Zone1 Is Atheism Depressing?

In a religious forum that atheists attend for the express purpose of mocking Christians.

a religious forum and the desert religions are not synonymous - despite the endless effort of christians, bing to try and prove otherwise.

the heavenly religion of antiquity, synonymous w/ religion is equally applicable to everyone religious or not the same as golden rules and other inclusive beliefs.

desert religions = political agendas are one in the same.
a religious forum and the desert religions are not synonymous - despite the endless effort of christians, bing to try and prove otherwise.

the heavenly religion of antiquity, synonymous w/ religion is equally applicable to everyone religious or not the same as golden rules and other inclusive beliefs.

desert religions = political agendas are one in the same.
Everything I said to rightwinger applies to you.
Atheism and agnosticism are depressing.

I am NOT saying atheists are wrong because atheism is depressing.

I am only suggesting atheism is a bleak philosophy.

Some quotes:

“That Man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man’s achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the débris of a universe in ruins—all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand. Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair, can the soul’s habitation henceforth be safely built.” Bertrand Russell

“I know no study which is so unutterably saddening as that of the evolution of humanity, as it is set forth in the annals of history. Out of the darkness of prehistoric ages man emerges with the marks of his lowly origin strong upon him. He is a brute, only more intelligent than the other brutes, a blind prey to impulses, which as often as not lead him to destruction; a victim to endless illusions, which make his mental existence a terror and a burden, and fill his physical life with barren toil and battle.” Thomas Huxley

“Humanity has in the course of time had to endure from the hands of science two great outrages upon its naive self-love. The first was when it realized that our earth was not the center of the universe, but only a tiny speck in a world-system of a magnitude hardly conceivable; this is associated in our minds with the name of Copernicus, although Alexandrian doctrines taught something very similar. The second was when biological research robbed man of his peculiar privilege of having been specially created, and relegated him to a descent from the animal world, implying an ineradicable animal nature in him: this transvaluation has been accomplished in our own time upon the instigation of Charles Darwin, Wallace, and their predecessors, and not without the most violent opposition from their contemporaries. But man's craving for grandiosity is now suffering the third and most bitter blow from present-day psychological research which is endeavoring to prove to the ego of each one of us that he is not even master in his own house, but that he must remain content with the veriest scraps of information about what is going on unconsciously in his own mind. We psycho-analysts were neither the first nor the only ones to propose to mankind that they should look inward; but it appears to be our lot to advocate it most insistently and to support it by empirical evidence which touches every man closely.” Sigmund Freud

Atheists can only be happy if they deny the ramifications and end point of their core belief.

Because their core belief is: nothing created something but since there is no Creator, we are essentially bags of meat stuck by gravity on a floating rock on an outbound suburb of a dying galaxy.

You can PRETEND to make meaning out of that but in the end, there is no meaning.
Atheists can only be happy if they deny the ramifications and end point of their core belief.

Because their core belief is: nothing created something but since there is no Creator, we are essentially bags of meat stuck by gravity on a floating rock on an outbound suburb of a dying galaxy.

You can PRETEND to make meaning out of that but in the end, there is no meaning.
There's no such thing as "the core belief" of atheists. Atheism is a nonbelief, not a philosophy or a worldview.
There's no such thing as "the core belief" of atheists. Atheism is a nonbelief, not a philosophy or a worldview.
Some define atheism as “lack of belief in God”, but this is an absurd definition. Some individuals employ reason and think there is a God. According to the absurd definition, such individuals would be atheists!

This absurd definition represents an intellectual retreat for the atheist movement. Stalwart atheists of the past stated boldly “there is no God”. Now they only engage in cheap debater’s tricks.
Some define atheism as “lack of belief in God”, but this is an absurd definition. Some individuals employ reason and think there is a God. According to the absurd definition, such individuals would be atheists!

This absurd definition represents an intellectual retreat for the atheist movement. Stalwart atheists of the past stated boldly “there is no God”. Now they only engage in cheap debater’s tricks.
The term "atheist" is polysemous. Psychologists will tell you that atheism is the psychological state of lacking the belief that God exists. The philosophical approach is different.

I fit the "lack of belief" definition. I've never believed in any god or the supernatural.

Researchers identified six types of nonbelief:
im paradisian, same as jesus - winger is an atheism ... you're a phony christianity, crucifiers the worship of servitude and denial.
You attack the dominant religion of the land because that's what socialists and insignificant rival religions do.
There's no such thing as "the core belief" of atheists. Atheism is a nonbelief, not a philosophy or a worldview.
Atheists see no distinction between good and evil. Atheism proceeds on the belief that all that matters is the satisfaction of material needs and primitive animal impulses.

Atheism operates on the assumption that all there is is the material world and all that matters is the satisfaction of material needs and primitive impulses. That's all there is to life for an atheist. He has no greater purpose than to consume and to have pleasure and to avoid pain.
Atheists see no distinction between good and evil. Atheism proceeds on the belief that all that matters is the satisfaction of material needs and primitive animal impulses.
Have you asked all atheists in the world what and how they think?

Atheism doesn't proceed. It simply exists.

Atheism operates on the assumption that all there is is the material world and all that matters is the satisfaction of material needs and primitive impulses. That's all there is to life for an atheist. He has no greater purpose than to consume and to have pleasure and to avoid pain.
Sounds good to me.
nothing created something but since there is no Creator, we are essentially bags of meat stuck by gravity on a floating rock on an outbound suburb of a dying galaxy.

the christian parrots ...

the metaphysical forces are responsible for all that exists in the universe - physiology is a metaphysical substance not native to planet earth whose properties made it possible for its beginning and evolution on earth and has a unique spiritual content that if removed the physiology will dissipate into the atmosphere ...

what is not known is the fate of physiology's unique spiritual content and if that is able to survive on its own accord without their physiology when dissipated.
You attack the dominant religion of the land because that's what socialists and insignificant rival religions do.

you use guttural nomenclature, are you from texas ...

jesus and the 1st century events are the repudiation of judaism, false commandments and hereditary idolatry ...

not so insignificant the texas radical and judaism take the time to persecute and victimize the innocent beginning with the crucifixion who they otherwise feared to let live a day longer they could not tolerate.
Have you asked all atheists in the world what and how they think?

Atheism doesn't proceed. It simply exists.
Don't all atheists believe that only the material world exists?

Then how can I be wrong that they are only concerned with satisfaction of material needs and primitive impulses? What else is there for them to be concerned with?

It's literally an artifact of their beliefs.
you use guttural nomenclature, are you from texas ...

jesus and the 1st century events are the repudiation of judaism, false commandments and hereditary idolatry ...

not so insignificant the texas radical and judaism take the time to persecute and victimize the innocent beginning with the crucifixion who they otherwise feared to let live a day longer they could not tolerate.
You didn't deny it.

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