Who has the better "killer" points to hammer out a win Thursday's debate? (Poll)

Who has the better "killer" points to win the debate, assuming the mods allow them?

  • Biden

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Trump

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters
Call the American public self-centered if you wish.... But I agree with you. None of the things related to any of the legal cases are going to make even so much as a dent in public opinion.

The two biggest dents to be had are pain at the grocery store and the incursion of illegal citizens. This is what is on the mind 90% of people today in a real time basis.

If you’re a typical American voter in any party, allow me to let you in on a little secret: What matters most to you in a presidential debate probably isn’t the same thing that gets the most attention from the candidates, the campaigns and their allies in the immediate aftermath of those big televised showdowns.

I’ve learned this from studying American reactions to almost every general election presidential debate since 1992. I’ve sat with small groups of voters selected from pools of thousands of undecided voters nationally, watching more than two dozen presidential and vice-presidential debates in real time, and it still amazes me that minuscule moments, verbal miscues and misremembering little details can matter so much in the spin room and to partisan pundits afterward. Yet those things often have little to no discernible impact on the opinions of many people watching at home.

If you’re a typical American voter in any party, allow me to let you in on a little secret: What matters most to you in a presidential debate probably isn’t the same thing that gets the most attention from the candidates, the campaigns and their allies in the immediate aftermath of those big televised showdowns.

I’ve learned this from studying American reactions to almost every general election presidential debate since 1992. I’ve sat with small groups of voters selected from pools of thousands of undecided voters nationally, watching more than two dozen presidential and vice-presidential debates in real time, and it still amazes me that minuscule moments, verbal miscues and misremembering little details can matter so much in the spin room and to partisan pundits afterward. Yet those things often have little to no discernible impact on the opinions of many people watching at home.
Not sure what others Joe could use? Please add for Joe, or refute Trump's.
Trump’s failed leadership during COVID speaks to his inability to govern in a crisis.

Trump’s inability to reach meaningful compromises with Democratic leadership to accomplish any lasting government reform.

Trump’s overly conservative judges lead to seismic shift in US jurisprudence that resulted in the repeal of Roe and potentially more reversals of things to come.

Having the nation suffer the indignity of another 4 years of his bombastic rhetoric that tore the country apart.
All Trump needs to do is keep things factual and not come across as a bully to the 'sweet, kind, lovable' Uncle Joe in order to win on all points.
Yeah there's a real danger in him looking like a bully and that would be very bad for him.
He needs to stay calm not overreact to accusations and simply state his case because the case is already been stated by the economy and by the poor condition of immigration.
Trump’s failed leadership during COVID speaks to his inability to govern in a crisis.

Trump’s inability to reach meaningful compromises with Democratic leadership to accomplish any lasting government reform.

Trump’s overly conservative judges lead to seismic shift in US jurisprudence that resulted in the repeal of Roe and potentially more reversals of things to come.

Having the nation suffer the indignity of another 4 years of his bombastic rhetoric that tore the country apart.
All losers..... Accrediting the American public with an attention span they simply don't have.

Now here is what's getting their attention:

$12 a pound for an average steak

30% increase in rent

25% increase in cost of energy

Illegal alien crime wave on the rise

There's absolutely no effort at all associated with recognizing these conditions. All the points you mentioned above are arguable and demonstratively opinion. The points mentioned below are screaming in people's faces everyday.
Yeah that was an excellent piece..... I would wager highly accurate too.
especially interesting is this observation "Yet those things often have little to no discernible impact on the opinions of many people watching at home."

It ties into exit polling results and other things that puzzle many people. And many debates may be the first time some people tune in, but do they make or break campaigns? What about October surprises? This campaign (2024) will be of interest historically for a very long time.
All losers..... Accrediting the American public with an attention span they simply don't have.

Now here is what's getting their attention:

$12 a pound for an average steak

30% increase in rent

25% increase in cost of energy

Illegal alien crime wave on the rise

There's absolutely no effort at all associated with recognizing these conditions. All the points you mentioned above are arguable and demonstratively opinion. The points mentioned below are screaming in people's faces everyday.
For people who don't use rightwing media, the supposed crime wave isn't even on the radar. Most people struggle to get by week to week, month to month. But is America ready to elect a convicted felon to the presidency? I don't believe so.

Drops mic

Walks off stage
If you were coaching Trump or Biden what are the few "extemporaneous killer points" that you need hammered home to win the debate?
(no cheat sheets are allowed, so the points need to be extemporaneous)

Trump's "Hammers" are:

Foreign Policy

“Always Wrong” Biden or “Genocide Joe” is a foreign policy disaster, Ukraine, Gaza, China, Israel, Taiwan, Africa
Held in CONTEMPT by the Brits for his disastrous AFG withdrawal

Open Borders
Open Borders Biden is a National Security disaster, 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, criminals, terrorists, drug & human trafficking
Stupid Joe wanted to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 each for breaking US immigration LAWS??????

Domestic Policies
Runaway inflation is costing US families about $1,000 a month is buying power.
Biden turned the US into a banana republic by misusing the FBI & IRS to harass opponents w/LAWFARE
Biden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.

War on Energy
Biden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Biden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.

Entrenched “Deep State” & “Woke” Leftist policies
Biden wants 87,000 armed IRS agents willing to KILL!! WTF???
Biden forgiving $127b of student loan debt is unconstitutional
Biden let the Chinese spy balloon fly across the US and send back the data, TRAITOR.

Double Standard of “Justice”
Biden’s extortion and bribery schemes are being outed by whistleblowers. NO DOJ INVESTIGATION
Biden stole classified documents; did he sell them to anyone? NO INDICTMENT, Joe's too mentally incompetent to stand trial?

Biden's much simpler "killer" points against Trump could include:
Smith's J6 indictment
Smith's classified docs indictment
Fani's election interference indictment
Bragg's 34 felony convictions
Letitia's $355,000,000 penalty for wrong numbers on a loan application

Not sure what others Joe could use? Please add for Joe, or refute Trump's.
Nobody is winning that debate. Both sides will claim victory and Trump will also claim that it was rigged. It’s all very predictable. In reality everybody loses
All losers..... Accrediting the American public with an attention span they simply don't have.

Now here is what's getting their attention:

$12 a pound for an average steak

30% increase in rent

25% increase in cost of energy

Illegal alien crime wave on the rise

There's absolutely no effort at all associated with recognizing these conditions. All the points you mentioned above are arguable and demonstratively opinion. The points mentioned below are screaming in people's faces everyday.
Crime is down. It skyrocketed under Trump.

Trump has no plan and probably no ability to lower prices.

Recognizing what the president can and can’t do is a level of maturity not all voters have.
Key staff, family members and top Republicans contacted Trump to urge him to do something
He waited three hours before he took action Pelosi never denied anything
BOTH Capitol Police Chief Sund and Trump requested the National Guard earlier than J6, and both requests were denied.
Irving denied Sund's request based on Pelosi's policy:

Nancy Pelosi says ‘I take responsibility’ for not having National Guard at the Capitol on Jan. 6 in video shot by her own daughter​

DC Mayor Bowser denied Trump's early request for the National Guard
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FOX tried to spin this like they tried spinning and lying about Jan 6. and the vote in 2020.

But in the real world outside of Trump-land/Magadonia​

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll​

Judge says E Jean Carroll allegation Trump raped her is ‘substantially true’ in court dismissal​

Ex-president claimed that writer defamed him when saying he raped her, but judge said term is commonly ‘used and understood’ in context
Lawfare by any other name. Sexual assault is not "rape". Trump was NOT convicted of "rape".
BOTH Capitol Police Chief Sund and Trump requested the National Guard earlier than J6, and both requests were denied.
Irving denied Sund's request based on Pelosi's policy:

DC Mayor Bowser denied Trump's early request for the National Guard
Which has nothing to do with Pelosi or excuse Trump inaction
The debate will be embarrassing for both sides
That totally depends on how the mods move the debate along.

If Trump gets interrupted continuously because his "facts" disagree with democrat talking points, that is a win for Trump.

If Trump's questions are all about J6 and his legal issues, that is a win for Trump.

If Biden gets "ice cream" questions or setups of anti-Trump talking points, that is a win for Trump.

I just can't imagine the CNN mods asking Biden difficult questions.

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