America Has Suffered A Lethal Blow to Its Freedoms

Not if people start marching and killing and singing "Onward Christian Soldiers".

Tell me I'm wrong, commie.

You don't seem to realize you're involved in an assault on humanity.

It's time for the 8th Crusade, IMO.

Enjoy the beautiful harmonies. That didn't come from leftist shitlords like you. Ever.

Fascism is here and you’re cool with it.
Which is even worse than banning speech.

Protected classes: Special rights for special people.
I won't say one is worse than the other, they are both undesirable.

BUT- protecting the rights of the minority is baked into our system. If the mob is allowed to run rampant, that is not desirable either.

That's why we have an electoral college, and why every State gets 2 Senators no matter it's population. Those are guardrails against mob rule.

We all know there has been very harsh discrimination in the past. It still pops it's ugly head from time to time, and I have not heard any good reason why we should allow it to go unchecked.

So I will not be offended by this bill, which does not infringe on my rights in any way that I can recognize. And if it helps keep the anarchists from blocking the streets and highways, that's okay with me too...
Not if people start marching and killing and singing "Onward Christian Soldiers".

Tell me I'm wrong, commie.

You don't seem to realize you're involved in an assault on humanity.

It's time for the 8th Crusade, IMO.

Enjoy the beautiful harmonies. That didn't come from leftist shitlords like you. Ever.

You love Bibi
You love Bibi

I don't hate Jews like you. Is that my bad now?

Oh! They should just embrace being killed, huh?

I sure am glad I was out of school before all this bullshit started happening.

There was no antisemitism on college campuses in America for at least 220 years or so.

I had like..5 friends on campus that were of the tribe, there were more, but that's who I was involved with.

Never any terrorist supporters and anti-Jew bullshit going on in America back in those days.

Jews are not bad. Also God says they're his people.

What kind of people are against them, hmm?
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I won't say one is worse than the other, they are both undesirable.

BUT- protecting the rights of the minority is baked into our system. If the mob is allowed to run rampant, that is not desirable either.

That's why we have an electoral college, and why every State gets 2 Senators no matter it's population. Those are guardrails against mob rule.

We all know there has been very harsh discrimination in the past. It still pops it's ugly head from time to time, and I have not heard any good reason why we should allow it to go unchecked.
Because protecting your right to associate with those you choose, and avoid those you don't like - for whatever reason - is more important than suppressing unpopular biases.
So I will not be offended by this bill, which does not infringe on my rights in any way that I can recognize.
Any law that tells you that you can't discriminate based on your own conscience, is violating your rights in a most fundamental way.
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Because protecting your right to associate with those you choose, and avoid those you don't like - for whatever reason - is more important than suppressing unpopular biases.

Any law that tells you that you can't discriminate based on your own conscience, is violating your rights in a most fundamental way.
The law is not preventing me from associating with anyone I choose, and it is not dictating my morality. It leaves me free to hate or to not hate, as I see fit.

If I was a college administrator, and I was receiving federal funding, it would bar me from discriminating based on my personal biases, and that is proper. The State cannot dictate my biases, neither can I impose them on you or your children.

Shutting down campuses by forcibly blocking access and vandalizing property is not protected behavior. That is anarchy. The protesters are free to demonstrate and fly their banners, they just have to to it in a manner that also respects the rights of others.
Anti-war protesters? Give me a break, they are anti-semite activists. Their selective nature of protesting one conflict while supporting the clown in Kiev proves that. How pathetic.
The First Amendment came under a brutal attack today by nonother than its Congress.

In their panic and hysteria over losing their gaslighting war to paint ANTI-war protestors as the aggressors, they've now written a LAW dictating that to criticize the ideology and/or actions of a FOREIGN country's government, is now considered hate speech and CAN be prosecuted in American courts.

That's it folks, we're screwed...........IF this is allowed to stand.

This video explains it nicely...

WHO will stand and fight against this assault on the Constitution?

WHO will stand and fight for America?

I can't tolerate reading your stupid fucking OP, but I agree this new laws is Fascism and unconstitutional
You don't vote, you just like the taste of Trump's ass? I get it.

Whatever floats your boat.
So Pedo Joe is your choice, huh?

Steve Gaines ..if I was him, he'd be done.
The law is not preventing me from associating with anyone I choose, and it is not dictating my morality. It leaves me free to hate or to not hate, as I see fit.

If I was a college administrator, and I was receiving federal funding, it would bar me from discriminating based on my personal biases, and that is proper. The State cannot dictate my biases, neither can I impose them on you or your children.
The law is forcing you to associate with others, even if you'd rather not. If you don't want to do business with Israel because you oppose them, for any reason, that should be your right.
Shutting down campuses by forcibly blocking access and vandalizing property is not protected behavior. That is anarchy. The protesters are free to demonstrate and fly their banners, they just have to to it in a manner that also respects the rights of others.
The First Amendment came under a brutal attack today by nonother than its Congress.

In their panic and hysteria over losing their gaslighting war to paint ANTI-war protestors as the aggressors, they've now written a LAW dictating that to criticize the ideology and/or actions of a FOREIGN country's government, is now considered hate speech and CAN be prosecuted in American courts.

That's it folks, we're screwed...........IF this is allowed to stand.

This video explains it nicely...

WHO will stand and fight against this assault on the Constitution?

WHO will stand and fight for America?

Leftists created hate speech laws.
Who knew they'd expand?
The law is forcing you to associate with others, even if you'd rather not. If you don't want to do business with Israel because you oppose them, for any reason, that should be your right.
The law does not require that I associate with anyone outside the workplace, or that I do business with any particular company or country that I object to. I have refused to do jobs when I knew my products were destined for Iran for example, even though the customer was from a different Arab country that was not under any US sanctions.

There are companies that I would not purchase from for personal reasons- no one can force me to do that.

As a business, I also accepted certain obligations that reached beyond my personal feelings. I had to pay people equal pay for equal work, and I cannot discriminate in hiring and firing decisions based on non-work related reasons. That was the law for all the years I was an employer, and I never felt like my rights were being infringed.

Look, there were a lot of things I didn't like- I had a kid come in one day and slap me with a $2,000 fine for not having a light curtain on an old press brake. I appealed, had a hearing, fabricated some guards so the machine would be OSHA compliant.

I always had the option of just shutting the doors- at the end of the day it was still my choice whether to be in business or not...
The First Amendment came under a brutal attack today by nonother than its Congress.

In their panic and hysteria over losing their gaslighting war to paint ANTI-war protestors as the aggressors, they've now written a LAW dictating that to criticize the ideology and/or actions of a FOREIGN country's government, is now considered hate speech and CAN be prosecuted in American courts.

That's it folks, we're screwed...........IF this is allowed to stand.

This video explains it nicely...

WHO will stand and fight against this assault on the Constitution?

WHO will stand and fight for America?

Welcome to joey xiden america, no voice no freedom
The First Amendment came under a brutal attack today by nonother than its Congress.

In their panic and hysteria over losing their gaslighting war to paint ANTI-war protestors as the aggressors, they've now written a LAW dictating that to criticize the ideology and/or actions of a FOREIGN country's government, is now considered hate speech and CAN be prosecuted in American courts.

That's it folks, we're screwed...........IF this is allowed to stand.

This video explains it nicely...

WHO will stand and fight against this assault on the Constitution?

WHO will stand and fight for America?

Heres the bill, the Antisemitism Awareness Act/

2d Session
H. R. 6090

To provide for the consideration of a definition of antisemitism set forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for the enforcement of Federal antidiscrimination laws concerning education programs or activities, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023”.

It is the sense of Congress that—
(1) title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance;
(2) while such title does not cover discrimination based solely on religion, individuals who face discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics do not lose protection under such title for also being members of a group that share a common religion;
(3) discrimination against Jews may give rise to a violation of such title when the discrimination is based on race, color, or national origin, which can include discrimination based on actual or perceived shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics;
(4) it is the policy of the United States to enforce such title against prohibited forms of discrimination rooted in antisemitism as vigorously as against all other forms of discrimination prohibited by such title; and
(5) as noted in the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism issued by the White House on May 25, 2023, it is critical to—
(A) increase awareness and understanding of antisemitism, including its threat to America;
(B) improve safety and security for Jewish communities;
(C) reverse the normalization of antisemitism and counter antisemitic discrimination; and
(D) expand communication and collaboration between communities.
Congress finds the following:
(1) Antisemitism is on the rise in the United States and is impacting Jewish students in K–12 schools, colleges, and universities.
(2) The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (referred to in this Act as the “IHRA”) Working Definition of Antisemitism is a vital tool which helps individuals understand and identify the various manifestations of antisemitism.
(3) On December 11, 2019, Executive Order 13899 extended protections against discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to individuals subjected to antisemitism on college and university campuses and tasked Federal agencies to consider the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism when enforcing title VI of such Act.
(4) Since 2018, the Department of Education has used the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism when investigating violations of that title VI.
(5) The use of alternative definitions of antisemitism impairs enforcement efforts by adding multiple standards and may fail to identify many of the modern manifestations of antisemitism.
(6) The White House released the first-ever United States National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism on May 25, 2023, making clear that the fight against this hate is a national, bipartisan priority that must be successfully conducted through a whole-of-government-and-society approach.
For purposes of this Act, the term “definition of antisemitism”—
(1) means the definition of antisemitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the IHRA, of which the United States is a member, which definition has been adopted by the Department of State; and
(2) includes the “[c]ontemporary examples of antisemitism” identified in the IHRA definition.
In reviewing, investigating, or deciding whether there has been a violation of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) on the basis of race, color, or national origin, based on an individual’s actual or perceived shared Jewish ancestry or Jewish ethnic characteristics, the Department of Education shall take into consideration the definition of antisemitism as part of the Department’s assessment of whether the practice was motivated by antisemitic intent.

(a) General Rule Of Construction.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed—
(1) to expand the authority of the Secretary of Education;
(2) to alter the standards pursuant to which the Department of Education makes a determination that harassing conduct amounts to actionable discrimination; or
(3) to diminish or infringe upon the rights protected under any other provision of law that is in effect as of the date of enactment of this Act.
(b) Constitutional Protections.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
Passed the House of Representatives May 1, 2024.


2d Session
H. R. 6090

To provide for the consideration of a definition of antisemitism set forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for the enforcement of Federal antidiscrimination laws concerning education programs or activities, and for other purposes.

It just appears they are extending discrimination protection to Jewish people? It’s also a bi partisan bill

Looks like it’s saying they extend discrimination to Jewish religion only because it goes into their heritage and ancestry.

I mean…what’s wrong with that? It doesn’t say you can’t speak your beliefs, just that you can’t discriminate against them..
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Biden didn't propose this to congress. The Republicans did. And count me in opposition.
Why? It’s just trying to protect that group from discrimination..also, most of the bill is subject to things passed in 2019 and before.

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