America Has Suffered A Lethal Blow to Its Freedoms

Suggest you leftists listen to this if you have the mental patience to hear what this is all about.

Listen and learn!!!!

Get ready conservatives. It's over and when the red carpet is rolled out....

It's already over.

Pray and get yourselves right with the Lord. If you do, you'll be in the ultimate right camp.

Speaking to myself as well as you. Get prepared. Redemptive suffering. Learn it. Embrace it.
There's no such thing as ''hate speech''

The First Amedment guarantees this.

Anyone who contends otherwise isn't qualified to speak on the matter and would do better to shove their feelings up their rear ends.
I can accept some notion of outlawing speech that is intended to stir up violence - "inciting a riot" type of thing. But just saying I hate "X", whether X is a person or a group, is every person's right. Even if it's stupid and deplorable.
The law does not ban any speech or define anything as a "hate crime".

It just bars discrimination of Jewish people under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act for entities that receive Federal funding.

A policy that has been in place since 2019.

Much ado about nothing, I would say...
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

Its here now and growing stronger by the day. Many dumb Americans ignorantly support it.
Not if people start marching and killing and singing "Onward Christian Soldiers".

Tell me I'm wrong, commie.

You don't seem to realize you're involved in an assault on humanity.

It's time for the 8th Crusade, IMO.

Enjoy the beautiful harmonies. That didn't come from leftist shitlords like you. Ever.
The law does not ban any speech or define anything as a "hate crime".

It just bars discrimination of Jewish people under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act for entities that receive Federal funding.

The proper role of American government is not to placate group claims or special interests.

It is to protect Individual liberty.
The proper role of American government is not to placate group claims.

It is to protect Individual liberty.
I agree pandering is not the role of Gov't. I am just saying the hyperventilating is blowing it way out of proportion.

Is the law infringing on personal liberty in any real way?

The anti-semitism on campuses is out of hand, and the Congress is trying to push the administrators to provide a little protection to students who have done nothing wrong other than being Jewish.

Many of these so-called protestors are paid activists and anarchists, who use the colleges as cover for their anti-social agendas. I would have no problem locking them up when they take over the campuses and shut down the classes for everyone...
The law does not ban any speech or define anything as a "hate crime".

It just bars discrimination of Jewish people under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act for entities that receive Federal funding.

A policy that has been in place since 2019.

Much ado about nothing, I would say...

It's clear none of them have read the bill,
I agree pandering is not the role of Gov't. I am just saying the hyperventilating is blowing it way out of proportion.

Is the law infringing on personal liberty in any real way?

The anti-semitism on campuses is out of hand, and the Congress is trying to push the administrators to provide a little protection to students who have done nothing wrong other than being Jewish.

Many of these so-called protestors are paid activists and anarchists, who use the colleges as cover for their anti-social agendas. I would have no problem locking them up when they take over the campuses and shut down the classes for everyone...
This is the only "shall" in the bill:

"In reviewing, investigating, or deciding whether there has been a violation of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) on the basis of race, color, or national origin, based on an individual’s actual or perceived shared Jewish ancestry or Jewish ethnic characteristics, the Department of Education shall take into consideration the definition of antisemitism as part of the Department’s assessment of whether the practice was motivated by antisemitic intent."
The law does not ban any speech or define anything as a "hate crime".

It just bars discrimination of Jewish people under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act for entities that receive Federal funding.
Which is even worse than banning speech.

Protected classes: Special rights for special people.
I can accept some notion of outlawing speech that is intended to stir up violence - "inciting a riot" type of thing. But just saying I hate "X", whether X is a person or a group, is every person's right. Even if it's stupid and deplorable.

I don't think that people really understand what is going on right under their noses.

But that's just how coercion works.

It's a heck of a thing, man.
The First Amendment came under a brutal attack today by nonother than its Congress.

In their panic and hysteria over losing their gaslighting war to paint ANTI-war protestors as the aggressors, they've now written a LAW dictating that to criticize the ideology and/or actions of a FOREIGN country's government, is now considered hate speech and CAN be prosecuted in American courts.

That's it folks, we're screwed...........IF this is allowed to stand.

This video explains it nicely...

WHO will stand and fight against this assault on the Constitution?

WHO will stand and fight for America?

I said years ago when the phony hate crime hate speech craze started making its way thru the left (and some on the right as well) something like this was going to happen.
You almost gotta laugh that he hypocritical left is depending on the Supreme Court to uphold the Constitution now that their ability to commit treason has been limited.
I agree pandering is not the role of Gov't. I am just saying the hyperventilating is blowing it way out of proportion.

Is the law infringing on personal liberty in any real way?

The anti-semitism on campuses is out of hand, and the Congress is trying to push the administrators to provide a little protection to students who have done nothing wrong other than being Jewish.

Many of these so-called protestors are paid activists and anarchists, who use the colleges as cover for their anti-social agendas. I would have no problem locking them up when they take over the campuses and shut down the classes for everyone...

It's all just one big psy-op, in my view, man.

And government will never let such a perfectly good ''crisis'' go to waste.
70 Dems out of 200 plus, 21 GOP out of 200 plus? BOTH sides wear this one.

Isn't that what I just stated?

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