What sort of people would put Joe Biden through that debate?


just wow
I suggest just ignoring the trolls who are completely dependable to keep spewing the assigned talking points and attacking anybody who doesn't. Admittedly I don't always succeed, but for the most part I do. Their purpose and intent is to introduce toxicity into the discussion to start a food fight or derail the thread or otherwise prevent any thoughtful discussion. Even though I lapse now and then I think it's smart not to accommodate them.
He's senile as fuck....I've witnessed it in my own family.
I have too. When my dad got to be around 80, he would slur his speech the way Biden does. He was never diagnosed as senile or with dementia. He was just old and in cognitive decline..
I have too. When my dad got to be around 80, he would slur his speech the way Biden does. He was never diagnosed as senile or with dementia. He was just old and in cognitive decline..
My grandmother was diagnosed as such, and she went downhill just like we're all watching the illegitimate squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania crash and burn.
Tucker has no writers...He's naturally jocular.

As for Maher, he is in fact amusing without any writers at all, unlike the dour sock puppet Jon Liebowitz.

Yes, even when I vehemently disagree with Maher--which is a LOT!!! :) --I can certainly appreciate his gift of being exceedingly funny and entertaining even when he's wrong. Tucker on the other hand gets a whole lot more right than he gets wrong, but can sometimes be annoying in his presentation. Not enough to turn me off. . .

I thought the best takeaway lines from the part of the speech we got in that video (paraphrased from memory):

--The MSM either are the most stupid people on the planet or they are blatant liars when they pretend they didn't know how challenged Joe Biden is until that debate. . .

--Those who depend on the MSM don't see anything as it actually is but they see it through the prism of how the MSM wants them to see it. . .

--Democracy to the Democrats/left is what they want everybody to have to do and what nobody is allowed to do, think, say, believe etc. . .
Yes, even when I vehemently disagree with Maher--which is a LOT!!! :) --I can certainly appreciate his gift of being exceedingly funny and entertaining even when he's wrong. Tucker on the other hand gets a whole lot more right than he gets wrong, but can sometimes be annoying in his presentation. Not enough to turn me off. . .

I thought the best takeaway lines from the part of the speech we got in that video (paraphrased from memory):

--The MSM either are the most stupid people on the planet or they are blatant liars when they pretend they didn't know how challenged Joe Biden is until that debate. . .

--Those who depend on the MSM don't see anything as it actually is but they see it through the prism of how the MSM wants them to see it. . .

--Democracy to the Democrats/left is what they want everybody to have to do and what nobody is allowed to do, think, say, believe etc. . .
Tucker has a sort of borderline childlike incredulity, to go with that famous resting "WTF?" face, that I find endlessly amusing.

He's the kid who really, really wanted to believe that Santa was real, and now mocks all the other mythical drivel that his "parents" in the oligarchy spew at him.
My pal Glen is 86 and looks talks and walks like 65
I know a lot of people in their 80's and they are brilliant bridge players, science experts, mathematicians, economists/financial wizards, and various other experts in their fields. Age really is just a number and affects people very differently. Queen Elizabeth II was sharp as a tack right up to the end when she finally died at age 96. Other people are old at 60 and 70.

One of our very good friends is the same age as Biden. He and his wife are frequently touring the world--without any kind of walking assistance--visiting great landmarks and monuments and cathedrals and castles and other wonderful places--and he (a professional photographer) is taking wonderful photographs and keeping us entertained on Facebook with those photos and brilliant monologues to go with them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with his brain and he's in great physical shape for his age.

And my Aunt Betty who will be 98 in September walks upright with perfect posture and no cane or other walking device, she and I walk pretty much at the same brisk pace wherever we go, she can ascend and descend stairs with no problem often without holding onto the rail, she can still competently drive in light traffic and on uncomplicated routes, and she speaks very well. Is she as sharp as she was 20 years ago when she was extremely sharp? No. She forgets things more and doesn't deal with problems as well now. But she is amazing. She is my inspiration that it ain't over til it's over.
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What kind of people would drug a mentally ill old man so that he could appear 'normal' or would subject him to that debate we all just witnessed? Not only was he incapable of remembering what he was supposed to say, he was incapable of understanding what he was being asked. And the crowning shame was seeing him standing there helpless when the debate was over until Jill went onto the stage to lead him off with two large secret service men positioned to catch him if he fell descending the two shallow steps.

Definitely leftwing but intellectually honest. Brendan O'Neill is appalled at the moral deficiency obvious in a Democrat Party who would use a frail old man in that way and all the other ways they abuse him:

". . .Old Joe’s physical infirmity is not the thing that should horrify us. Everyone ages, everyone withers. No, it is the moral infirmity of the Democratic establishment that is truly chilling. It is those who are so bent on power that they’ll force a frail man on to the world stage to do their bidding who deserve our ire. It is the media movers and shakers who said ‘Joe is fine’, and who damned the concerned as ageist cranks, who have behaved atrociously. Behind Biden’s physical decay is the far graver problem of the moral decay of a ruling class that will lie, gaslight and bully just to stay on top. . ."

". . .In truth, the ‘utter bullshit’ came not from people concerned for Biden’s health, but from an establishment hell-bent on disguising Biden’s withering. Their gaslighting was ceaseless. When a New York Times poll in March found that 73 per cent of Americans agreed – ‘somewhat’ or ‘strongly’ – that Biden is ‘just too old to be an effective president’, journalism professor Jeff Jarvis raged: ‘This is not journalism.’ It is ‘shameful’, he said, to make age an ‘issue’. Time slammed the ‘ageist attacks [on] President Biden’. ‘Biden’s big problem? Your ageism’, sneered one columnist at bigoted America. Just this month, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said video clips of Biden looking lost and confused are mostly ‘cheap fakes’ made by right-wingers in ‘bad faith’. . ."

". . .These overnight worriers for Biden’s wellbeing are utterly without shame. For all of them belong to that credentialled class that has either been content to ignore the blazing signs of Biden’s waning health or have actively conspired in playing it down. . ."

Why pretend you give any fucks about Brandon? :auiqs.jpg: Magaturds are weird, man.
Well since nothing you say happened, really happened, the question you have to ask yourself is why YOU so willingly believe that Joe Biden is "senile" when he clearly is not.

You overlook the obvious craziness of Trump's lies and paranoia, and his criminality, and believe the lies Trump tells you.

What is wrong with YOU???

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