Alyssa Farah Griffin: ‘I feel duped’ by Biden’s team

The point is you don’t know how young or old she was. You don’t know anything about the situation besides one line from a stolen diary and every time you talk about it you violate this poor girls privacy
The point is she was too young to be showered with by Biden. You just don't seem to get it and keep apologizing for the pedo. Are you a pedophile also? That's the only thing I can think of why you are acting this way. Shame on you
The point is she was too young to be showered with by Biden. You just don't seem to get it and keep apologizing for the pedo. Are you a pedophile also? That's the only thing I can think of why you are acting this way. Shame on you
I haven’t made one apology. I’ve questioned your claims which you’ve admitted to lying about.

Got no clue what you mean when you say she was too young to be showered by her father.
You doing better would start with feeling some shame for your position in this argument. You have very low moral character. Be better
Holding standards of truth and accuracy is better and more moral than what you’re doing which is making accusations using lies and assumptions.
I haven’t made one apology. I’ve questioned your claims which you’ve admitted to lying about.

Got no clue what you mean when you say she was too young to be showered by her father.
Seriously, first you propped Joe Biden up for creating propaganda with the 51 intelligence agents in order to deflect from the truth on the laptop. Now you are defending his pedophilic shower with his daughter. You really should throw yourself down on the ground and start praying to God that he would forgive you and that someday you'd be able to forgive yourself for your low morals. You are shameful
Holding standards of truth and accuracy is better and more moral than what you’re doing which is making accusations using lies and assumptions.
You are the one defending Biden for showering with his daughter and your lecturing me about morals? Ha!
The point is you don’t know how young or old she was. You don’t know anything about the situation besides one line from a stolen diary and every time you talk about it you violate this poor girls privacy

Slip Sliding Slade would spin and defend no matter what age the Corpse daughter was or whatever was reported.

Or, Slippery would pull his pretend “Both sides are bad” act. He would also derail the thread with long-winded petty nonsense trying to make other posters waste time arguing. He fools no one. He’s nothing but another paid DNC shill. Hows the AC up at Langley?

Ole Slippery pretends to be shocked at brain-dead joes’. Sudden mental decline. Lol!
Seriously, first you propped Joe Biden up for creating propaganda with the 51 intelligence agents in order to deflect from the truth on the laptop. Now you are defending his pedophilic shower with his daughter. You really should throw yourself down on the ground and start praying to God that he would forgive you and that someday you'd be able to forgive yourself for your low morals. You are shameful
I’m pushing for facts around fake narratives that you despicable people have made off of digging through the guys sons computer and his daughters diary. You get nuggets and then spin these fake narratives around them and when scrutinized your lies are exposed.

There wasn’t government censorship on social media companies, SCOTUS backed my argument in that issue.

And you admitted to your own ignorance and lies about the situation with his daughter.

Pretty sick stuff… you need to do some reflecting on the person you are and not pretend to play righteous. You couldn’t be further from it
You are the one defending Biden for showering with his daughter and your lecturing me about morals? Ha!
I haven’t defended Biden, I’m keeping the facts straight. I’m saying neither of us know anything about that situation and you have admitted to lying about it. That’s it. We have no clue if she was a baby or a teenager. When you don’t know and you claim to know then you are being dishonest and doing the devils work.
Slip Sliding Slade would spin and defend no matter what age the Corpse daughter was or whatever was reported.

Or, Slippery would pull his pretend “Both sides are bad” act. He would also derail the thread with long-winded petty nonsense trying to make other posters waste time arguing. He fools no one. He’s nothing but another paid DNC shill. Hows the AC up at Langley?

Ole Slippery pretends to be shocked at brain-dead joes’. Sudden mental decline. Lol!
Aren’t we here to argue and debate?. You get angry when pushed because you can’t back up your statements and your ignorance is exposed. So you choose to troll over engaging. That’s your right but it doesn’t make you look very bright.
I’m pushing for facts around fake narratives that you despicable people have made off of digging through the guys sons computer and his daughters diary. You get nuggets and then spin these fake narratives around them and when scrutinized your lies are exposed.

There wasn’t government censorship on social media companies, SCOTUS backed my argument in that issue.

And you admitted to your own ignorance and lies about the situation with his daughter.

Pretty sick stuff… you need to do some reflecting on the person you are and not pretend to play righteous. You couldn’t be further from it
Sure it was government censorship and propaganda. Made for the gullible like you and it was very successful at the time. Took us a while to see through it and it's come out now. Sure makes you look like a fool. Speaking of sick, are you a pedophile also?
It's so easy though. You are such a dishonest lecherous creep. You didn't answer if you were a pedophile also. Not that I would believe anything you say.
You make it very apparent that you take the easy roads. Insult instead of explain, repeat instead of inquire, lie instead of being honest. Thats how you choose to engage.
Aren’t we here to argue and debate?. You get angry when pushed because you can’t back up your statements and your ignorance is exposed. So you choose to troll over engaging. That’s your right but it doesn’t make you look very bright.
We certainly aren't here to uphold the pedophile Biden and apologize for his scandalous activities. You an atheist Slade?
You make it very apparent that you take the easy roads. Insult instead of explain, repeat instead of inquire, lie instead of being honest. Thats how you choose to engage.
I've explained my position totally. You are just too dense or dishonest to understand any of it. Do you allow men to shower with their daughters in your family?
We certainly aren't here to uphold the pedophile Biden and apologize for his scandalous activities. You an atheist Slade?
Nor am I. Just here to speak the truth as we know it. That’s not what you’re doing though. You make stuff up to prop up your political agenda. That’s called propaganda.
Not according to Trumps SCOTUS.
Not exactly true, they decided the case had no standing. I think when Trump wins for 2025 if he gets the Senate and House we will enact legislature to keep the government out of social media. I'm sure Trump is acutely aware of the problem, most of the American people are certainly aware of the problem, the ones that care anyway, not you.
I’m not going down your troll hole and dignifying that with an answer. Are you tapping out of the debate? Had enough of a whooping because that’s what these troll bait questions show.
Hahaha, I've beaten you like a drum you fucking pervert!

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