Alyssa Farah Griffin: ‘I feel duped’ by Biden’s team

You go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to to sleep at night or to feel superior. Your actions aren’t those of a winner but of an insecure person who will compromise his morals to progress a political agenda or to “win” a debate. Go back and read Ashley Biden’s statement again. That’s YOU who is causing her harm
It is Biden that is causing us all harm by being a corrupt American president. Try to blame it on me ! It is a good possibility he's a pedophile by the evidence of the diary. Are you okay with that? You trying to spin it in different ways is causing us all harm. When celebrities are careless with their personal items they open up a book to their lives. A particularly unsavory book in this case. You didn't answer if you were a paid Biden Lackey or not. Kind of dishonest LOL
44… and the wins have already been had. But really I’m not here to win or try and change peoples minds. I like to sniff out BS and then challenge those who are spewing it to explain themselves or fess up to their BS. If they are smart then they will learn from it and be the better for it. For example, I hope you won’t go around claiming Biden’s daughter was 10 anymore. The fact is you don’t know how old she was. I hope you with think twice when making assumptions and then spreading those assumptions as facts. That’s called propaganda.

Lastly, I hope you will consider your daughters or nieces or women who you are close to and imagine that this was their diary and this what their statement about it being released to the world….

“After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal. I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. The defendant's actions have created a constant environment of anxiety, fear, and intimidation in which my innermost thoughts are constantly distorted and manipulated.
Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago, because of the publicity it drew — exactly as Ms. Harris intended — I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online. Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love. Her actions were not only re-traumatizing to me, but constituted a horrific trauma in and of themselves. This ongoing harm is a direct result of Ms. Harris's intentional actions.”
… and the wins have already been had. But really I’m not here to win or
The fact that you think it's okay for a father to shower with a young daughter gives me the win. You can't get much lower than that thought process.
Slippery Sliding Slade derailed and killed the entire topic (what was it?) with childish banter hung up an age 10 or pedo pedo pedo BS. It’s one trick marxist posters will use when cornered.
If I admit that I said she was 10 and was wrong , Are you willing to admit that the showers were inappropriate in any way? You think it's okay? Let's talk about the morality of it and your morality and spinning it in Biden's favor. Good idea
You already admitted you said she was 10 without know that for sure. We both know you were wrong to do so. Like I said before I don’t need “victories”, you can admit to it or not but we both know what was said

If Ashely came out and said she was traumatized by her dad forcing her to take showers with him and/or said anything about being molested then I’d be the first one knocking down that man’s door and dragging him to prison. But for us to make assumptions off a situation we know nothing about ESPECIALLY after reading her statement in court about how people distorting her words to attack those she loves… I mean, do I really need to explain further how wrong that is??

If you want me to to admit something that goes towards common ground I’d be happy to say that any adult that makes a child uncomfortable, embarrassed or takes advantage of them in any kind of perverted sexual way is absolutely wrong. Lock them up and throw away the key.
It is Biden that is causing us all harm by being a corrupt American president. Try to blame it on me ! It is a good possibility he's a pedophile by the evidence of the diary. Are you okay with that? You trying to spin it in different ways is causing us all harm. When celebrities are careless with their personal items they open up a book to their lives. A particularly unsavory book in this case. You didn't answer if you were a paid Biden Lackey or not. Kind of dishonest LOL
Of course I don’t get paid by Biden or anybody to post in a forum… is that even a thing?? I didn’t even vote for Biden nor will I next election. If you don’t like what Biden has done as president then go after that stuff. But to make stuff up about his kids like yall are doing with both Hunter and Ashley is making both their lives infinitely worse. All because you don’t like their dad’s politics. It’s really quite messed up
You already admitted you said she was 10 without know that for sure. We both know you were wrong to do so. Like I said before I don’t need “victories”, you can admit to it or not but we both know what was said

If Ashely came out and said she was traumatized by her dad forcing her to take showers with him and/or said anything about being molested then I’d be the first one knocking down that man’s door and dragging him to prison. But for us to make assumptions off a situation we know nothing about ESPECIALLY after reading her statement in court about how people distorting her words to attack those she loves… I mean, do I really need to explain further how wrong that is??

If you want me to to admit something that goes towards common ground I’d be happy to say that any adult that makes a child uncomfortable, embarrassed or takes advantage of them in any kind of perverted sexual way is absolutely wrong. Lock them up and throw away the key.
So Biden showering with his young daughter doesn't bother you though. I'm going to take a moral Victory on this one. You can take the immoral slide on down into the shitter.
Of course I don’t get paid by Biden or anybody to post in a forum… is that even a thing?? I didn’t even vote for Biden nor will I next election. If you don’t like what Biden has done as president then go after that stuff. But to make stuff up about his kids like yall are doing with both Hunter and Ashley is making both their lives infinitely worse. All because you don’t like their dad’s politics. It’s really quite messed up
Not really going after their kids here , pretty much just Biden . Are you saying I wrote that diary?. Honestly I don't care about Hunter or Ashley. It's all part of the political game however. I just wanted to know if you were paid because you are so irrational and ridiculous. I don't like anyone who would shill for Biden. My opinion is he is an enemy of the American people. Good to hear you didn't vote for him, that's a little light in a black room.
The fact that you think it's okay for a father to shower with a young daughter gives me the win. You can't get much lower than that thought process.
What do you mean by young daughter? 1,2, 3 years old?? No of course I don’t think there’s a problem with that. Kids have no sense of sexuality or anatomy when they are young… they get their diapers changed by parents. Get their asses wiped. Run around naked throwing poop all over the place. Once they reach an age where shoe modesty, embarrassment or awareness over things of that nature then their space and privacy should absolutely be respected.
Not really going after their kids here , pretty much just Biden
You are distorting and lying about things taken from Ashely’s stolen diary to call her dad a pedo and claim something happened to her. By her words she said people are misinterpreting her writings and causing incredible pain in her life. Just think about that for a second and then tell me if you still don’t think you are going after her
What do you mean by young daughter? 1,2, 3 years old?? No of course I don’t think there’s a problem with that. Kids have no sense of sexuality or anatomy when they are young… they get their diapers changed by parents. Get their asses wiped. Run around naked throwing poop all over the place. Once they reach an age where shoe modesty, embarrassment or awareness over things of that nature then their space and privacy should absolutely be respected.
Told you this now a thousand times you dumbass. If the kid can remember it then the showering is in a bad space of her life. It wasn't no fucking kid in the diaper dipshit
You are distorting and lying about things taken from Ashely’s stolen diary to call her dad a pedo and claim something happened to her. By her words she said people are misinterpreting her writings and causing incredible pain in her life. Just think about that for a second and then tell me if you still don’t think you are going after her
I actually never claimed anything happened to her. I just saw that she said that her father showered with her at a young age and put in parentheses probably inappropriate. Take it from there. God you're stupid. It's obvious we are not going to agree on this subject. I am going to however continue to shout warnings from the mountains for what I see Joe Biden is capable of. Either you are my friend about it or my enemy.

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