How do we make sense of this?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
WashingtonCNN —
George W. Bush has turned his unpopularity upside down.

Six in 10 Americans, 61%, say they now have a favorable view of the 43rd President of the United States in the latest CNN poll conducted by SSRS, nearly double the 33% who gave him a favorable mark when he left the White House in January 2009.

Can we attribute it to "people forget?" I don't know what else to make of it. He presided over two epic failures. The Iraq War and the Great Recession. As was the case with Reagan there has been no coordinated attempt to revise history. Making his rise in popularity somewhat inexplicable.

But there has been a monumental effort to revise history that explains this.

Republican loyalty to Trump, rioters climbs in 3 years after Jan. 6 attack

Three years after the Jan. 6 attack, Republicans are more sympathetic to those who stormed the U.S. Capitol and more likely to absolve Donald Trump of responsibility for the attack than they were in 2021, according to a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Republicans are showing increased loyalty to the former president as he campaigns for reelection and fights criminal charges over his attempt to stay in power after losing in 2020. They are now less likely to believe that Jan. 6 participants were “mostly violent,” less likely to believe Trump bears responsibility for the attack, and are slightly less likely to view Joe Biden’s election as legitimate than they were in a December 2021 Post-UMD survey.
In follow-up interviews, some said their views have changed because they now believe the riot was instigated by law enforcement to suppress political dissent — a baseless conspiracy theory that has been promoted heavily in right-wing media and by Trump in his speeches and in
his legal fight against the four-count federal indictment he faces in D.C.

I'm not sure there is a better or more frightening example of Repub's susceptibility to propaganda than what these polls show. The longer they are exposed to Faux-like disinformation the more they believe in a distorted view of reality. One that is beyond the reach of facts or reason. More than anything this is why I am not optimistic about the country's future. A participatory democracy, reliant on an informed electorate, can not survive in the post-factual environment created by RWM.
WashingtonCNN —
George W. Bush has turned his unpopularity upside down.

Six in 10 Americans, 61%, say they now have a favorable view of the 43rd President of the United States in the latest CNN poll conducted by SSRS, nearly double the 33% who gave him a favorable mark when he left the White House in January 2009.

Can we attribute it to "people forget?" I don't know what else to make of it. He presided over two epic failures. The Iraq War and the Great Recession. As was the case with Reagan there has been no coordinated attempt to revise history. Making his rise in popularity somewhat inexplicable.

But there has been a monumental effort to revise history that explains this.

Republican loyalty to Trump, rioters climbs in 3 years after Jan. 6 attack

Three years after the Jan. 6 attack, Republicans are more sympathetic to those who stormed the U.S. Capitol and more likely to absolve Donald Trump of responsibility for the attack than they were in 2021, according to a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Republicans are showing increased loyalty to the former president as he campaigns for reelection and fights criminal charges over his attempt to stay in power after losing in 2020. They are now less likely to believe that Jan. 6 participants were “mostly violent,” less likely to believe Trump bears responsibility for the attack, and are slightly less likely to view Joe Biden’s election as legitimate than they were in a December 2021 Post-UMD survey.
In follow-up interviews, some said their views have changed because they now believe the riot was instigated by law enforcement to suppress political dissent — a baseless conspiracy theory that has been promoted heavily in right-wing media and by Trump in his speeches and in
his legal fight against the four-count federal indictment he faces in D.C.

I'm not sure there is a better or more frightening example of Repub's susceptibility to propaganda than what these polls show. The longer they are exposed to Faux-like disinformation the more they believe in a distorted view of reality. One that is beyond the reach of facts or reason. More than anything this is why I am not optimistic about the country's future. A participatory democracy, reliant on an informed electorate, can not survive in the post-factual environment created by RWM.
Confused? You must be a damn liberal. Who would of ever guessed people would get sick and tired of the screwed up liberal agenda.
When all else fails a false equivalence will have to do.
The people you are talking about are morons. Our electorate are morons. These people elected a senile pervert to the white house that cant even walk down a fucking sidewalk. They elected trump. Obama. So why should bushs support going up surprise you?
Because you are one of the idiots.
False equivalence my ass.
The people you are talking about are morons. Our electorate are morons. These people elected a senile pervert to the white house that cant even walk down a fucking sidewalk. They elected trump. Obama. So why should bushs support going up surprise you?
Because you are one of the idiots.
False equivalence my ass.
Your misguided opinion about some prior prez's has nothing to do with how and why Trump's reputation, and that of the 1/6 mob, has been resuscitated. Pay attention.
Your misguided opinion about some prior prez's has nothing to do with how and why Trump's reputation, and that of the 1/6 mob, has been resuscitated. Pay attention.
JFC, all roads lead back to ORANGE MAN BAAAAAAD!

Your misguided opinion about some prior prez's has nothing to do with how and why Trump's reputation, and that of the 1/6 mob, has been resuscitated. Pay attention.

You should pay attention.
There is an entire world outside the one that your Cult paints for you.

President Trump, against all odds, performed spectacularly during his Presidency.
Could it have been better - ?
Could the Constant Washington Class not have objected to and fought every move, - yes.

Could there have been fewer fake impeachments - yes.

Could the Democrat Media not have lied about his entire Presidency - yes.

President Trump has been "resuscitated" not just by people remembering how good shape the country was in at that point, but also by some detractors realizing how bad it is now.

The tactics that The Democrats are using now - in the mind of any reasonable person solidifies how much the Democrats fear their awful agendas being replaced by policies that strengthen the US.

Normal people want a strong and prosperous US.
You should pay attention.
There is an entire world outside the one that your Cult paints for you.

President Trump, against all odds, performed spectacularly during his Presidency.
Could it have been better - ?
Could the Constant Washington Class not have objected to and fought every move, - yes.

Could there have been fewer fake impeachments - yes.

Could the Democrat Media not have lied about his entire Presidency - yes.

President Trump has been "resuscitated" not just by people remembering how good shape the country was in at that point, but also by some detractors realizing how bad it is now.

The tactics that The Democrats are using now - in the mind of any reasonable person solidifies how much the Democrats fear their awful agendas being replaced by policies that strengthen the US.

Normal people want a strong and prosperous US.
Their entire campaign strategy for 2024 appears to be JANUARY 6TH
WashingtonCNN —
George W. Bush has turned his unpopularity upside down.

Six in 10 Americans, 61%, say they now have a favorable view of the 43rd President of the United States in the latest CNN poll conducted by SSRS, nearly double the 33% who gave him a favorable mark when he left the White House in January 2009.

Can we attribute it to "people forget?" I don't know what else to make of it. He presided over two epic failures. The Iraq War and the Great Recession. As was the case with Reagan there has been no coordinated attempt to revise history. Making his rise in popularity somewhat inexplicable.

But there has been a monumental effort to revise history that explains this.

Republican loyalty to Trump, rioters climbs in 3 years after Jan. 6 attack

Three years after the Jan. 6 attack, Republicans are more sympathetic to those who stormed the U.S. Capitol and more likely to absolve Donald Trump of responsibility for the attack than they were in 2021, according to a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Republicans are showing increased loyalty to the former president as he campaigns for reelection and fights criminal charges over his attempt to stay in power after losing in 2020. They are now less likely to believe that Jan. 6 participants were “mostly violent,” less likely to believe Trump bears responsibility for the attack, and are slightly less likely to view Joe Biden’s election as legitimate than they were in a December 2021 Post-UMD survey.
In follow-up interviews, some said their views have changed because they now believe the riot was instigated by law enforcement to suppress political dissent — a baseless conspiracy theory that has been promoted heavily in right-wing media and by Trump in his speeches and in
his legal fight against the four-count federal indictment he faces in D.C.

I'm not sure there is a better or more frightening example of Repub's susceptibility to propaganda than what these polls show. The longer they are exposed to Faux-like disinformation the more they believe in a distorted view of reality. One that is beyond the reach of facts or reason. More than anything this is why I am not optimistic about the country's future. A participatory democracy, reliant on an informed electorate, can not survive in the post-factual environment created by RWM.

It's because he can't run for President again. Thus the left forgets all the BushChimpyMcHilter crap they threw at him, and use him to castigate the current Republican's running for office. If DeSantis was the lead runner, it would be DeSantis being smeared instead of Trump.
I voted for GWB for election and reelection over certain policy stances and the same with DJT. Both to me were more capable of handling the job than their opposition.

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