
Being proud to be a human being is one thing.
Being proud of your kids or parents is one thing.
Being pround you made it thru school without being shot, raped, or stabbed is one thing.
Being proud you aren't living off of other peoples tax dollars and making your own living is one thing.


Promoting grotesque sexual deviancy, teaching kids adult sex positions, and thinking you are something you are not and spitting it in peoples faces................THAT is something COMPLETELY unjustified, uncouth, and UNAmerican.
Thankfully, today is the last day of celebrating and encouraging mental illness. It's insane how much collective time and energy has been wasted in the West over the past several years on this completely manufactured "issue." A sane society would just say "no" and keep moving. There is no need to validate people's delusions and feelings.

In the past, people with mental imbalances who represented a danger to society were institutionalized. Today they are given a microphone and a camera.

I personally think it is engineered by the neo-Marxist agenda to desensitize us to what used to offend pretty much ALL Americans as depraved, indecent, vulgar, unacceptable, even ILLEGAL in public, most especially where children were present. That was true even for gay and lesbian people.

They are gradually taking away words--'gay' 'pride' 'queer' etc. so that they only refer to the LGBTXQ+++ people.

I most resent their incorporation of the rainbow which has been a religious symbol for multi-thousands of years and also used as a delightful symbol of hope, joy, fantasy, a bridge to heaven especially for beloved pets. To have it symbolize the kinds of depravity we see in gay pride parades and vulgar transgender shows for kids, etc. is cruel and insensitive. But again I think that was engineered to chip away at our culture until it is destroyed completely.

And I say this as one who has no problem in any way with people who just happen to be born homosexual and who are just among all the other folks who conduct themselves appropriately in mainstream society.
I personally think it is engineered by the neo-Marxist agenda to desensitize us to what used to offend pretty much ALL Americans as depraved, indecent, vulgar, unacceptable, even ILLEGAL in public, most especially where children were present. That was true even for gay and lesbian people.

Kudos. Hardly anybody ever gets it relevant and right.

Relevant reading...

Seven Principles of Liberty


First, we must understand that liberty is based upon fundamental principles and not philosophies or policies. Principles, which are based on truth, are constant and timeless; philosophies and policies are variable and changing and are based upon theories, circumstances and opinion. Second, we must recognize that liberty is not free. It must be both earned and guarded. Lastly, we must realize that liberty requires public morality or virtue. The greatest, and probably most generally unrecognized, threat to our liberty today results from the gradual erosion of virtue. This decay has resulted from negligence and apathy on the part of many and from calculated attacks on the part of a few. The invasive roots of its opposing influences have crept deeper into the soil of our communities while we have slept, and in some cases, while we have been thwarted in our efforts to eradicate their causes. James Madison stated: "I believe that there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." When the policies and practices of the nation favor rights in exclusion of responsibility, and sanction vice at the expense of virtue, calamity is imminent. The impending consequences of the ruin of public virtue, which already cast a dark shadow across our nation, now loom on the horizon as a force destructive to our society, our government and our very peace and happiness.

I believe that except we become vigilant in understanding and upholding liberty's principles, we shall lose all which is attached to it: our national unity, our security, our peace and our prosperity. No person who loves liberty, can, in the face of the danger of its loss, stand idly by when life itself and the pursuit of happiness, hang so precipitously in the balance. A modern statesman, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., said: "We stand in danger of losing our liberties, and . . . once lost, only blood will bring them back . . ." In order to preserve liberty we must not only pledge allegiance, but prove loyal in deed to the standards upon which it is founded. Our Founding Fathers mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the cause of liberty. May we commit anything less and stand worthy of its benefaction?

Liberty itself represents both the freedom and responsibility to choose "good" over "evil" and virtue over vice. If virtue is defined as the refinement of character and vice as the corruption of character, law is the governing standard of individual conduct required to uphold virtue and suppress vice in society. William Blackstone stated: "No matter how abandoned may be a man's principles, or how vicious his practice, provided he keeps his wickedness to himself, and does not violate public decency, he is out of reach of human laws. But if he makes his vices public, then they become by his bad example, of pernicious effect to society, and it is the business of human laws to correct them." Just laws, civil and criminal, are based on precepts of virtuous conduct, such as respect for other persons and their property, freedom of religion, assembly and speech, and time-honored prohibitions such as "thou shalt not steal," "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Other laws seek to regulate and suppress vice, such as gambling, prostitution and drug abuse. Additionally, certain laws are designed to uphold equal opportunity and fairness in society, in areas such as education, housing, labor and trade. Unfortunately, however, not all laws and regulations are just and virtuous. It is incumbent upon each citizen and leader to seek to enact and uphold good and virtuous laws and to avoid and discard those which are bad or of deleterious effect.

With respect to law and liberty, we must remember that to every right there is a responsibility and to every privilege a duty. The Constitution and Bill of Rights provide emphasis to individual rights and privileges; however, related individual responsibilities and duties are not equally emphasized. Loyalty to country and respect for law are part of each citizen's duty. The fulfillment of individual and public duty maintains order and serves to uphold liberty. Duty is defined as a moral obligation. If we fail to keep private and public moral obligations, what then shall become of duty, or of liberty? Yet, duty and honor cannot be compelled by edict or by force -- allegiance to law and to country must be written in the heart. That is the true spirit of patriotism.
Oh NO...NAKED MEN!!!! One part the parade. Who the fuck cares...oh so-called "Christians" who want to force girls as young as 10-years old to carry to term a baby that is the result of rape and/or incest. Once a fucking this parade happens. Forcing little girls to give birth, possibily dying is fine...but OH NO NAKED MEN!!!
Yes .. yes .. because this happens for what percentage of abortions? Meanwhile, Democrats prefer to call pedophiles, who rape "10-year-old girls" a "minor-attracted person" and minimize their consequences.
Kudos. Hardly anybody ever gets it relevant and right.

Relevant reading...

Seven Principles of Liberty


First, we must understand that liberty is based upon fundamental principles and not philosophies or policies. Principles, which are based on truth, are constant and timeless; philosophies and policies are variable and changing and are based upon theories, circumstances and opinion. Second, we must recognize that liberty is not free. It must be both earned and guarded. Lastly, we must realize that liberty requires public morality or virtue. The greatest, and probably most generally unrecognized, threat to our liberty today results from the gradual erosion of virtue. This decay has resulted from negligence and apathy on the part of many and from calculated attacks on the part of a few. The invasive roots of its opposing influences have crept deeper into the soil of our communities while we have slept, and in some cases, while we have been thwarted in our efforts to eradicate their causes. James Madison stated: "I believe that there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." When the policies and practices of the nation favor rights in exclusion of responsibility, and sanction vice at the expense of virtue, calamity is imminent. The impending consequences of the ruin of public virtue, which already cast a dark shadow across our nation, now loom on the horizon as a force destructive to our society, our government and our very peace and happiness.

I believe that except we become vigilant in understanding and upholding liberty's principles, we shall lose all which is attached to it: our national unity, our security, our peace and our prosperity. No person who loves liberty, can, in the face of the danger of its loss, stand idly by when life itself and the pursuit of happiness, hang so precipitously in the balance. A modern statesman, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., said: "We stand in danger of losing our liberties, and . . . once lost, only blood will bring them back . . ." In order to preserve liberty we must not only pledge allegiance, but prove loyal in deed to the standards upon which it is founded. Our Founding Fathers mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the cause of liberty. May we commit anything less and stand worthy of its benefaction?

Liberty itself represents both the freedom and responsibility to choose "good" over "evil" and virtue over vice. If virtue is defined as the refinement of character and vice as the corruption of character, law is the governing standard of individual conduct required to uphold virtue and suppress vice in society. William Blackstone stated: "No matter how abandoned may be a man's principles, or how vicious his practice, provided he keeps his wickedness to himself, and does not violate public decency, he is out of reach of human laws. But if he makes his vices public, then they become by his bad example, of pernicious effect to society, and it is the business of human laws to correct them." Just laws, civil and criminal, are based on precepts of virtuous conduct, such as respect for other persons and their property, freedom of religion, assembly and speech, and time-honored prohibitions such as "thou shalt not steal," "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Other laws seek to regulate and suppress vice, such as gambling, prostitution and drug abuse. Additionally, certain laws are designed to uphold equal opportunity and fairness in society, in areas such as education, housing, labor and trade. Unfortunately, however, not all laws and regulations are just and virtuous. It is incumbent upon each citizen and leader to seek to enact and uphold good and virtuous laws and to avoid and discard those which are bad or of deleterious effect.

With respect to law and liberty, we must remember that to every right there is a responsibility and to every privilege a duty. The Constitution and Bill of Rights provide emphasis to individual rights and privileges; however, related individual responsibilities and duties are not equally emphasized. Loyalty to country and respect for law are part of each citizen's duty. The fulfillment of individual and public duty maintains order and serves to uphold liberty. Duty is defined as a moral obligation. If we fail to keep private and public moral obligations, what then shall become of duty, or of liberty? Yet, duty and honor cannot be compelled by edict or by force -- allegiance to law and to country must be written in the heart. That is the true spirit of patriotism.
Brilliant and spot on. Thank you so much for posting that.

Sad that so many have such reading comprehension disability they won't understand it and/or are too disinterested to bother to read much of it if they read any at all. And even if they do read some of it, too many are too intellectually lazy to actually think about what it is saying. But it so underscores why those vulgar gay pride and Tranny shows are so antithesis to what liberty was intended to be by our Founding Fathers and all who embrace the concepts this nation was founded on.
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Yes .. yes .. because this happens for what percentage of abortions? Meanwhile, Democrats prefer to call pedophiles, who rape "10-year-old girls" a "minor-attracted person" and minimize their consequences.

Everybody should see right through that calling the pervs minor attracted persons.
Don't all of the pride realize all they have done is reduce themselves to in the worlds eyes is sexual desires? It's what their entire personas revolve around is just being gay and nothing else. They use gayness for attention, praise and self worth.

An entire month dedicated to a sexual desire?

But I understand it. They have absolutely no value to society so they use sex as a way to validate themselves to society. Most people garner attention by being good at something, having something worth listening to, a skill or a talent, they contribute something. But the ones that don't get attention don't care because they have self worth. But these people have none of that.

They are sexual deviants and perverts that have no value so they go out and personify sexual stereotypes and push it on others and impose their will on other people.

They have no place in American society anymore and are mentally ill people that need psychological help while being separated from the majority of people.

"Gay" used to mean happy until they hijacked the word. Now they hijacked another one "pride".

Don't forget rainbows. Now rainbows are only associated with fags.

Rainbows used to be something little girls liked to draw, people liked to see when one was out, and to some it was gods promise not to flood the world again.
I take Pride in the fact that I think for others and don't expose my body to other people.

No one wants to see your flabby man or woman or whatever tits. Cover up for fucks sake. :eusa_hand:
I take Pride in the fact that I think for others and don't expose my body to other people.

No one wants to see your flabby man or woman or whatever tits. Cover up for fucks sake. :eusa_hand:

It absolutely shouldn't be being done around children
Thankfully, today is the last day of celebrating and encouraging mental illness. It's insane how much collective time and energy has been wasted in the West over the past several years on this completely manufactured "issue." A sane society would just say "no" and keep moving. There is no need to validate people's delusions and feelings.

In the past, people with mental imbalances who represented a danger to society were institutionalized. Today they are given a microphone and a camera.

A "mental illness" because you don't get it.

Some gay people go way over the top. Most don't.

However what is clear is that people are born gay, it's not a mental illness. Some gay people have mental illnesses, then again many straight people have mental illnesses too.

Maybe if people stopped pounding on gay people, they wouldn't have any need for pride.
The whole ''mental illness'' rhetoric really just puts the ball in the court of the medical industry who promotes and defends the behavior in the first place.

Very unwise.

Yes, some are mentally ill. But largely speaking, it's just hethernism looking to justify and normalize itself.

The shrinks are some of the main purveyors.

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