Zone1 Reasons to Believe Jesus is Returning soon

Wow, some creator that you have there. Doesn't seem very good at tending to his creatures.

In the eyes of My God, there are many more deceived 99% than there are deceivers, 1%.


Jesus was just highlighting the fact that "suddenly" when least expected, an angel with great power and authority will descend from heaven illuminating the entire world, the celestial powers will be shaken to the core, stars will fall from the sky, spectacularly, valleys will be "lifted up", and with a great noise mountains will crumble into the sea, be confounded, and swept clean away.

And its not about cosmic catastrophe, its about peaceful and just social upheaval and change. Isn't that a good thing? A cause for celebration for all who hunger to see righteousness prevail?

Whats up with all the doom and gloom and everyone, 99%, is wicked? Take another harder look.

You could say catastrophic social and political change what with the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem and the expulsion of the Jews.
You could say catastrophic social and political change what with the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem and the expulsion of the Jews.

Yes, you could say that but 'valleys being lifted up' didn't happen. The status quo did not change

With that in mind I see it as foreshadowing a future time that will fulfill it worldwide like king Hezekiah was a prototype foreshadowing the acts and global impact of the triumphant Moshiach

Who will impose peace, not war, and religious actors and lying frauds will be swept clean away.

Relegated by the faithful to the lowest place in society, where all charlatans, talking serpents and lowlife con artists belong. "lower than cattle and all the wild beasts the field." See Genesis 3:14

Remember? "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Its up to people to cast out demons.

God won't help any person or people who will not help themselves... and do it. See Genesis 3:14
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Sure but since Jesus found and followed it, everyone can. His yoke is easy. Do this, don't do that. Simple. Fulfilling the Law amounts to not saying and doing stupid things. How hard is that?

How hard is it to not blabber away incoherently in the name of a God that you have never seen or heard a single word from IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, no teaching, visions, or revelations? Not a peep!

How hard is it to not eat the vile and loathsome flesh of a narcissist, a talking serpent? Swine that do not ruminate? Teeming vermin that go down on all fours? Worms? Creepy things that creep?

How hard is it to not pay homage to a devil. How hard is it to not kiss big man pig man stink ass?

How hard is it to slaughter a he goat "without blemish" like ding, for the expiation of sin? Its easy.

If not saying and doing stupid things is too much of a difficult burden, you have my condolences.

99% in darkness is not the same as 99% wicked.

So if you are not in darkness then shine light. But, be warned, if you don't have any light to shine and are peddling lies you'll be eaten alive. The hounds of hell can smell bullshit from a mile away!
God views them as wicked.
Yes, you could say that but 'valleys being lifted up' didn't happen. The status quo did not change

With that in mind I see it as foreshadowing a future time that will fulfill it worldwide like king Hezekiah was a prototype foreshadowing the acts and global impact of the triumphant Moshiach

Who will impose peace, not war, and religious actors and lying frauds will be swept clean away.

Relegated by the faithful to the lowest place in society, where all charlatans, talking serpents and lowlife con artists belong. "lower than cattle and all the wild beasts the field." See Genesis 3:14

Remember? "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Its up to people to cast out demons.

God won't help any person or people who will not help themselves... and do it. See Genesis 3:14

What was the status quo in 70 AD?
What was the status quo in 70 AD?
The religious elite and the secular elite perpetuated the corruption of temple worship where the vast majority of people "beguiled" suffered in abject poverty, used and abused and fleeced to the bone daily, while they lead smooth easy lives untouched by the carnage they created with greed.

Same as it ever was. Some things never change..... until they do.

like it did.
Amazing how a war that ended in AD 70 and altered the course of human history can escape the notice of self-proclaimed wise men.

is that by your account a war initiated by jesus, the 1st century events as the repudiation of judaism, their false commandments, hereditary idolatry ... and without need the future 4th century christian bible and their claim of a messiah rather the original intent of a&e, the religion of antiquity self determination for remission to the everlasting.
Amazing how a war that ended in AD 70 and altered the course of human history ...

who's kidding who ... how can whatever happened there in 70 ad be considered an earth shattering event - some backwatter local feud and church burning episode hardly a global event. liest of which was putting any lasting affect on judaism. too bad.
It certainly did change the course of history.
... how can whatever happened there in 70 ad be considered an earth shattering event - some backwatter local feud and church burning episode hardly a global event.

SU THUMBS.jpg ... and 300 years latter they wrote the christian bible - in nicaea turkey regardless of judaism.

seems the fall of judaism was not a precipitous rise of christianity or even related ...

so what is so earth shattering about 70 a d - than a corrupt religion losing a battle and likewise their temple that for a true religion would in fact be meaningless - as could be relative with their current return to corruption in the middle east, having nothing changed at all.

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