How the GOP Will Attack Harris

Dems rejected her candidacy?
Then how did they manage to nominate her as VP?

Manchin is in No Man’s Land
Blocked too much Democratic legislation, resigned from the party
1. Kamala failed as a presidential candidate. Biden picked her as VP because she was a black female.

2. Understood that Manchin is rejected by democrats. The stupid fuck should have switched to Republican long ago. Now he's a man without a party.
If that is the best you have, I can see why Republican attacks center around calling her a whore, making fun of her laugh and mispronouncing her name
Eh.. Democrats will have Kamala sitting in the back of the bus within 3 weeks but they won’t be blaming themselves.😉
why do many of your people call trump names instead of his name?.....same respect....

Dems have BIG, BIG, problems.

Did they force Joe out because he has lost it, or because he was going to lose?

If it was because of him losing it, then they all have to explain why they kept saying he was as sharp as a tack, and why Kamala did NOT do her constitutional duty and have a 25th amendment hearing. In essence, everyone including Kamala lied repeatedly to the American public for a very long time.

On the other hand, it is because he was losing badly, theoretically they can NOT do that. They are disenfranchising millions of voters. In essence, they are again fixing an election by foisting up who they want, and not who their voters picked.

If it is for BOTH reasons, then their heroes are really in a world of hurt, as no matter what they say, they are screwed.

Nobody who is anybody in the Dem Party Currently, is going to challenge Kamala. If they tried and got the nomination then lost to Trump, because of DEI politics they would never be able to run again for anything with Democratic support; except maybe Michelle Obama. Anyone else who does this would have to be a lesser known politician taking their one chance, or someone on the outside looking in like Manchin. The only way this changes is----------->if Kamala screws the pooch up to the convention enough that even most Democrats don't want her, and after seeing her career, speeches, and political stances; that could very well happen.
he speaks in generalities and rote phrases. Never gives specifics.

In interviews when asked for specifics he says that the details will be coming out in a week or two, but they never do
Trump can't be too specific because he doesn't know how Republicans in the House and Senate would formulate the Bill. I remember when Trump wanted to replace Obamacare with a Republican plan, but Republicans could never agree on a plan.

Reading thru the various policies, excluding the "pro" & "con", here is my understanding of Trump's policies.

Legal Abortion: state responsibility, would not sign abortion ban, personally agrees with the EU versions of about 16-weeks with exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

Path to citizenship: no amnesty

Book bans: based on decency and parental rights

Recreational marijuana: don't ever remember him discussing, so probably a state issue.

Universal basic income: state issue

Minimum wage: free market decision

Social media regulation: before the USSC

Puerto Rico statehood: NO

TikTok ban: Sell to US entity

Cancel culture: Against, like when Sara Huckabee & her family wouldn't be served in a public restaurant

Election day holiday: never heard him discuss.

Electoral College: strongly supports

Social security privatization: said that he supports SS & Medicare, but never says which fix he prefers

Universal healthcare: against Medicare for all

Filibuster: Senate issue.
Trump can't be too specific because he doesn't know how Republicans in the House and Senate would formulate the Bill.

So, you attack Harris because you think she will not be specific, but when Trump is not specific it is a good thing.

Why do I waste my time with you cult members?
he speaks in generalities and rote phrases. Never gives specifics.

In interviews when asked for specifics he says that the details will be coming out in a week or two, but they never do
As I said previously, Trump knows NOT to speak in specifics because he has no clue what House and Senate Republicans would agree on. Look at the stupid border Bill that passe the Senate as an example, when the House passed HR-2. So nothing happens.
As I said previously, Trump knows NOT to speak in specifics because he has no clue what House and Senate Republicans would agree on. Look at the stupid border Bill that passe the Senate as an example, when the House passed HR-2. So nothing happens.

Yet somehow the Dem is supposed to speak in specifics and you attack them if they cannot.

Classic Cult like behavior
So, you attack Harris because you think she will not be specific, but when Trump is not specific it is a good thing.

Why do I waste my time with you cult members?
I don't attack Harris because she won't be specific, I attack Harris because she has no clue about any of her policies. If she does a real press conference, with wide ranging questions, and knocks it out of the park I'll say she's a worthy opponent.
Yet somehow the Dem is supposed to speak in specifics and you attack them if they cannot.

Classic Cult like behavior
You started out saying you have no clue what Trump's policies are. I showed you a link and post #69 what they are. Now you're whining that they aren't specific enough. Quit whining and start debating.
I don't attack Harris because she won't be specific, I attack Harris because she has no clue about any of her policies. If she does a real press conference, with wide ranging questions, and knocks it out of the park I'll say she's a worthy opponent.
Harris will get her chance at prime time exposure
We will see how she does in the spotlight

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