JD Vance needs to answer a few questions about 7/13


Treasonous Zionist Fascist Liar, is this a cruise missile or a "757?"

Made possible by the regime of Bill Clinton--need I remind you of the attempt to bomb the UN parking garage during his term? Please educate yourself before opening your pie hole and confirming that you are an ignorant SCUMBAG that supports political assassination when you don't get your way.
Made possible by the regime of Bill Clinton--need I remind you of the attempt to bomb the UN parking garage during his term? Please educate yourself before opening your pie hole and confirming that you are an ignorant SCUMBAG that supports political assassination when you don't get your way.

Once again, you were asked a question and did not answer it...

757 or cruise missile???
Sorry, I don't reply to obvious irrelevant gaslighting. Anyone with an IQ over their age knows that.

Translation - as a Zionist Fascist Left Wing Traitor who cares only about Israel, "Concerned American" refuses to acknowledge the clear truth that what hit the Pentagon on 911 was a cruise missile, not a 757.... because to admit that truth would be to admit that 911 was a Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoax just like 10/7.
Translation - as a Zionist Fascist Left Wing Traitor who cares only about Israel, "Concerned American" refuses to acknowledge the clear truth that what hit the Pentagon on 911 was a cruise missile, not a 757.... because to admit that truth would be to admit that 911 was a Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoax just like 10/7.
What time were you supposed to take your meds today?
What time were you supposed to take your meds today?

There is another really obvious video of WTC 7. The official version is that this is not "controlled demolition," so if it was controlled demolition, that would again prove 911 was a Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoax just like 10/7.

There is another really obvious video of WTC 7. The official version is that this is not "controlled demolition," so if it was controlled demolition, that would again prove 911 was a Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoax just like 10/7.

Now you've confirmed that in addition to being an anti American SCUMBAG, you are also a RACIST BIGOT.
Yea, but he's "colored". :abgg2q.jpg:

Even better, a genuine intelligent fiscally conservative patriotic American who happens to be black in an election where Trump will be accused of racism etc...
You've hit new heights of craziness.

Right there in environment section.....

Right there in environment section.....

This thread is about JD Vance and your loony tunes conspiracies, not about giving us a science lesson. Get back to your crazy conspiracies.

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