Oklahoma’s Superintendent of “Education” will require Bible Study in all Public schools.

and?...so?...imagine now someone referring to Maryland as the northwest...only the socially educated could understand it to be no big deal.
Have any knowledge/information concerning "the deep south" and its where abouts? as that was the point before the misdirection post.
I suspect you are being generous when you say you consider geography to be secondary.
IMHO, "the deep south" is a mindset that can be anywhere so yes, I consider geography to be secondary.
Right, because throughout history all religions have always followed a single righteous path.
Blah blah blah. Crusades and blah blah
For last 250 years religion has been a foundation of and asset to America. You just don’t have morals, can’t be responsible, and resent people who live good, clean, happy and productive lives
Blah blah blah. Crusades and blah blah
For last 250 years religion has been a foundation of and asset to America. You just don’t have morals, can’t be responsible, and resent people who live good, clean, happy and productive lives
Telling lies is moral. Sexual battery is moral. Breaking the law over and over and over is moral. Grabbing pussy is moral. Calling military "suckers" and "losers" is moral.

You, weather53, are not moral,
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume the "H" in ^that^ claim is a typo.
"the deep south" is a mindset that can be anywhere so yes, I consider geography to be secondary.
does that ever affect your ability to read a compass? follow traffic directions? read a map?...ya know it would not be possible to have any of those things if the great minds of their day had that "mindset".

the whole "mindset" thing is just lube for wiggle room allowing the socially educated to pretend they made a point when all they did was string together words and get a diploma that some need to have read to them.
If lib loons could be satisfied with “I’m an atheist and do not ascribe to religion” then that would be fine
But, they can’t leave it at that. They MUST force others to see it their way. This is Because they are uncertain and weak in their beliefs and can only get satisfactory confirmation if All Others are believing and doing the same .

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