Zone1 False religion is not from God.. who knew?

Or...perhaps it is taking something that was taken off tangent and realigning it with what the authors' intended. Lifting verses from Matthew Chapter 16 and repositioning those verses to what is being presented eight chapters later makes your intent known, but at the loss of the intent of the original author's.
Now you are a mind reader. The event was in all 4 of the gospels. No need to read anything into the words. It’s just you and others don’t want to believe John could be given immortality. Shows you really don’t believe any member of the Godhead (Trinity) can do miracles.
I see nothing about a trinity in that passage. It doesn't say the spirit is God.
Isaiah 44:6- This is what Jehovah says, The King of Israel, and his repurchaser, Jehovah of armies( hosts) I( not we) am the first and the last. There is no God but me( not we)
That’s not the question. The spirit of God or Holy Ghost is mentioned in the Bible. Admit it. Also, do you know what a preposition is?
Now you are a mind reader. The event was in all 4 of the gospels. No need to read anything into the words. It’s just you and others don’t want to believe John could be given immortality. Shows you really don’t believe any member of the Godhead (Trinity) can do miracles.
It merely shows two different perspectives. One is from the original authors and early first century Christians. The other comes from the perspective of nineteen hundred years later from latter day saints. Your perspective doesn't bother or concern me, but I am sorry my perspective triggers insults from you.
That’s not the question. The spirit of God or Holy Ghost is mentioned in the Bible. Admit it. Also, do you know what a preposition is?
Every one knows the holy spirit is mentioned= Gods active force= No name like the Father and son have, Never seen on a throne like the Father and son are. Never mentioned as a king as the Father and son are, No glory or honor shared with the holy spirit, only to the son from the Father. Catholicisms own encyclopedia says-In the majority of writings about the holy spirit in the bible its not as a living being.

False religion is not from God.

But only God could truly know that .

Good job that the Gullible Sheeple are realising the stupidity of the core idea that we are separate from Universal Energy .
It merely shows two different perspectives. One is from the original authors and early first century Christians. The other comes from the perspective of nineteen hundred years later from latter day saints. Your perspective doesn't bother or concern me, but I am sorry my perspective triggers insults from you.
It isn’t me denying miracles such as immortality until his 2nd coming. You are doing that. Just like Hadit. You come to the glory of Fod but deny the power thereof. I don’t. The words are clear. Some won’t die anciently until the 2nd Coming. But, I’m catching a drift that you don’t believe Christ will come again. I’m I correct?

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