Least we forget, March 1933: The Enabling Act becomes law in Germany

Seems obvious that you're correct. The world is rejecting Joe Biden, Macron and others that would bring us to the same you refer to.
The strangest thing about the latest SCOTUS decision is that the junior SCOTUS Ketanji Jackson a Biden Democrat appointee voted in agreement with majority on the issue you and the Democrat Neo-Marxists are griping about.
Is she a turncoat?

BTW, you did use your spell check. the proper word is "Lest" not "Least".

The rise of nationalism in Europe is not a good sign.
In March of 1933, the Enabling act was passed in soon to be NAZI Germany, Give the Chief Executive the power to enforce his own laws without checks and balances.

6 Months later Germany was a one party nation.

And you know what happened after that.

The so-called supreme court has just started us down the same path.

Is the world ready for the next Reich?

In April 1933 from Madison Square Garden Samuel Untermyer declared war on all things German.

In 1939 the American Bund met at Madison Square Garden in support of Hitler. Trump's father was in attendance.

A study schedule for you De Crepit US ,.
Dear Uncle Adolf was a 33 rd level Freemason
Its implications and links to the US and UK .

Now there's something that sounds preposterous but actually is widely supported --- obviously on the Tabboo list for discussion .

Prove it.
Yeah, this is one of the first things that hit me yesterday.

History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme.

And half the country is willingly walking right into it. Yesterday's decision removes all doubts.

In March of 1933, the Enabling act was passed in soon to be NAZI Germany, Give the Chief Executive the power to enforce his own laws without checks and balances.

6 Months later Germany was a one party nation.

And you know what happened after that.

The so-called supreme court has just started us down the same path.

Is the world ready for the next Reich?

We don’t have to worry about it, the world, the nation, is regretting the demafasict party. You will lose in November.
We don’t have to worry about it, the world, the nation, is regretting the demafasict party. You will lose in November.

Remember the American Bund?

Remember the American Bund?

No, I don’t recall them, wasn’t around then.

Sounds slot like the dembots taking over college campuses for their support of Hamas
No, I don’t recall them, wasn’t around then.

Sounds slot like the dembots taking over college campuses for their support of ScoopTop Scoops

The America of Trump’s Father
Tuesday, 8 October 2019, 9:32 am
Article: Wayne Madsen
The America of Trump’s Father: an Aspirational Fascism Reigned in New York

October 2, 2019

One might have been confused about America’s actual loyalties during the brewing years of World War II if they happened to live in the greater New York City region. New York and its suburbs in Long Island and New Jersey had a vibrant community of first- and second-generation German Americans, the latter having included Fred Trump, Sr., a rising star in real estate and retailing.

Also active in the New York-New Jersey region was the German American Bund or “Amerikadeutscher Bund,” an organization that supported Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party and the goals and aspirations of the “New Germany.” The Bund had been created in May 1933 on the orders of German Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess. The first Bund leader was German immigrant Heinrich “Heinz” Spanknöbel, who initially called his group the “Friends of New Germany.” In fact, the “Bund” was nothing more than an overseas extension of the German Nazi Party and it took its orders directly from Berlin.

The Bund only accepted as members Americans of German descent. In 1936, the Friends of New Germany morphed into the German American Bund in Buffalo, New York. The group’s leader or Bundesführer was Fritz Julius Kuhn, a German immigrant and Nazi Party member, who received US citizenship in 1934. The general belief is that Kuhn was one of many Nazi members dispatched abroad in the 1930s by the nascent German Nazi Party to act as Nazi “eyes and ears” in the United States, Canada, and other countries. These recent immigrants, who would become Bund leaders across America, were later involved in espionage for the German Gestapo and military intelligence Abwehr before and during World War II
America of Trump’s Father
Tuesday, 8 October 2019, 9:32 am
Article: Wayne Madsen
The America of Trump’s Father: an Aspirational Fascism Reigned in New York

October 2, 2019

One might have been confused about America’s actual loyalties during the brewing years of World War II if they happened to live in the greater New York City region. New York and its suburbs in Long Island and New Jersey had a vibrant community of first- and second-generation German Americans, the latter having included Fred Trump, Sr., a rising star in real estate and retailing.

Also active in the New York-New Jersey region was the German American Bund or “Amerikadeutscher Bund,” an organization that supported Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party and the goals and aspirations of the “New Germany.” The Bund had been created in May 1933 on the orders of German Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess. The first Bund leader was German immigrant Heinrich “Heinz” Spanknöbel, who initially called his group the “Friends of New Germany.” In fact, the “Bund” was nothing more than an overseas extension of the German Nazi Party and it took its orders directly from Berlin.

The Bund only accepted as members Americans of German descent. In 1936, the Friends of New Germany morphed into the German American Bund in Buffalo, New York. The group’s leader or Bundesführer was Fritz Julius Kuhn, a German immigrant and Nazi Party member, who received US citizenship in 1934. The general belief is that Kuhn was one of many Nazi members dispatched abroad in the 1930s by the nascent German Nazi Party to act as Nazi “eyes and ears” in the United States, Canada, and other countries. These recent immigrants, who would become Bund leaders across America, were later involved in espionage for the German Gestapo and military intelligence Abwehr before and during World War II
Remember the American Bund?

There were WW 1 soldiers protesting in D.C. for their benefits with FDR as president and they were cheated as shit.
Haha the America of Trumps father? Hahah wow you guys are desperate.

It’s 2024 and xiden’s base is taking of colleges, attacking Jews, and pro Hamas
last time it happened it lead to WWII and the death of around 6 million Jews at the hands of the nationalist.
Wasn’t nationalist as much as it was fascism.

Washington and Jefferson were nationalist for example, their ideas help bring about freedom to many nations. It’s leftist fascist and bigots that lead to death and poverty

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