How the GOP Will Attack Harris

You are part of the problem with your pom poms. As Sky News said, "the Free World is rudderless". This all may seem like a game but I assure you it is not. It is very serious business. Some.just.see profit,.I see potential loss of Western values, influence and perhaps millions of lives.

The free world is moving on from America, we are no longer the rudder.

But yes, it is a game and thanks to yesterday the next few months will be far more entertaining.

Now link to a video where Trump talks about any of those specifics
The free world is moving on from America, we are no longer the rudder.

But yes, it is a game and thanks to yesterday the next few months will be far more entertaining.
Its not a game. There are men who have their lives at risk if the right path isn't taken. You may think the unthinkable isn't possible,.just as Pearl.Harbor or the Twin Tower on 9/11 couldn't fathom being attacked. The right policies begin with domestic civil liberties.
So why did democrats reject her candidacy so soundly? She's a bad candidate. Period.

I hope you all consider Joe Manchin. He'd be a real president, not a hollow shell.

Dems rejected her candidacy?
Then how did they manage to nominate her as VP?

Manchin is in No Man’s Land
Blocked too much Democratic legislation, resigned from the party
Just ram home her policy or lack thereof on the border, the one thing she was entrusted with and it was a huge failure. That and her complete lack of qualifications!

Kamala Harris did have a policy on the border

She negotiated bipartisan legislation to stem the migration and handle the backlog of migrants

Mitch declared it the best border legislation in decades

Trump would not allow it
You are part of the problem with your pom poms. As Sky News said, "the Free World is rudderless". This all may seem like a game but I assure you it is not. It is very serious business. Some.just.see profit,.I see potential loss of Western values, influence and perhaps millions of lives.
What we really need is an old idiot cos playing Hannibal Lacter.. That will keep us all safe.
Democrat voters are not known for common sense and will vote for anything with a "D" after it, even Kamala.
The GOP will primarily attack Harris in three ways accord to media reports.

1. She is Joe Biden only more radical and less likable. A California Neo-Marxist Progressive who hates Israel and Jews, has zero foreign policy experience, and has utterly failed at the few things she has been given (primarily the border and illegal immigration).

2. She was a centerpiece of the Big Lie. Joe Biden is sharp as a tack. Everything's great. Cheap fakes. Joe is totally with it and on top of his game.

3. Benefits from the disenfranchisement of 14 million Democrat voters in one of the most crooked and unseemly power grabs in American political history. The opposite of our Democratic values as a Nation. Authoritarian and elitist power brokers in the Democrats Party completely undermine the voters to get rid of Joe and crown Kamala.


I am not sure those are "attacks" when someone is just laying out facts.
If that is the best you have, I can see why Republican attacks center around calling her a whore, making fun of her laugh and mispronouncing her name
Her approval rating is the lowest of any VP in history and has just recently barely gotten above Biden's. If she weren't a black woman the DNC would be dumping her for any number other candidates who are polling higher than her.
Have you never listened to your god speak? He never, ever, ever gives any specific details bout anything he wants to do
If Progs win the quality of work will continue to decline and services/products will get more and more expensive and longer to make in huge industrial manufacturing.
If that is the best you have, I can see why Republican attacks center around calling her a whore, making fun of her laugh and mispronouncing her name
Yeah, unlike the High Road liberals take by calling Trump a fat ass, mocking tha assassination attempt and misspelling his name.
If they want to attack her allnthey have to do is give her a mix and let her speak.

I hope they make the same request Biden did of no teleprompters. That would doom for her there.

Her "Handling" of the border was a freaking disaster in every context.

A total mess.

They'll wipe her up with that one.

Far as I remember her handling of the border was just a photo op and nothing else.
Her approval rating is the lowest of any VP in history and has just recently barely gotten above Biden's. If she weren't a black woman the DNC would be dumping her for any number other candidates who are polling higher than her.
She does better against Trump than Biden.

She will appeal to younger voters tired of geriatrics, blacks, those who wanted something other than Biden-Trump Part II

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