It would make me feel much better if elections really were rigged

No, think you have it backwards. The ones coming here are escaping the drugs, homeless, high taxes, and the illegals.
Yea but then they are idiots when they come ruin where you live. They bring their liberal ways. Why are you trying so hard not to see how stupid your logic is about how Cali runs off good people, but then you say those people come to your state and they aren't good. They ruin your state.

So good riddance to them.

We would love to send you our Detroiters or Chicago citizens and see how you deal with them.
Yea but then they are idiots when they come ruin where you live. They bring their liberal ways. Why are you trying so hard not to see how stupid your logic is about how Cali runs off good people, but then you say those people come to your state and they aren't good. They ruin your state.

So good riddance to them.

We would love to send you our Detroiters or Chicago citizens and see how you deal with them.

Most of the ones that come to Texas are good and don't want taxes. Do you have an english comprehension problem bobo? It's like talking to a cement wall.
Most of the ones that come to Texas are good and don't want taxes. Do you have an english comprehension problem bobo? It's like talking to a cement wall.
Oh so then that nonsense about them coming to Texas then ruining it by how they vote.

Sorry if they come to your state, see how you all behave, and then decide to vote Democratic. Perhaps you people need to evolve. It's nice that it's cheap there but the people suck.

We vacation in Greece a lot. We always tell the people there that Greece would be great if it weren't for all the Greeks. Same in Texas.
Oh so then that nonsense about them coming to Texas then ruining it by how they vote.

Sorry if they come to your state, see how you all behave, and then decide to vote Democratic. Perhaps you people need to evolve. It's nice that it's cheap there but the people suck.

We vacation in Greece a lot. We always tell the people there that Greece would be great if it weren't for all the Greeks. Same in Texas.

Texans are some of the nicest people in the US. Hopefully, this secession movement picks up and we end our relationship with the corrupt federal tyranny.
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The alternative is far darker and depressing.
This sums up my reaction to the #StopTheSqueal goons pretty succinctly. In fact, I'd long claimed the elections were more or less foregone conclusions. Not necessarily faked, but setup with the cards so stacked against non-establishment candidates that no one could break through. Trump's election in 2016 proved otherwise. He proved that any populist charlatan who can whip voters into a frenzy can worm their way into the White House. Which is dark and depressing indeed - and points to the fundamental flaw of democracy. Democracy simply can't survive stupid, petulant voters.
People don't seem to realize that what's rigged is the perception of politicians based on media bias. Biden protected and Trump constantly attacked. Republican representatives constantly criticized and democrats get a pass.
Oh so then that nonsense about them coming to Texas then ruining it by how they vote.

Sorry if they come to your state, see how you all behave, and then decide to vote Democratic. Perhaps you people need to evolve. It's nice that it's cheap there but the people suck.

We vacation in Greece a lot. We always tell the people there that Greece would be great if it weren't for all the Greeks. Same in Texas.
Says the guy who is bitching about Texas shipping them to NY and Chicago
This sums up my reaction to the #StopTheSqueal goons pretty succinctly. In fact, I'd long claimed the elections were more or less foregone conclusions. Not necessarily faked, but setup with the cards so stacked against non-establishment candidates that no one could break through. Trump's election in 2016 proved otherwise. He proved that any populist charlatan who can whip voters into a frenzy can worm their way into the White House. Which is dark and depressing indeed - and points to the fundamental flaw of democracy. Democracy simply can't survive stupid, petulant voters.
I have said for years that the media and academia, for example, are rabily left wing. Journal article after journal article will verify this fact, but yet, no one considers how democracy can work without a free and unbiased media.

Gerrymandering, and such, are other ways you can help rig elections.

The list of ways to rig elections seems infinite.
Texans are some of the nicest people in the US. Hopefully, this secession movement picks up and we end our relationship with the corrupt federal tyranny.
I would love it. Just to see how quick you came crawling back.

And to have the Republican nuts in my state move there.

No social security checks get sent to this new Texas. We will put your money in an American bank and you have to travel to a US State to get your checks. Or take a buyout with a huge penalty. Like, "here's your $50K now get!"

And you have to be an American to get an abortion. So we will turn your whores away. GO ON GET!
I would love it. Just to see how quick you came crawling back.

And to have the Republican nuts in my state move there.

No social security checks get sent to this new Texas. We will put your money in an American bank and you have to travel to a US State to get your checks. Or take a buyout with a huge penalty. Like, "here's your $50K now get!"

And you have to be an American to get an abortion. So we will turn your whores away. GO ON GET!

It would be great to be rid of our current corrupt federal tyranny.
It would be great to be rid of our current corrupt federal tyranny.
No insurance, all private schools, 65% of you can never retire because you didn't save the money you saved from not paying into social security. The corporations gobbled up all that money you dope.

Free? No pornography, can't say gay, burning books, can't get abortions, no free healthcare for the masses.

Free of teeth because you can't afford a dentist

Do you need your hair cut or a tooth pulled?
No insurance, all private schools, 65% of you can never retire because you didn't save the money you saved from not paying into social security. The corporations gobbled up all that money you dope.

Free? No pornography, can't say gay, burning books, can't get abortions, no free healthcare for the masses.

Free of teeth because you can't afford a dentist

Do you need your hair cut or a tooth pulled?
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More fear. A state doesn't need the federal tyranny. Lol.
No insurance, all private schools, 65% of you can never retire because you didn't save the money you saved from not paying into social security. The corporations gobbled up all that money you dope.
useless brain function on your part.
More fear. A state doesn't need the federal tyranny. Lol.

A state doesn't need a lot of things. Just pointing out you aren't really free in your state. Just free of liberals. You are being policed by the American Taliban.

So you don't care about gay freedom. I get it. You're not gay. Do you like free porn on the internet? Can't get it in red states.

A state doesn't need a lot of things. Just pointing out you aren't really free in your state. Just free of liberals. You are being policed by the American Taliban.

So you don't care about gay freedom. I get it. You're not gay. Do you like free porn on the internet? Can't get it in red states.

You're right. Im not gay nor do I watch porn.
No insurance, all private schools, 65% of you can never retire because you didn't save the money you saved from not paying into social security. The corporations gobbled up all that money you dope.

Free? No pornography, can't say gay, burning books, can't get abortions, no free healthcare for the masses.

Free of teeth because you can't afford a dentist

Do you need your hair cut or a tooth pulled?
View attachment 964984
None of these things need be done by government, and all of them can be done at the state level, rather than centralizing control at the national level.

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