Gen. Michael Flynn as his Vice President. “Trump-Flynn 2024”

And when you actually look at your own link, you see this:

"Explosive new revelations in Michael Flynn case; insight from Michael Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell."

Flynn has never claimed he was threatened by the FBI. Flynn instead admitted that he his plea was because he was guilty. Twice indicted Kraken lady Sidney Powell did, backed like her Big Lie.....with jackshit.

The person that said that Michael Flynn willfully lied to the FBI.....was Michael Flynn. In writing. Under oath.

Why would I ignore Michael Flynn on the lies told by Michael Flynn?
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I already have, dumbass troll.

Your desire for bloody retribution grows more frantic and desperate by the day. What do you mean by 'military tribunals' TODAY. Because you're spiralling into some pretty dark territory.

And I'd like you to demonstrate the wasteland of insanity that is the MAGA mindset.
And when you actually look at your own link, you see this:

"Explosive new revelations in Michael Flynn case; insight from Michael Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell."

Flynn has never claimed he was threatened by the FBI. Twice indicted Kraken lady Sidney Powell did, backed like her Big Lie.....with jackshit.

The person that said that Michael Flynn willfully lied to the FBI.....was Michael Flynn. In writing. Under oath.

Why would I ignore Michael Flynn on the lies told by Michael Flynn?
I do not worry about why you do anything. Get over yourself.
Your desire for bloody retribution grows more frantic and desperate by the day. What do you mean by 'military tribunals' TODAY. Because you're spiralling into some pretty dark territory.

And I'd like you to demonstrate the wasteland of insanity that is the MAGA mindset.
I never said anything about bloody anything. Spit the dick out, and put words in your own mouth.
Trump isn't a convicted felon yet.

The judge has put off sentencing......and Trump cannot appeal until he's technically he's not a felon.

Sure Trump is. A felon is anyone convicted of a felony.
He didn't. It's a fake news story. General Flynn said so himself.

Didn't know it was a fake story.
Your desire for bloody retribution grows more frantic and desperate by the day. What do you mean by 'military tribunals' TODAY. Because you're spiralling into some pretty dark territory.

And I'd like you to demonstrate the wasteland of insanity that is the MAGA mindset.
Is it MAGA now, or is the Tea Party the big bad monster in America today?

F*ck all of the Hamas riots, which is just ANTIFA and BLM.

The deadly, radical, InvisibleMAGA is the real scary boogeyman in this country.
Is it MAGA now, or is the Tea Party the big bad monster in America today?

F*ck all of the Hamas riots. The deadly, radical, InvisibleMAGA is the real scary boogeyman in this country.

Yawning.....and about those military tribunals again?

Did someone say the quiet part out loud?
And Lastamender I'm still waiting for you to tell us about the 'military tribunals'.

Lets see how horrid the MAGA death fantasies actually are.
Military Tribunals?

Which ones?

The imaginary military tribunals your Dementia patient talked about?

Which lesbian talking-head talked about military tribunals?

  • Rachel Maddow
  • Joy Reid
  • Mika Brzineski
  • The View
  • Rob Reiner
Or was is some other sociopath?
Military Tribunals?

Which ones?

The imaginary military tribunals your Dementia patient talked about?

Which lesbian talking-head talked about military tribunals?

  • Rachel Maddow
  • Joy Reid
  • Mika Brzineski
  • The View
  • Rob Reiner
Or was is some other sociopath?

The ones that Lastamender said that Michael Flynn could help with in this post:



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I think the DOJ and the CIA needs to be gutted.

And they need to get rid of all of the LtCol Vindmans hiding in the NSA.

So anyone who would ever blow a whistle on the Trump presidency should be removed, huh?

And presumably court martialed? I'm still trying to figure out what these 'military tribunals' are supposed to be about.

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