Alyssa Farah Griffin: ‘I feel duped’ by Biden’s team

The law is being used to punish people for committing crimes. That’s what it’s designed to do. The burden is on the persecution to prove their case with facts.
Where do you even know what lawfare is?
But she didn’t say her dad molested her like so many here are claiming. She didn’t say how old she was. Many parents bath there children when they are babies and toddlers and many shower with them when they are young. Stop making it into abuse. That’s sick and wrong
She said inappropriate, keep sticking up for that pedophile.
The more law fair is thrown against Trump the more popular he gets! Somebody should put their knee on your ignorant mouth that's for sure LOL
He is just getting surges of support from his devoted base and donors. Are you so undisciplined that you can’t make a point without a childish insult at the end?
She said inappropriate, keep sticking up for that pedophile.
This is a very serious allegation that many people are outright lying about. Blisterfinger claimed she was 10 years old… total lie.

So I’m being accurate about what was said. And she did not say that it was inappropriate. She said “probably not appropriate” there’s a difference there. An expression of uncertainty and contemplation.

With something this serious accuracy and honesty is important do you not agree?
He is just getting surges of support from his devoted base and donors. Are you so undisciplined that you can’t make a point without a childish insult at the end?
Hahaha the problem is is you are so easy to insult LOL thanks for the laugh
She was duped.

She was duped into believing Biden is running things. She was duped into believing he is in great shape and everything is fine. She was duped by everything Biden has ever said because it's obvious his administration was running things. So she was duped by them that Republicans and trump are evil, we need to send hundreds of billions to Ukraine, that masks work and the vaccines protected us, that climate change is killing us, we need to censor free speech, forced mandatory dei is the way to go, guns are destroying us, men can be real women, kids should be trannies, whites are inferior.

Pretty much everything that party has said in the past 10 years has been them duping her and millions of other Americans.
This is a very serious allegation that many people are outright lying about. Blisterfinger claimed she was 10 years old… total lie.

So I’m being accurate about what was said. And she did not say that it was inappropriate. She said “probably not appropriate” there’s a difference there. An expression of uncertainty and contemplation.

With something this serious accuracy and honesty is important do you not agree?
How old did she say she was when her father showered with her?
Also happy to give a laugh. You should know that your insults reflect more on the type of person you or than I
You should know that you deserve every insult I've given you for your crackpot ideas. I mean everything I say lol
You should know that you deserve every insult I've given you for your crackpot ideas. I mean everything I say lol
Deserve it or not they make no difference to me. I dont take you seriously so you calling me a name is meaningless. It just makes you look undisciplined and emotional.
Oops typo, the where was inadvertent. You didn't seem to know what it really meant. Is it cool with you?
Is law fare cool with me?? No of course not. But I think Trump did plenty to earn the scrutiny and charges against him
This is a very serious allegation that many people are outright lying about. Blisterfinger claimed she was 10 years old… total lie.

So I’m being accurate about what was said. And she did not say that it was inappropriate. She said “probably not appropriate” there’s a difference there. An expression of uncertainty and contemplation.

With something this serious accuracy and honesty is important do you not agree?
She blames her drug and sex addiction on it. Why you're still sticking up for the incestuous pedophile for? You haven't got the memo, Biden is out, I see you're gonna defend him till the end?
She didn’t. You claim she was 10. Care to back that up or will you dodge again and show that you’re full of shit?
How old do you THINK she was when she showered with Biden?. At what age DOES a daughter shower with a father? Would it have been better if she was 16?, 17? I don't really know how old she was, you got that right, maybe 13?, would you say 14? 20?, 8? By the way I'm not the one cucking for a pedophile here, that would be you. Full of shit with no morals I might add.
Deserve it or not they make no difference to me. I dont take you seriously so you calling me a name is meaningless. It just makes you look undisciplined and emotional.
I don't take you seriously either, you're kind of stupid
Is law fare cool with me?? No of course not. But I think Trump did plenty to earn the scrutiny and charges against him
No, this is unprecedented. That you're okay with it against Trump, but not okay with it shows what a hypocrite you are. I've already told you that though. Hypocrite
She blames her drug and sex addiction on it. Why you're still sticking up for the incestuous pedophile for? You haven't got the memo, Biden is out, I see you're gonna defend him till the end?
Really? How do you know she blames her sex addiction on showers with dad?? Cause it sure as hell doesn’t say that in her diary… also shame on us for even reading…
How old do you THINK she was when she showered with Biden?. At what age DOES a daughter shower with a father? Would it have been better if she was 16?, 17? I don't really know how old she was, you got that right, maybe 13?, would you say 14? 20?, 8? By the way I'm not the one cucking for a pedophile here, that would be you. Full of shit with no morals I might add.
I don’t know how old she was. If I was guessing I’d say between 2 and 4 years old. But I’ve seen nothing that states an age. Neither have you. Yet you’re on here lying and saying she was 10. Shame on you

At least you’re finally admitting your lies. I’ll give you credit for that. But not for the propaganda you’re spewing

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