Michael Obama would beat Trump?

Why not? If they're just making up votes, why not switch a 100 to a 1000? Or a 1000 to a 1,000,000?

Your conspiracy don't make sense. If the dems control the votes, how could a republican ever win?
Because at the top they have been the same. They take orders.
Thats a good question

If I ever find out I’ll let you lnow

There's a much simpler explanation that doesn't involve generations of ludicriously complicated fraudulent elections at every layer of government, involving ten of thousands to hundreds of thousands of co-conspirators all working in perfect secrecy AND this great conundrum of how a republican can win any election if the dems have control over the vote every year:

The elections aren't fraudulent.

Occam's Razor, my friend.
Because at the top they have been the same. They take orders.

Who is 'they'? Is this your imaginary '2000 mules' again? Or have you tumbled down the conspiracy shit hole into babble about the Rothchilds and shape shifting lizard people?
The presidents. Comprehension problems?

When you'd never mentioned who 'they' were, um yeah. I don't know what your latest batshit conspiracy is until you tell me. Remember, we can't hear the voices in your head.

You have tell us who 'they' are in your latest rant.
Yeah? SO?

If Biden dropped out and the DNC nominated RFKjr., he would too.

OTH, if Trump dropped out and it was RFKjr. against Biden, he would likewise beat Biden.

None of this is news.

I would like to see a poll of RFKjr. versus Michelle Obama TBH.

Whenever I see an interview of RFKjr, he has never quoted THAT poll.

I wonder if it has ever been done?

Neither Michelle Obama or RFK Jr. could win the 2024 elections.
Its a free country and you are entitled to your opinion

It makes much more sense than your fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate 'generations and generations of fraud at every level of voting' conspiracy. And it simultaneously solves the great hole in your logic: why would republicans EVER win if dems control the vote.

The answer is simple: the dems don't.
There's a decent chance Michelle could. She's polled ahead of Trump. There's zero chance RFK could. He hasn't polled ahead of any major candidate.
No. Only hard leftists would vote for Michelle Obama. Sh has no achievements or qualifications to draw on.

Being the wife of one the most incompetent president’s in history is not an accomplishment.
When you'd never mentioned who 'they' were, um yeah. I don't know what your latest batshit conspiracy is until you tell me. Remember, we can't hear the voices in your head.

You have tell us who 'they' are in your latest rant.
All this stuff you pretend to brush aside worries the shit out of you. Time is on my side.
It makes much more sense than your fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate 'generations and generations of fraud at every level of voting' conspiracy. And it simultaneously solves the great hole in your logic: why would republicans EVER win if dems control the vote.

The answer is simple: the dems don't.
Maybe some dem cheaters work harder than others

You seem very invested in denying democrat cheating
Maybe some dem cheaters work harder than others

You seem very invested in denying democrat cheating

And maybe you've imagined a fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy that fails its own internal logic to explain the failure of republican candidates because the simple truth of their losses was harder for you to believe:

That the electorate didn't want them.
No. Only hard leftists would vote for Michelle Obama.
Says you, pretending to speak for 'hard leftists' and anyone else who would vote for Michelle.

When folks are asked for their own opinions, she rather easily beats Trump.

"The survey, conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, found Obama was the only Democrat with a lead on Trump in a hypothetical match-up, garnering 50 percent support to his 39 percent. Only 4 percent of respondents said they would not vote at all."

But the polls are wrong and you've got it all figured out, huh?
I was assuming an honest election this time.

If you're going to imagine another imaginary 'stolen election', then why would you ever vote?

The 'stolen election' is just meaningless horseshit that conservatives tell themselves that they don't really believe. Its a balm to excuse away their own electoral failures.

As they're still going to vote. If they really believed that dems cheated and controlled it all, there would be no point.

And if you simply ignore any electoral outcome that doesn't validate your beliefs, then you've divorced yourself from evidence. And rendered your opinion useless.
And maybe you've imagined a fantastically complicated, wildly elaborate conspiracy that fails its own internal logic to explain the failure of republican candidates because the simple truth of their losses was harder for you to believe:

That the electorate didn't want them.
Actually I dont have to convince you that cheating takes place

You have to convince me that the dems arent cheating

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