Zone1 Reasons to Believe Jesus is Returning soon

You should consider taking your own advice.
Oh my! Do you have a problem with what Jesus said about prayer? Was it something I said? :auiqs.jpg:

Did you think that I was praying? :hands: WTF. You are way deader than I thought. Congratulations.

Once again you have managed to stoop even lower than ever before. I'm impressed. Schmuck.
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Oh my! Do you have a problem with what Jesus said about prayer? Was it something I said? :auiqs.jpg:

Did you think that I was praying? :hands: WTF. You are way deader than I thought. Congratulations.

Once again you have managed to stoop even lower than ever before. I'm impressed. Schmuck.
No. I have a problem with you. You aren't darwinizing yourself out of existence soon enough to satisfy my taste.

You figure out Leviticus 18:22 yet?
You can call me Sir.

And don't forget!

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
Cops love people like you, but if I were to call you anything, I would call you by what you are... a subversive.

Have you figured out Leviticus 18:22 yet?
Cops love people like you,
Of course they do. They know where I'm coming from, and where I am going. Whats not to love?

but if I were to call you anything, I would call you by what you are... a subversive.
What happened to calling me "secular Jesus"? Wasn't Jesus accused of being a subversive too?

I heard that he was even crucified for it. But someone is supposed to believe that you really really love Jesus so much? An unrepentant SUBVERSIVE? Seriously? Now thats really really funny! :auiqs.jpg:

He said whatever he wanted wherever he was. And never even said that he was sorry! The nerve!
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Of course they do. They know where I'm coming from, and where I am going. Whats not to love?

What happened to calling me "secular Jesus"? Wasn't Jesus accused of being a subversive too?

I heard that he was even crucified for it. But someone is supposed to believe that you really really love Jesus so much? An unrepentant SUBVERSIVE? Seriously? Now thats really really funny! :auiqs.jpg:

He said whatever he wanted wherever he was. And never even said that he was sorry! The nerve!
No. That's not why they love you. Cops love people who need to tell their story. And that is you to a T.

Your Secular Jesus schtick is 100% subversive. 100%.
So then the question is what is Satan exactly? What does this mythological crafty and poisonous talking serpent represent in actual reality if not a human archetype? I have seen and heard them running amok like a worldwide plague of despicable "fiery serpents" ever since I can remember.

Haven't you? Its not like they have been in hiding..Brazen is one of their defining characteristics.

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Knowing this, casting out these "devils" from their lofty positions is a religious and patriotic duty.
Satan is basically a narsisistc con artist. The forbidden fruit is the bullshit of a con artist. Simple.

But, if someone convinced you that Satan is an invisible disembodied entity who whispers into peoples heads trying to get them to do naughty things, you obviously have been bitten by one.

And died.

If so, and you want to be healed, take a crap, slap yourself on the forehead, and chant ten times..


Then get out of your filthy grave, take a bath (you stink) and stand up and walk upright like a man

Go on now..Don't waste your time. I heard that JESUS IS COMING! (But thats just what I heard)
The angel being given dominion over the garden was the anointed Cherub--He got jealous and wanted worship, he rebelled and was called satan and devil.= A fallen angel being, a very powerful fallen angel being.
99% minimum on earth are wicked in Gods view, Jesus compared these last days to Noah's day( Luke 17:26) 99.9% wicked in Gods view in Noah's day.
Your Secular Jesus schtick is 100% subversive. 100%.
Well thank you very much!

And of course you whose sin is as obvious as a white bolder in the middle of a plowed field would object to your nakedness being exposed and object to any revelation that In full view of heaven and earth subverts and irrefutably extirpates your church's (and all of you addled gullible church zombies clinging to superstitious religious flotsam) utterly absurd false claim to moral authority.

But not to worry! Jesus, a subversive, has been proven right by a subversive! Imagine that!

Doesn't this make you, such a dedicated muncher of Jesus crackers, happy? No? Go figure! lol...

I will now take a bow!

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Well thank you very much!

And of course you whose sin is as obvious as a white bolder in the middle of a plowed field would object to your nakedness being exposed and object to any revelation that In full view of heaven and earth subverts and irrefutably extirpates your church's (and all of you addled gullible church zombies clinging to superstitious religious flotsam) utterly absurd false claim to moral authority.

But not to worry! Jesus, a subversive, has been proven right by a subversive! Imagine that!

Doesn't this make you, such a dedicated muncher of Jesus crackers, happy? No? Go figure! lol...

I will now take a bow!

You will find weeping and gnashing of teeth when Jehovah shows the world their error.
99% minimum on earth are wicked in Gods view,

Wow, some creator that you have there. Doesn't seem very good at tending to his creatures.

In the eyes of My God, there are many more deceived 99% than there are deceivers, 1%.

Jesus compared these last days to Noah's day

Jesus was just highlighting the fact that "suddenly" when least expected, an angel with great power and authority will descend from heaven illuminating the entire world, the celestial powers will be shaken to the core, stars will fall from the sky, spectacularly, valleys will be "lifted up", and with a great noise mountains will crumble into the sea, be confounded, and swept clean away.

And its not about cosmic catastrophe, its about peaceful and just social upheaval and change. Isn't that a good thing? A cause for celebration for all who hunger to see righteousness prevail?

Whats up with all the doom and gloom and everyone, 99%, is wicked? Take another harder look.
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Well thank you very much!

And of course you whose sin is as obvious as a white bolder in the middle of a plowed field would object to your nakedness being exposed and object to any revelation that In full view of heaven and earth subverts and irrefutably extirpates your church's (and all of you addled gullible church zombies clinging to superstitious religious flotsam) utterly absurd false claim to moral authority.

But not to worry! Jesus, a subversive, has been proven right by a subversive! Imagine that!

Doesn't this make you, such a dedicated muncher of Jesus crackers, happy? No? Go figure! lol...

I will now take a bow!

Says the guy who thinks butt fucking other men wasn't identified as an abomination in Leviticus 18:22.
Says the guy who thinks butt fucking other men wasn't identified as an abomination in Leviticus 18:22.
Right. Nothing gets by you detective! As you keep repeating, obsessing over other peoples sex lives, over and over and over again as if you are mentally challenged. Its like when you asked me time and time again over and over to proclaim that all Christians who worship a trinity or Jesus, a man, as if he was God are already dead and in hell. If your own Holy Book teaches truth, that is.

And in case you forgot, Yes, all are dead and in hell for worshipping a man as if he was God.

For it is written, every fish in the sea died. It says so in the Bible, I smell the stench, so I believe.

If it seems that God is condemning homosexuality its because you have a perversion dwelling within your addled mind and are guilty of violating the deeper implications of that same exact law. The more you condemn others in the name of God falsely the more you condemn yourself.

The music is over dingbat. There is no chair for you to rest on. Nowhere for you to run or hide.

So have a good drown as you slowly disintegrate into nothingness.

Yours truly,

Secular Jesus, the subversive Son of an unknown God, the only living God ever in existence.
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Wow, some creator that you have there. Doesn't seem very good at tending to his creatures.

In the eyes of My God, there are many more deceived 99% than there are deceivers, 1%.


Jesus was just highlighting the fact that "suddenly" when least expected, an angel with great power and authority will descend from heaven illuminating the entire world, the celestial powers will be shaken to the core, stars will fall from the sky, spectacularly, valleys will be "lifted up", and with a great noise mountains will crumble into the sea, be confounded, and swept clean away.

And its not about cosmic catastrophe, its about peaceful and just social upheaval and change. Isn't that a good thing? A cause for celebration for all who hunger to see righteousness prevail?

Whats up with all the doom and gloom and everyone, 99%, is wicked? Take another harder look.
Jesus teaches--FEW will find the road that leads off into life(be saved)
God gave everyone on earth his bible. Most have twisted it into oblivion, many can't be bothered because some liar for a tithe assured them-you are saved. And others serve false gods.
Jesus said--as in the days of Noah, the world took no note= they are in darkness=99%
Jesus teaches--FEW will find the road that leads off into life(be saved)
Sure but since Jesus found and followed it, everyone can. His yoke is easy. Do this, don't do that. Simple. Fulfilling the Law amounts to not saying and doing stupid things. How hard is that?

How hard is it to not blabber away incoherently in the name of a God that you have never seen or heard a single word from IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, no teaching, visions, or revelations? Not a peep!

How hard is it to not eat the vile and loathsome flesh of a narcissist, a talking serpent? Swine that do not ruminate? Teeming vermin that go down on all fours? Worms? Creepy things that creep?

How hard is it to not pay homage to a devil. How hard is it to not kiss big man pig man stink ass?

How hard is it to slaughter a he goat "without blemish" like ding, for the expiation of sin? Its easy.

If not saying and doing stupid things is too much of a difficult burden, you have my condolences.

Jesus said--as in the days of Noah, the world took no note= they are in darkness=99%
99% in darkness is not the same as 99% wicked.

So if you are not in darkness then shine light. But, be warned, if you don't have any light to shine and are peddling lies you'll be eaten alive. The hounds of hell can smell bullshit from a mile away!
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Right. Nothing gets by you detective! As you keep repeating, obsessing over other peoples sex lives, over and over and over again as if you are mentally challenged. Its like when you asked me time and time again over and over to proclaim that all Christians who worship a trinity or Jesus, a man, as if he was God are already dead and in hell. If your own Holy Book teaches truth, that is.

And in case you forgot, Yes, all are dead and in hell for worshipping a man as if he was God.

For it is written, every fish in the sea died. It says so in the Bible, I smell the stench, so I believe.

If it seems that God is condemning homosexuality its because you have a perversion dwelling within your addled mind and are guilty of violating the deeper implications of that same exact law. The more you condemn others in the name of God falsely the more you condemn yourself.

The music is over dingbat. There is no chair for you to rest on. Nowhere for you to run or hide.

So have a good drown as you slowly disintegrate into nothingness.

Yours truly,

Secular Jesus, the subversive Son of an unknown God, the only living God ever in existence.
Let me know when you figure out how to rationalize Leviticus 18:22.

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