How the GOP Will Attack Harris

You started out saying you have no clue what Trump's policies are. I showed you a link and post #69 what they are. Now you're whining that they aren't specific enough. Quit whining and start debating.

Now you have to resort to lying about me...more cult like behavoir.

This is what I said...He never, ever, ever gives any specific details (a)bout anything he wants to do

And you agree with me that he does not.
If that is the best you have, I can see why Republican attacks center around calling her a whore, making fun of her laugh and mispronouncing her name
She is not accountable. She was given a significant challenge with respect to the Border and her best effort was begging the illegals, “don’t come”. She struggles to answer questions more than any politician I’ve ever seen. She finished dead last in the Democrat Primary.

That being said, I fully expect the Democrats to rally solely around her gender and ethnicities and not accomplishments or substance.
Typical "lesser of the evils" choice. Republicans will be more energized if that's the democrat's support level.
They lost by 7mm votes because of it last time. She can run on a good economy, the border plan they tried, abortion, SCOTUS, and replaying J6-tying it to Trump.
She is not accountable. She was given a significant challenge with respect to the Border and her best effort was begging the illegals, “don’t come”. She struggles to answer questions more than any politician I’ve ever seen. She finished dead last in the Democrat Primary.

That being said, I fully expect the Democrats to rally solely around her gender and ethnicities and not accomplishments or substance.

Harris could have fixed the border if Republicans supported the bipartisan border bill

Trump killed it for political reasons
Now you have to resort to lying about me...more cult like behavoir.
This is what I said...He never, ever, ever gives any specific details (a)bout anything he wants to do
And you agree with me that he does not.
Depends on what the word "specific" meant.
If specific meant a specific very detailed level than I agree with you.
If specific meant some indication about what his various policy positions are, then my posts are adequate.

As I said, he can't be too specific on details because he doesn't know how the House & Senate Bills would look as to specifics.
Depends on what the word "specific" meant.
If specific meant a specific very detailed level than I agree with you.
If specific meant some indication about what his various policy positions are, then my posts are adequate.

As I said, he can't be too specific because he doesn't know how the House & Senate Bills would look as to specifics.

Harris could have fixed the border if Republicans supported the bipartisan border bill

Trump killed it for political reasons
And the excuses start. Your argument might hold water if not for the Democrats’ traditional soft stance on immigration. Democrats talk of the need to open up borders because of the oppression these people are fleeing.
Kamala Harris did have a policy on the border

She negotiated bipartisan legislation to stem the migration and handle the backlog of migrants

Mitch declared it the best border legislation in decades

Trump would not allow it
Mitch is part of the deep state and needs to go gently into that good night, she negotiated nothing and it was a really bad bill regardless of who wrote it again not her. Shame on Democrats for putting America in this situation, where she is next in line, and now possibly the next president, she is woefully unqualified and has no business being where she is.
Mitch is part of the deep state and needs to go gently into that good night, she negotiated nothing and it was a really bad bill regardless of who wrote it again not her. Shame on Democrats for putting America in this situation, where she is next in line, and now possibly the next president, she is woefully unqualified and has no business being where she is.
Mitch is Old School who still remembers how to get things done

Todays Republicans just know how to create chaos, upset the Apple Cart and then point the finger at Democrats
The GOP will primarily attack Harris in three ways accord to media reports.

1. She is Joe Biden only more radical and less likable. A California Neo-Marxist Progressive who hates Israel and Jews, has zero foreign policy experience, and has utterly failed at the few things she has been given (primarily the border and illegal immigration).

2. She was a centerpiece of the Big Lie. Joe Biden is sharp as a tack. Everything's great. Cheap fakes. Joe is totally with it and on top of his game.

3. Benefits from the disenfranchisement of 14 million Democrat voters in one of the most crooked and unseemly power grabs in American political history. The opposite of our Democratic values as a Nation. Authoritarian and elitist power brokers in the Democrats Party completely undermine the voters to get rid of Joe and crown Kamala.


They'll attack Harris using any juvenile name calling that Trump can dream up, he's good at impersonating stand up comics and that's about his only competence.

He's already showing his fear of confronting her in a debate, trying to avoid it at all cost. The man's a coward, and those supporters that can't admit that to themselves are, I'm hoping, just a minority.

I'm hoping that now, in the cold light of day, after Biden's exit, that his more moderate supporters can begin to appreciate, to admit, that Trump has nothing.

He has zero to offer ordinary people, the only beneficiaries are going to be the wealthy, I cannot see why any ordinary American believes he will improve their lives in any material way.

He attacks people's character far too much, it's a trait we'd be concerned about if he were a family member, but the MAGA devotees admire this trait. He has nothing good to say about anyone, no respect for anyone, no compassion for anyone, no humanity, he's an egotistical shell and it's for this reason I am now confident he's doomed.

He's doomed because he offers nothing to the American people, nothing but bluster and bravado. He's doomed because he's a one trick pony - name calling; so wake up folks, any devotion to Trump is a waste of a vote, I know you won't vote democrat, that's your choice, but at least cast a vote for a person, a human being for once.

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