, is “absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department officials.”

He added that Judge Chutkan should determine whether prosecutors can overcome Mr. Trump’s presumed immunity for his communications with Vice President Mike Pence

What are you talking about? Are you in another thread?

What are you talking about? Judge Chutkan? You mean rule that an act was unofficial?

CJ Roberts "offered guidance" to Judge Chutkan "Judge Chutkan should determine whether prosecutors can overcome Mr. Trump’s presumed immunity for his communications with Vice President Mike Pence."
What are you talking about? Are you in another thread?

What are you talking about? Judge Chutkan? You mean rule that an act was unofficial?

CJ Roberts "offered guidance" to Judge Chutkan "Judge Chutkan should determine whether prosecutors can overcome Mr. Trump’s presumed immunity for his communications with Vice President Mike Pence."

Yes, Judge Chutkan will rule that something was not an official act.

Trump will then appeal that ruling.

That appeal will go up to the next level, at which time if they agree with Judge Chutkan, it will again be appealed.

Eventually it will works its way to the SCOTUS, and they alone will get to make the call.

This will take a good year at least.

And then what happens if after that one is ruled on, Judge Chutkan decides a different action was not an official act...then the process starts all over again
Poor old Procustard and Horsey Horse .
Always tacky to see old men break down publicly and behave like spoiled kids .
However silly they are
Biden, my colleagues at USMB, is a fox. Now whether he is a good fox or a bad fox depends.

This fox has something planned at 7:45PM tonight he wants to tell us on TV.

Do you think it has anything good for Mr. Trump. Wonder where the national LEO and military stand on the SCOTUS ruling today,

I would not miss Biden for the world tonight.
Yes, Judge Chutkan will rule that something was not an official act.

Trump will then appeal that ruling.

That appeal will go up to the next level, at which time if they agree with Judge Chutkan, it will again be appealed.

Eventually it will works its way to the SCOTUS, and they alone will get to make the call.

This will take a good year at least.

And then what happens if after that one is ruled on, Judge Chutkan decides a different action was not an official act...then the process starts all over again

Not sure the point you're trying to make.

Justice will move slowly -- take time? Hello?
lower case "I"

You insult the Lady LOL
note : the esteemed justice
Yes, Judge Chutkan will rule that something was not an official act.

Trump will then appeal that ruling.

That appeal will go up to the next level, at which time if they agree with Judge Chutkan, it will again be appealed.

Eventually it will works its way to the SCOTUS, and they alone will get to make the call.

This will take a good year at least.

And then what happens if after that one is ruled on, Judge Chutkan decides a different action was not an official act...then the process starts all over again
no process will start again if trump wins, except my flight to costa rtica.

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