Zone1 False religion is not from God.. who knew?

Show in Scripture where angels are born on earth, live here and die. And by Scripture, I don't mean what J Smith made up that only he was able to translate.

According to J Smith. According to Scripture, God always preserves at least a remnant of His people throughout all time. Noah was not destroyed because he was righteous. Lot was preserved from destruction. Moses and Jesus Himself were spared from Satan's attempt to eliminate God's rescuers. If the world is truly in total apostasy, that's usually when God wipes it out and starts all over, just ask Noah's contemporaries.

All believers that have faith in Jesus Christ bear His name.

When the faces are not only dark, but bear distinguishing characteristics of African descent, it's racial. Take a closer look and tell me what kind of hair do those people have?
How ignorant can one be! Spirits who descend from heaven and are placed in their physical bodies are born, live and die. Then, they ascend back to heaven even just like Jesus did. The difference is Jesus was immediately resurrected after 3 days going to spirit prison and to others of not the fold of the Jews around the world. We will be spirits or like some may come to the earth look like angels. Then, after men and women are resurrected as some have already been, would also be considered as angels too. Good grief! Stupid argument.

Ahhh, you remember that Jesus asked the apostles what they wanted after he would be crucified. John the Revelator asked if he could tarry (stay on the earth past his life) until Jesus would return (2nd coming). He was granted that wish. John has tarried around influencing the world to keep a spark alive even though the as Paul said would happen, a complete apostasy. I bet he was influencing Constantine and others to put together the Bible so Jesus would be remembered. However, that means it wasn't done by way of authority or priesthood. It's why we have many bibles today with changes made that influence the reason for so many Christian churches. Authority doesn't have to exist for people to remember Christ. Even Islam speaks about Christ. However, they do so inaccurately.

Nonsense about the racism. Stupid is as stupid does. One without the countenance of the Holy Ghost upon a person, the person looks physically darker. Not the skin you idiot racist! Good grief. Take a shower!
How ignorant can one be! Spirits who descend from heaven and are placed in their physical bodies are born, live and die. Then, they ascend back to heaven even just like Jesus did. The difference is Jesus was immediately resurrected after 3 days going to spirit prison and to others of not the fold of the Jews around the world. We will be spirits or like some may come to the earth look like angels. Then, after men and women are resurrected as some have already been, would also be considered as angels too. Good grief! Stupid argument.
Post the Scripture that says angels do that. Scripture, not the ramblings of J Smith.
Ahhh, you remember that Jesus asked the apostles what they wanted after he would be crucified. John the Revelator asked if he could tarry (stay on the earth past his life) until Jesus would return (2nd coming). He was granted that wish. John has tarried around influencing the world to keep a spark alive even though the as Paul said would happen, a complete apostasy.
Post the Scripture that says John is still around. Scripture, not the ramblings of J Smith.
I bet he was influencing Constantine and others to put together the Bible so Jesus would be remembered. However, that means it wasn't done by way of authority or priesthood. It's why we have many bibles today with changes made that influence the reason for so many Christian churches. Authority doesn't have to exist for people to remember Christ. Even Islam speaks about Christ. However, they do so inaccurately.
The Bible does not speak of Christ inaccurately. J Smith, however, does.
Nonsense about the racism. Stupid is as stupid does. One without the countenance of the Holy Ghost upon a person, the person looks physically darker. Not the skin you idiot racist! Good grief. Take a shower!
Then why the African appearance? That's not just dark-skinned Caucasian. There is a difference.
Post the Scripture that says angels do that. Scripture, not the ramblings of J Smith.

Post the Scripture that says John is still around. Scripture, not the ramblings of J Smith.

The Bible does not speak of Christ inaccurately. J Smith, however, does.

Then why the African appearance? That's not just dark-skinned Caucasian. There is a difference.
Angels do what? Stop rambling like a 2 year old. We know that a third of the hosts of heaven fell before the foundations of the earth were laid. They are called fallen angels, are they not? So, angels are spirits or spirit children of our Father in Heaven. You do have a brain to think with, correct? Then, there are those who are resurrected as stated clearly in Matthew 22:30, For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angles of God in heaven. So, I'll follow the Prophet of God explaining this question for he saw and conversed with the living God. You didn't.

John 21:22-23. He is speaking of John. In Luke 9:26-27, there will be some who who were standing with Jesus when he said there will be some who will not taste death until he comes with power and glory after his full atonement. 8 days later he was with Peter, James and John. Hmmm...use that brain of yours. Again, I'll take the words of the Prophet of God.

You speak in riddles. How did the Prophet of God, Joseph Smith who saw and spoke with God, speak of Jesus Christ inaccurately?

And, it's getting nauseating you repeating the same racist comments. Psalms 4:6, "There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us." The dictionary says countenance has something to do with the face. Like expressions and how we appear to others. In Psalms, if we have the Spirit of God upon us, we should also show that light as well. If we do not, we will not have light, but we will have darkness. Not because of the color of our skins. But, because of the content of our character. Now, stop assuming everything has to do with racism.
Angels do what? Stop rambling like a 2 year old. We know that a third of the hosts of heaven fell before the foundations of the earth were laid. They are called fallen angels, are they not? So, angels are spirits or spirit children of our Father in Heaven. You do have a brain to think with, correct?
You said they become human, live and die, then return to heaven. Scripture does not support that.
Then, there are those who are resurrected as stated clearly in Matthew 22:30, For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angles of God in heaven. So, I'll follow the Prophet of God explaining this question for he saw and conversed with the living God. You didn't.
What is stated clearly in Matthew 22 is that PEOPLE are resurrected and will be like the angels, not marrying. Now, interesting thing. You claim marriage is eternal. Therefore, which of the 7 brothers will that woman be married to in the resurrection?

So, I'll take the Bible over the ramblings of J Smith.
John 21:22-23. He is speaking of John.
But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?” So, if you claim he didn't die, where is he now? I'd like to meet him and ask a few questions.
In Luke 9:26-27, there will be some who who were standing with Jesus when he said there will be some who will not taste death until he comes with power and glory after his full atonement. 8 days later he was with Peter, James and John. Hmmm...use that brain of yours. Again, I'll take the words of the Prophet of God.
27 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.” Define what He meant by "the kingdom of God". Do you not believe that we enter the kingdom when we have faith in Him?
You speak in riddles. How did the Prophet of God, Joseph Smith who saw and spoke with God, speak of Jesus Christ inaccurately?
By adding to Scripture. By writing a bunch of tablets he claimed God wrote that only he could interpret. God doesn't work that way. So, I'll take the Word of God over the ramblings of J Smith.
And, it's getting nauseating you repeating the same racist comments. Psalms 4:6, "There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us." The dictionary says countenance has something to do with the face. Like expressions and how we appear to others. In Psalms, if we have the Spirit of God upon us, we should also show that light as well. If we do not, we will not have light, but we will have darkness. Not because of the color of our skins. But, because of the content of our character. Now, stop assuming everything has to do with racism.
Why are NONE of those eagerly greeting Christ as He returns anything other than the most Caucasian of people? Quite frankly, white people will be in the minority of those greeting Him. Why do you think Scott ignored everyone else?
You said they become human, live and die, then return to heaven. Scripture does not support that.

What is stated clearly in Matthew 22 is that PEOPLE are resurrected and will be like the angels, not marrying. Now, interesting thing. You claim marriage is eternal. Therefore, which of the 7 brothers will that woman be married to in the resurrection?

So, I'll take the Bible over the ramblings of J Smith.

But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?” So, if you claim he didn't die, where is he now? I'd like to meet him and ask a few questions.

27 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.” Define what He meant by "the kingdom of God". Do you not believe that we enter the kingdom when we have faith in Him?

By adding to Scripture. By writing a bunch of tablets he claimed God wrote that only he could interpret. God doesn't work that way. So, I'll take the Word of God over the ramblings of J Smith.

Why are NONE of those eagerly greeting Christ as He returns anything other than the most Caucasian of people? Quite frankly, white people will be in the minority of those greeting Him. Why do you think Scott ignored everyone else?
You sound like the naysayers in the time of Moses attacking him for saying he saw and spoke with God. You sound like those who attacked Jesus as well for the same thing. Why should we think there are not people like you today that do the same thing? It is you that is misleading and rewording the versus to sound your way. I’m simply reading them. It doesn’t say before they see the kingdom of God. It says before Jesus comes with power. Where do you get the kingdom of God out of that? You are just rambling because I confounded your attacks on the oracle of God, the Prophet of this dispensation of the fulness of times.
You sound like the naysayers in the time of Moses attacking him for saying he saw and spoke with God. You sound like those who attacked Jesus as well for the same thing. Why should we think there are not people like you today that do the same thing? It is you that is misleading and rewording the versus to sound your way. I’m simply reading them. It doesn’t say before they see the kingdom of God. It says before Jesus comes with power. Where do you get the kingdom of God out of that? You are just rambling because I confounded your attacks on the oracle of God, the Prophet of this dispensation of the fulness of times.
I say that because verse 27 literally says:

27 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”

Why, does J Smith claim something different and rewrite Scripture to suit his agenda like the JW's do? Tell you what, grab a Greek New Testament and translate that verse. Don't read J Smith, read what the Greek is saying.
I say that because verse 27 literally says:

27 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”

Why, does J Smith claim something different and rewrite Scripture to suit his agenda like the JW's do? Tell you what, grab a Greek New Testament and translate that verse. Don't read J Smith, read what the Greek is saying.
Put that verse with John 21:22-23. You read things out of context.
I say that because verse 27 literally says:

27 “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God.”

Why, does J Smith claim something different and rewrite Scripture to suit his agenda like the JW's do? Tell you what, grab a Greek New Testament and translate that verse. Don't read J Smith, read what the Greek is saying.
Put that verse with John 21:22-23. You read things out of context. Let me also say that when Jesus came back and opened the heavens again in 1820, in 1830, the Kingdom of God on the earth was again established. Now, is John still here on the earth in a translated state of being? I do not know the answer to this. I do know there were reported sightings of an old man with a long white beard that threatened and frightened the Arabs when Israel was made a State in 1947 and the 1948 war. He was seen along with 3 others like him doing the same thing. In the Book of Mormon, there are 3 Apostles who asked for the same thing. We call them the 3 Nephites. When I was at BYU in 1978, there was a family that were from the Seminole Indian Tribe in Florida that lived in our apartment complex. When we were teaching them the missionary lessons, they told of us their legend that fit what we were teaching about the 3 Nephites.
I'm not trying to force you to believe anything. I'm simply pointing out you don't have all the answers with your so-called education on the Bible. I've pointed out several errors in your interpretations already. 1Corinthians 8:1-2, "Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffed up, but charity edifieth. And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know." You revealed your so-called vast knowledge thinking you know more than me or Joseph Smith. That is being puffed up.
Put that verse with John 21:22-23. You read things out of context.
That was a typo. The verse is 23:

23 Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”

IOW, this verse does not prove that John did not die.
Let me also say that when Jesus came back and opened the heavens again in 1820, in 1830, the Kingdom of God on the earth was again established.
It was not. When Jesus establishes His kingdom, we will know it. Nothing happened globally in either 1820 or 1830 that would indicate Jesus came back to earth and began His rule.
Now, is John still here on the earth in a translated state of being?
Whoa, now it's a "translated state of being"? You said he didn't die. Note from the Bible that there's no indication that he did not die as a normal human being.
I do not know the answer to this. I do know there were reported sightings of an old man with a long white beard that threatened and frightened the Arabs when Israel was made a State in 1947 and the 1948 war. He was seen along with 3 others like him doing the same thing.
Source that, please.
In the Book of Mormon, there are 3 Apostles who asked for the same thing. We call them the 3 Nephites.
That's not the Bible and does not have the same authority as the Bible.
When I was at BYU in 1978, there was a family that were from the Seminole Indian Tribe in Florida that lived in our apartment complex. When we were teaching them the missionary lessons, they told of us their legend that fit what we were teaching about the 3 Nephites.
I'm not trying to force you to believe anything. I'm simply pointing out you don't have all the answers with your so-called education on the Bible. I've pointed out several errors in your interpretations already. 1Corinthians 8:1-2, "Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffed up, but charity edifieth. And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know." You revealed your so-called vast knowledge thinking you know more than me or Joseph Smith. That is being puffed up.
Paul is talking about eating meat that was offered to idols and the arguments the Church was having internally, with some arguing that Christians should have nothing to do with anything associated with idols and others arguing that idols are nothing more than objects that have no authority over Christians, but you seem to be arguing that I should not be demonstrating my knowledge of the Bible in our discussions. The thing is, you inevitably have to refer to J Smith and go away from the Bible.
That was a typo. The verse is 23:

23 Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”

IOW, this verse does not prove that John did not die.

It was not. When Jesus establishes His kingdom, we will know it. Nothing happened globally in either 1820 or 1830 that would indicate Jesus came back to earth and began His rule.

Whoa, now it's a "translated state of being"? You said he didn't die. Note from the Bible that there's no indication that he did not die as a normal human being.

Source that, please.

That's not the Bible and does not have the same authority as the Bible.

Paul is talking about eating meat that was offered to idols and the arguments the Church was having internally, with some arguing that Christians should have nothing to do with anything associated with idols and others arguing that idols are nothing more than objects that have no authority over Christians, but you seem to be arguing that I should not be demonstrating my knowledge of the Bible in our discussions. The thing is, you inevitably have to refer to J Smith and go away from the Bible.
I said once before, you take individual books or chapters and verses out of context with other books, chapters and verses. John 21:22-23 is a perfect example. Verse 22 sets up 23. The two together are eyewitness of the same event as Luke 9:27. You have to read what one Gospel says together with what one or more of the other Gospels say about a same event. People see the same car accident and give different accounts. Some with more detail and some with less. Some more correct and some less. So, you have to use that God-given brain and put 2+2 together and get 4. But like Democrats you are getting 9.

Translated beings are those who are quickened into a state like Adam and Eve were before the fall but able to still know good and evil. The state John and the 3 Nephites. and yes, I will reference the Book of Mormon as it is the Stick (writings or book of Joseph). I don’t care if you think more writings of scripture can’t be allowed. Ezekiel’s vision said there would be in the last days. So, where is your book of Joseph? Oh, you don’t have one even if God said there would be one. Are you calling God a liar? “Only the Bible? A Bible a Bible, we already have a Bible. We don’t need another!” Okay, suit yourself.

Your knowledge is puffed up rhetoric. “Humble yourself insight of the Lord and He will pick you up!” There’s more there that meets your eye. Patience is truly a virtue. Asking the Lord with real intent without a double mid is a sign of patience.
I said once before, you take individual books or chapters and verses out of context with other books, chapters and verses. John 21:22-23 is a perfect example. Verse 22 sets up 23. The two together are eyewitness of the same event as Luke 9:27. You have to read what one Gospel says together with what one or more of the other Gospels say about a same event. People see the same car accident and give different accounts. Some with more detail and some with less. Some more correct and some less. So, you have to use that God-given brain and put 2+2 together and get 4. But like Democrats you are getting 9.
With regards to the issue of John not dying, the Bible is clear, Jesus didn't say one way or the other, He just said in essence, "That's none of your business". You can't take that passage, in context or out, as proof that John is still alive in a cave somewhere in the Middle East.
Translated beings are those who are quickened into a state like Adam and Eve were before the fall but able to still know good and evil. The state John and the 3 Nephites.
There is nothing in the Bible, as I've pointed out, that supports such a state for contemporary humans. If John did not die, where is he now? I'd like to ask him some questions.
and yes, I will reference the Book of Mormon as it is the Stick (writings or book of Joseph). I don’t care if you think more writings of scripture can’t be allowed. Ezekiel’s vision said there would be in the last days. So, where is your book of Joseph? Oh, you don’t have one even if God said there would be one. Are you calling God a liar?
I am saying that when God calls a prophet, He does not give that prophet information that he, and he alone can read, as J Smith claims. God wants His message to be heard and understood, not hidden away so somebody can profit from it by controlling access to it. In addition, when God gives a prophetic vision of things that will happen, He doesn't make mistakes, it happens. If a true prophet of God makes a prediction, therefore, it comes true. Think how Daniel accurately prophesied the day of Messiah's appearance. J Smith made prophecies that the Mormon church had to scramble to explain away, because they didn't happen.
“Only the Bible? A Bible a Bible, we already have a Bible. We don’t need another!” Okay, suit yourself.

Your knowledge is puffed up rhetoric. “Humble yourself insight of the Lord and He will pick you up!” There’s more there that meets your eye. Patience is truly a virtue. Asking the Lord with real intent without a double mid is a sign of patience.
Why do you repeatedly seek to insult me by ascribing all these evil motivations to me? Are you trying to get me to stop challenging you on this?
With regards to the issue of John not dying, the Bible is clear, Jesus didn't say one way or the other, He just said in essence, "That's none of your business". You can't take that passage, in context or out, as proof that John is still alive in a cave somewhere in the Middle East.

There is nothing in the Bible, as I've pointed out, that supports such a state for contemporary humans. If John did not die, where is he now? I'd like to ask him some questions.

I am saying that when God calls a prophet, He does not give that prophet information that he, and he alone can read, as J Smith claims. God wants His message to be heard and understood, not hidden away so somebody can profit from it by controlling access to it. In addition, when God gives a prophetic vision of things that will happen, He doesn't make mistakes, it happens. If a true prophet of God makes a prediction, therefore, it comes true. Think how Daniel accurately prophesied the day of Messiah's appearance. J Smith made prophecies that the Mormon church had to scramble to explain away, because they didn't happen.

Why do you repeatedly seek to insult me by ascribing all these evil motivations to me? Are you trying to get me to stop challenging you on this?
like says otherwise. I’ve won all parts of the debate. Please introduce new counters or a new topic.
like says otherwise. I’ve won all parts of the debate. Please introduce new counters or a new topic.
Interesting. I have to admit that I didn't expect that tactic to come out in this discussion. It's been a while since I've seen such an amateurish declaration of victory. Will it be followed by taking your ball and going home?
With regards to the issue of John not dying, the Bible is clear, Jesus didn't say one way or the other, He just said in essence, "That's none of your business". You can't take that passage, in context or out, as proof that John is still alive in a cave somewhere in the Middle East.
This might interest you: The Church Fathers say that John the Apostle died in Ephesus near the end of the first century. A small church was built over his tomb which later was added to and became a basilica. Archaeologists have worked on this site and did find the main grave under the church (extending east to west as was customary burial for a well-known person in that time). Later tombs, aligned north to south, surround it. Current pictures of the site are online via Google.

Why do you repeatedly seek to insult me by ascribing all these evil motivations to me? Are you trying to get me to stop challenging you on this?
It is difficult for the poster with whom you are engaged, to simply have a normal conversation. He regards most discussions (including this one) as a debate he tells himself he MUST win. Advise you to reassure him he is a winner and move on. Those of us following the discussions ponder the points on both sides and arrive at our own conclusions. ;)
Interesting. I have to admit that I didn't expect that tactic to come out in this discussion. It's been a while since I've seen such an amateurish declaration of victory. Will it be followed by taking your ball and going home?
Every topic so far I've responded with Biblical scriptures to prove my points. You sometimes ignore the facts like not being able to understand the writings of each apostle is done through what they saw and how they interpreted things. So, you can't just use one verse or part of a sentence to prove your points when there are other apostles who gave more information to make logical conclusions.
Then, there is the idea that if Jesus never said anything about something that the something isn't true. That's totally illogical. That's really stating something fact without the proof. And, that is how it should be. The Bible is not for private interpretations of yours or mine. I'm not asking you to agree or disagree. I recognize your opinions because that's just what they are. And, I can see from your perspective that you may not be able to see my perspective and how I logically come to my conclusions.
As far as backing off? I've been here for years going through the same topics and debates. Although, most in here don't debate, they argue.
Every topic so far I've responded with Biblical scriptures to prove my points. You sometimes ignore the facts like not being able to understand the writings of each apostle is done through what they saw and how they interpreted things. So, you can't just use one verse or part of a sentence to prove your points when there are other apostles who gave more information to make logical conclusions.
Then, there is the idea that if Jesus never said anything about something that the something isn't true. That's totally illogical. That's really stating something fact without the proof. And, that is how it should be. The Bible is not for private interpretations of yours or mine. I'm not asking you to agree or disagree. I recognize your opinions because that's just what they are. And, I can see from your perspective that you may not be able to see my perspective and how I logically come to my conclusions.
As far as backing off? I've been here for years going through the same topics and debates. Although, most in here don't debate, they argue.
Regarding John's departure from this world. Again, Scripture doesn't back the idea of him living forever in human form. Why would anyone want to do that, seeing loved ones inevitably die and the worst of mankind repeated over and over again? Now, you cite "other apostles". Okay, which ones give you more evidence that John is still alive somewhere?
Regarding John's departure from this world. Again, Scripture doesn't back the idea of him living forever in human form. Why would anyone want to do that, seeing loved ones inevitably die and the worst of mankind repeated over and over again? Now, you cite "other apostles". Okay, which ones give you more evidence that John is still alive somewhere?
Regarding John's departure from this world. Again, Scripture doesn't back the idea of him living forever in human form. Why would anyone want to do that, seeing loved ones inevitably die and the worst of mankind repeated over and over again? Now, you cite "other apostles". Okay, which ones give you more evidence that John is still alive somewhere?
I said once before, you take individual books or chapters and verses out of context with other books, chapters and verses. John 21:22-23 is a perfect example. Verse 22 sets up 23. The two together are eyewitness of the same event as Luke 9:27. You have to read what one Gospel says together with what one or more of the other Gospels say about a same event. People see the same car accident and give different accounts. Some with more detail and some with less. Some more correct and some less. So, you have to use that God-given brain and put 2+2 together and get 4. But like Democrats you are getting 9. It's like one hand clapping. You hang on to John 21 like it's the answer to the whole question. No, it's not. You are assuming that Jesus didn't say John will live until I come again. But, Luke 9 says otherwise. It closes the door to the question.
As to how John would react to living this long. Well, he isn't living this long like you would think. In a translated state, time is of no value when it comes to how humans would react to living this long. However, before the flood, people lived hundreds of years.
I said once before, you take individual books or chapters and verses out of context with other books, chapters and verses. John 21:22-23 is a perfect example. Verse 22 sets up 23. The two together are eyewitness of the same event as Luke 9:27. You have to read what one Gospel says together with what one or more of the other Gospels say about a same event. People see the same car accident and give different accounts. Some with more detail and some with less. Some more correct and some less. So, you have to use that God-given brain and put 2+2 together and get 4. But like Democrats you are getting 9. It's like one hand clapping. You hang on to John 21 like it's the answer to the whole question. No, it's not. You are assuming that Jesus didn't say John will live until I come again. But, Luke 9 says otherwise. It closes the door to the question.
As to how John would react to living this long. Well, he isn't living this long like you would think. In a translated state, time is of no value when it comes to how humans would react to living this long. However, before the flood, people lived hundreds of years.
See, this is what happens when you rewrite inconvenient Scriptures. Just for one example, Luke 9 doesn't specify John at all. Jesus said, "SOME who are standing here", and Jesus did NOT say they would not die until He returned. He said they would see the Kingdom, and they did. Christians are already living in His kingdom. We are full citizens, children of the King. Sure, I'll accept you're right about John if you can show me where he is currently living, because I'd like to ask him some questions. This "translated state" that you dreamed up is a convenient way of excusing the fact that you cannot produce evidence of a 2,000-year-old man living in the Middle East, or anywhere for that matter. You have to come up with something like that because your belief requires an excuse.

Now, this "translated state" that you speak of, how is it different for the Christian than the after-life experience?
So yeh, there are an awful lot of religions in the world!

Many of them claim to be Christian.

And they do talk about Jesus here and there in those communities. The Original Church calls them ecclessial communities, NOT Churches. There is only ONE Church. Try to find some fault with THAT teaching, namely there is only ONE Church.. Did God estaablish thousands of Churches? No, God only established one. He didn't need more than one. People need or think they need more than one... house, car... whatever.. but no, only one house or car is needed.. (most of the time).

Anyhow, yeh, people argue w/ the RCC about how it claim to be the Original

But they never say which one is the real Original... or if they do, they can be proven wrong immediately, but even then, even when proven wrong by historical facts..

they don't like or accept the real Original. Well, Jesus did say that "you will be hated by all because of [Him]"

The one True religion has the Fonze as their God. Every other God is just as fake as whatever Donald Trump is saying at this particular point in time.
Angels do what? Stop rambling like a 2 year old. We know that a third of the hosts of heaven fell before the foundations of the earth were laid. They are called fallen angels, are they not? So, angels are spirits or spirit children of our Father in Heaven. You do have a brain to think with, correct? Then, there are those who are resurrected as stated clearly in Matthew 22:30, For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angles of God in heaven. So, I'll follow the Prophet of God explaining this question for he saw and conversed with the living God. You didn't.

John 21:22-23. He is speaking of John. In Luke 9:26-27, there will be some who who were standing with Jesus when he said there will be some who will not taste death until he comes with power and glory after his full atonement. 8 days later he was with Peter, James and John. Hmmm...use that brain of yours. Again, I'll take the words of the Prophet of God.

You speak in riddles. How did the Prophet of God, Joseph Smith who saw and spoke with God, speak of Jesus Christ inaccurately?

And, it's getting nauseating you repeating the same racist comments. Psalms 4:6, "There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us." The dictionary says countenance has something to do with the face. Like expressions and how we appear to others. In Psalms, if we have the Spirit of God upon us, we should also show that light as well. If we do not, we will not have light, but we will have darkness. Not because of the color of our skins. But, because of the content of our character. Now, stop assuming everything has to do with racism.

Most of Psalms are Canaanite poetry.

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