America Has Suffered A Lethal Blow to Its Freedoms

Well fuck that. I, for one, intend to fight for my right to say whatever I want!

View attachment 941344

A lot of self-professed ''conservatives'' like to grandstand and act like they oppose this kind of authoritarian censorship, but from where I'm sitting, many suddenly don't seem very interested in walking the walk when they must for their own interest as a free American.

And you commies have no problem threatening people and businesses that might use a pronoun someone doesn't like or anyone who wants to give a speech on a topic that counters your dogma. At this point you hypocritical commie assholes have zero high ground on the topic of free speech.

And you commies have no problem threatening people and businesses that might use a pronoun someone doesn't like or anyone who wants to give a speech on a topic that counters your dogma. At this point you hypocritical commie assholes have zero high ground on the topic of free speech.



Bitch, I'm one of the very, very few people on this board who actually understands the cause of liberty.

You sure as fuck don't. You never have.

You've demonstrated that for years.

Like most wingers, you're just another rabid fucking authoritarian statist, in my view.

I'll take your ass on any day on here. Any day...
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Bitch, I'm one of the very, very few people on this board who actually understands the cause of liberty.

You sure as fuck don't. You never have.

You've demonstrated that for years.

Like most wingers, you're just another rabid fucking authoritarian statist, in my view.

I'll take your ass on any day on here. Any day...

Really, feel free to post anything I've posted that will support your lie.

Really, feel free to post anything I've posted that will support your lie.


Be careful what you ask for, winger. Because I'll hit you with your own words when you're not even expecting it. Whenever you're in the middle of one of those rants telling us all what kind of patriot you think you are. I'm a dick in that way.

You're out of your league tinkering around with me. Way out of it...

And that's your major malfunction, as is often the case with a lot of you establishment talking points winger types. And about as consistent as my crooked dick as far as your professed principles go, observably. You should be absolutely embarrassed by such inconsistency. But you, and so many like you, have no self-awarenes whatsoever. You do not realize how rabidy statist you actually are until someone who understands thoroughly illustrates it for you in front of all of your friends.
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Be careful what you ask for, winger. Because I'll hit you wit hyour own words when you're not even expecting it. Whenever you're in the middle of one of those rants telling us all what kind of patriot you think you are. I'm a dick in that way.

You're out of your league tinkering around with me. Way out of it..

And that's your major malfunction, as is often the case with alot of you talking points winger types. You have no self-awarenes whatsoever. You do not realize how rabidy statist you actually are until someone who understands thoroughly illustrates it for you in front of all of your friends.

Oooooooh, I'm so skerd. What the fuck are ya waiting for commie? Fucking go for it!

Oooooooh, I'm so skerd. What the fuck are ya waiting for commie? Fucking go for it!


I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just telling you a fact, winger.

But it's late. And you're just not that damned important at 1AM.

Your time will come, though, since you asked for it. I'll bust your lip at my own leisure. Whenever I see you fronting around here. That's how I do. I have a very, very good memory. And it just ain't no damned good without an audience anyway.
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I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just telling you a fact, winger.

But it's late. And you're just not that damned important at 1AM.

Your time will come, though, since you asked for it. I'll bust your lip at my own leisure. Whenever I see you fronting around here. That's how I do. I have a very, very good memory.

Typical commie, get cornered and you and your ilk find an excuse to turn tail and run. You all are gutless.

Typical commie, get cornered and you and your ilk find an excuse to turn tail and run. You all are gutless.

I think you had too much to dream last night, winger. The only thing you've managed to corner is yourself. You're just too stupid and prideful to realize it yet.

As I said. Be careful what you ask for....

I'm going to bed.

I'll see you around the board.

Oh yes indeed.

You just fucked up. :)
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I think you had too much to dream last night, winger. The only thing you've managed to corner is yourself. You're just too stupid to realize it yet.

As I said. Be careful what you ask for....

I'm going to bed.

I'll see you around the board.

Oh yes indeed. :)

Run commie run, I sincerely hope you have screaming nightmares all night long. ROFLMFAO None of you hypocrite commies deserve a decent wink of sleep. Me, I'll sleep like a baby.

This law in unconstitutional AF and should be overturned.

Shame on the Pubs who voted for this. I know why certain Dems did not vote for it. They would have been fine if this was a bill banning anti Islamic speech. They want to be able to talk about Jews.

It's not a Law.
Read the bill.
What's the specific "censorship" you find objectionable in the bill?

This thread should have started with link to the text of the Bill and then comment focused on what the OP finds "objectionable".
This merely adds Jews to the list that includes race, ethnic, national origin, and lately transgenders, along with "I don't like what you say so it must be hate speech."
There's no such thing as the "freedom to commit crimes". If something is a crime, we're not free to do it. Hate speech is in the eye of the beholder. I don't want the government deciding who I can hate, and who I can't.
Better start working on what they decided on that hate speech issue some years ago, first, then.
And you commies have no problem threatening people and businesses that might use a pronoun someone doesn't like or anyone who wants to give a speech on a topic that counters your dogma. At this point you hypocritical commie assholes have zero high ground on the topic of free speech.


Commie??? :laugh: That's the dumbest thing I've read here in....maybe ever. NC is about as opposite of commie as one can get. Like he said, he's one of the very few here who actually understands the cause of liberty... and one of the very few who doesn't continually fall for the deceptive tactics that you RINO useful dupes fall for over and over and over again, which is why we've been losing our republic.
There's no such thing as ''hate speech''

The First Amendment guarantees this.

Anyone who contends otherwise isn't qualified to speak on the matter and would do better to shove their feelings up their rear ends.
Theoretically that may be.
But for several years now the Left has put in regulations, especially in schools and some agencies/departments of Guv'mint that have set what is "hate speech".
There's some cart that already needs to be backed up.
Commie??? :laugh: That's the dumbest thing I've read here in....maybe ever. NC is about as opposite of commie as one can get. Like he said, he's one of the very few here who actually understands the cause of liberty... and one of the very few who doesn't continually fall for the deceptive tactics that you RINO useful dupes fall for over and over and over again, which is why we've been losing our republic.
Sorry Komrade, but use of a term like this: "you RINO useful dupes" is a red flag since you aren't a conservative or on the right side of the political divide. Spirals downward to the Left from there.
This new breed of American politician doesn't seem to know (or care, for that matter) who it actually works for.

Cripes, I saw em all waving foreign flags on the House floor the other day, after robbing the American taxpayer at the barel of yet another government gun to redistribute to the country whose flag they were waving.

This is where we are now...

View attachment 941305

The Framers slit throats for less.
Just like their predecessors back in 1942 waving the Union Jack in opposition to recent actions of Japan, Germany, and Italy. :rolleyes:
The First Amendment came under a brutal attack today by nonother than its Congress.

In their panic and hysteria over losing their gaslighting war to paint ANTI-war protestors as the aggressors, they've now written a LAW dictating that to criticize the ideology and/or actions of a FOREIGN country's government, is now considered hate speech and CAN be prosecuted in American courts.

That's it folks, we're screwed...........IF this is allowed to stand.

This video explains it nicely...

WHO will stand and fight against this assault on the Constitution?

WHO will stand and fight for America?

We've known all of this instinctively for many years (decades) already.

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