Who will be President Kamala Harris’ VP?

Pete will hold another cabinet position. He likes to talk, does it well, and will be a insider for another 4 years.
Another Dem / Socialist do- Nothing, DIE hire.
It was hardly a "lurid affair" at all. Brown had been separated from his wife for more thann 10 years. Harris dated Willie Brown for approximately 18 months, and the only "scandal" to it was that he was 20 years older than her - about the same age difference as between Donald Trump and his wife.

But thanks for proving that you'll believe any Republican lie they make up about a Democrat. Shame on you for violating every Christian ethic there is on how you treat other people.

You disgust me.
You are the disgusting type. Harris clearly benefitted from the affair with Brown so it continued.

Go be disgusting somewhere else.
False. The “jury” in that case was a civil jury. They couldn’t possibly have found him guilty of anything. Civil. Not criminal.

No. A grand jury issued an indictment which has zero evidentiary value.

Indictments are merely accusations and never constitute evidence of what they alleged.

Nope. He is running to continue what he started as President, you moron.

That’s not his motivation despite your reiteration of your bogus claims. The Federal cases are DOA. THE Bragg case is going to be reversed on appeal. The remaining case may die an ignominious still-birth.

There is any lie you won't regurgitate Trump, is there?

Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial when he was elected President in 2016. Of course that trial was unfair because the Judge was of Mexican heritage. One of more than 4000 lawsuits Trump has been a party to over the years.

The guy who is famous for appealling every order, and dragging cases out for years, is now threatening to sue in every state to try to have Harris' name taken off the ballot for president.

And Republicans accuse Democrats of "lawfare", after a 6 1/2 year Starr Investigation which found nothing, but a lie about a consentual blow job in a civil case.

The Mueller Investigation produced 9 convictions/guilty pleas against Trump campaign staffers, and hundreds of charges against Russians and their corporate entities.

Trump is a criminal conman and always has been.

His businesses were run in a scandously dishonest manner, to the point that US banks continue to refuse to lend money to the Trump family.

Trump was, is, and shall always be a criminal, corrupt, serial rapist and conman.
So weird. I bet you dont even have a girl waiting for you when you get done posting here and are just mad at them all that they don’t find fat balding losers attractive.
You would lose that bet. It helps that you are a loser already.
There is any lie you won't regurgitate Trump, is there?

Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial when he was elected President in 2016. Of course that trial was unfair because the Judge was of

Oops, wrong again. He did describe how it was rape in other states.

And now it is rape in the state in which he was found liable.

These are facts no matter how many times you shit yourself. Sorry.

Enjoy voting for the rapist.

Of course you have not a shred of evidence of that.

Sad that your only cult talking point is a regurgitated lie.
Anoher of your drooling tirades. The evidence is that mediocre Harris had a career at all.
Oops, wrong again. He did describe how it was rape in other states.

And now it is rape in the state in which he was found liable.

These are facts no matter how many times you shit yourself. Sorry.

Enjoy voting for the rapist.
Another of your typical pointless rants. Identify for us within what state state Trump was convicted of or found liable for rape.

Enjoy your false and fraudulent claims.
*I did so and referred to the judge's decision and the laws of the states, including new York

Which is why you're nipping at my ankles like the rabid little attack poodle you are.
Sorry. Buffoon. It's obvious you're unable to identify any assignment of liability for rape In any state. Your barking poodle impression is really weak.
He sure did. He showed how, under the law of many states, it is rape.

Then New York updated their law to make it rape.

So he is of course spot on, and you are reflexively sharting from your mouth about a topic you know less than nothing about.

As usual.

He showed how, under the law of many states, it is rape.

How what is rape?
Harris was polling better than Biden last week, also Biden’s dementia, which Democrats were lying to the world about, is getting much worse and the poll out of Michigan Saturday had Biden down by 7 points, a 5% drop from last week. Biden was losing by more than the margin of error in all the swing states.

And when the country gets replays of all of her word salad speeches her ratings will take a nose dive, that's why I doubt she'll be the nominee.

Of course you have not a shred of evidence of that.

Sad that your only cult talking point is a regurgitated lie.
Willie Brown says so. That is evidence. Should we ask Montel Williams what kind of slut she is? Judge Joe Brown has also broadcasted what a low down whore she is too.
And when the country gets replays of all of her word salad speeches her ratings will take a nose dive, that's why I doubt she'll be the nominee.

I suppose the Dem/ Socialist portion of the country will ignore Harris being part of the chorus that "Joe is at the top of his his game" as she lied about his mental decline.

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