Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

I have a car in the shop they can't get the part for Skippy

I drive Fords and vote Democrat my entire life and that has never happened to me.

But will Trump make sure you get same day delivery on your fucking junk car part by being King of America and putting the Ten Commandments in every public Classroom and forcing pregnant women to be on death’s door before allowing state licensed medical professionals diagnose and treat a catastrophic pregnancy so Jesus won’t become angry at Trump’s and Speaker Mike Johnson‘s divine kingdom?
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My feelings are hurt Skippy.
Yes you’ve come across as a snowflake in your previous writings as well

Do you remember when President Obama first came into office and the right wing propaganda machine was all over him to do a “surge” in Afghanistan like the one George W. Bush did in Iraq as advised by General Petraeus. Obama went ahead with the “surge” …..and the right wing propaganda machine, bitched and moaned for months and months that the Obama “surge” was not enough.

Do you remember that there was only one high-ranking member of the Obama administration who argued strongly against increasing the number of US troops being sent to Afghanistan in 2009? Do you know who that member of the Obama administration was?

It was Vice President, Joe Biden.


So fuck you and your weepy feelings, Saint_Blisterfinger.

I assume you were one of the ones singing in the chorus that Obama was not.“surging” enough troops into Afghanistan that General McCrystal said he needed for the Republican fucked up military operation there as in Iraq in RESPONSE to Republicans allowing the Pentagon and WTC being attacked on September 11, 2001. Tslk about weak? Dubya took the cake until Trumo comes along pussyfooting and genuflecting to Vladimir Putin. At least Dubya didn’t do that and write love letters to a North Korean dictator, and say Americans marching with Nazis wanting to preserve statues of Confederate traitors to the Constitution in order to preserve the southern state enterprise of slavery “are fine people”
LOL! That shithead FDR screwed the American people by creating the stupid Ponzi Scheme government entitlement program.

Don't worry your little Moon Bat head.

No Republican has the courage to do the right thing and phase out the stupid program.

What is to keep a future Republican Senste and a lawless Republican King or Queen in the White House from packing the Supreme Court and then dismantling what FDR and Democrats provided for working class American as Saint_Flash wants them to do?

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