Who has the better "killer" points to hammer out a win Thursday's debate? (Poll)

Who has the better "killer" points to win the debate, assuming the mods allow them?

  • Biden

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Trump

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters
Biden's much simpler "killer" points against Trump could include:
Smith's J6 indictment
Smith's classified docs indictment
Fani's election interference indictment
Bragg's 34 felony convictions
Letitia's $355,000,000 penalty for wrong numbers on a loan application
None of those are issues voters give a shit about. They aren't even election issues relative to the job of POTUS. Is Biden that pathetic after 4 years that he can't win a single actual election issue??
If you were coaching Trump or Biden what are the few "extemporaneous killer points" that you need hammered home to win the debate?
(no cheat sheets are allowed, so the points need to be extemporaneous)

Trump's "Hammers" are:

Foreign Policy

“Always Wrong” Biden or “Genocide Joe” is a foreign policy disaster, Ukraine, Gaza, China, Israel, Taiwan, Africa
Held in CONTEMPT by the Brits for his disastrous AFG withdrawal

Open Borders
Open Borders Biden is a National Security disaster, 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, criminals, terrorists, drug & human trafficking
Stupid Joe wanted to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 each for breaking US immigration LAWS??????

Domestic Policies
Runaway inflation is costing US families about $1,000 a month is buying power.
Biden turned the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI & IRS to harass opponents w/LAWFARE
Biden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.

War on Energy
Biden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Biden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.

Entrenched “Deep State” & “Woke” Leftist policies
Biden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents willing to KILL!! WTF???
Biden forgiving $127b of student loan debt is unconstitutional
Biden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US and send back the data, TRAITOR.

Double Standard of “Justice”
Biden’s extortion and bribery schemes are being outed by whistleblowers. NO DOJ INVESTIGATION
Biden stole classified documents; did he sell them to anyone? NO INDICTMENT, Joe's too mentally incompetent to stand trial?

Biden's much simpler "killer" points against Trump could include:
Smith's J6 indictment
Smith's classified docs indictment
Fani's election interference indictment
Bragg's 34 felony convictions
Letitia's $355,000,000 penalty for wrong numbers on a loan application

Not sure what others Joe could use? Please add for Joe, or refute Trump's.
I read an article today where Biden is getting prepped for the debate by not talking about his accomplishments (because voters aren't buying them) and just going after Trump. I'd have to say this is his best strategy because voters AREN'T buying anything he says about the things Americans care most about. So, I guess they're going with 90 minutes of "orange man bad". But he will get bonus points for not keeling over during the debate, even if they have to use drugs on him in order to accomplish that. Pay attention to see if his lips move while answering questions.

If I were Trump I would keep it simple and not go out into the weeds, trying to look as presidential as possible.
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When Trump was asked how he would fix inflation he said drill baby drill. Biden's already doing that.

U.S. crude oil exports reached a record in 2023

However a record number natural gas wells are being capped.

We don't sell oil or gas or propane..... We sell BTUs.
We are producing fewer BTUs per capita now than we have in the past 10 years. The demand for BTUs drives up the price of the therm and that's what affects the consumer bill. Exporting oil does nothing for the American public. Oil Is a commodity and is subject to the global supply. In fact high oil prices are very good for the American oil companies just not so good for the American consumer.
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Trump should bring up all the lies Biden told in the last debates, and demonstrate how the Democrats removed covid restrictions despite more illnesses and deaths. He should show how the DOW recovered from COVID, and even increased on his watch. And most of the GDP recovered as well., 33% positive over one quarter.

He should show how the DOW has lagged behind inflation over the last three years. He should also point out how he cleaned up after Obama by defeating ISIS, and how otherwise there were no wars on his watch. Then the Democrats took over, and now we find major wars on two continents of our interests, for which we find ourselves in a quiet war threatening to get loud, and he's the guy to negotiate that problem, because he can.

He should show how the Democrats have weaponized the justice system to go after their enemies, and how they threaten democracy in the name of "saving" it. And tell the truth about January 6th, an occurrence their mouths and actions lie about, so they could use the incident for a false flag. Just more corruption, like russian-gate, two impeachments-gate, a fake quote inciting racism-gate, inciting riots in the cities-gate, and so on.

I'd say our nation and thoughts are under attack, all while they project and distort reality. MAGA
If you were coaching Trump or Biden what are the few "extemporaneous killer points" that you need hammered home to win the debate?
(no cheat sheets are allowed, so the points need to be extemporaneous)

Trump's "Hammers" are:

Foreign Policy

“Always Wrong” Biden or “Genocide Joe” is a foreign policy disaster, Ukraine, Gaza, China, Israel, Taiwan, Africa
Held in CONTEMPT by the Brits for his disastrous AFG withdrawal

Open Borders
Open Borders Biden is a National Security disaster, 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, criminals, terrorists, drug & human trafficking
Stupid Joe wanted to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 each for breaking US immigration LAWS??????

Domestic Policies
Runaway inflation is costing US families about $1,000 a month is buying power.
Biden turned the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI & IRS to harass opponents w/LAWFARE
Biden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.

War on Energy
Biden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Biden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.

Entrenched “Deep State” & “Woke” Leftist policies
Biden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents willing to KILL!! WTF???
Biden forgiving $127b of student loan debt is unconstitutional
Biden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US and send back the data, TRAITOR.

Double Standard of “Justice”
Biden’s extortion and bribery schemes are being outed by whistleblowers. NO DOJ INVESTIGATION
Biden stole classified documents; did he sell them to anyone? NO INDICTMENT, Joe's too mentally incompetent to stand trial?

Biden's much simpler "killer" points against Trump could include:
Smith's J6 indictment
Smith's classified docs indictment
Fani's election interference indictment
Bragg's 34 felony convictions
Letitia's $355,000,000 penalty for wrong numbers on a loan application

Not sure what others Joe could use? Please add for Joe, or refute Trump's.
You forgot to add giant asteroid to you polling options LOL
When it's my turn to speak I just pull out my tape recorder and play Trump's own words

The election of a president under indictment and facing criminal trial would “create an unprecedented constitutional crisis” and “cripple the operations of government”, Donald Trump said.

But the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, who faces 71 criminal counts in state and federal cases and is expected to face more, was not speaking about himself – or speaking this year.

Trump was speaking on 3 November 2016, at a rally in North Carolina during his first presidential campaign, against Hillary Clinton.

“She is likely to be under investigation for many years,” Trump said, “and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. I mean, you take a look. Who knows? But it certainly looks that way.”

Seven years later, Trump has become the first former president ever indicted – and he has been indicted twice.

In New York, he faced 34 counts regarding hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels during that 2016 race.ALREADY GUILTY

In New York, his trial is set to begin in late March. In the federal case, a judge in Florida has said a trial could begin as soon as 14 August.

What about Georgia?

Nevada: “We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt.”

The same day, CNN said, Trump told rally-goers in Denver, Colorado, that because Clinton was “the prime suspect in a far-reaching criminal investigation”, it would be “virtually impossible for her to govern”.
There are no "tape recorders" nor are there "cheat sheets", and there shouldn't be an "ear piece" to coach Biden thru the answers.

So you may want to rethink your post knowing that old Joe Biden can't even read a teleprompter, let alone remember debate talking points.

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