Have you noticed the phrasing by the media to be like this?

Media Bias: Pretty Much All Of Journalism Now Leans Left, Study Shows​

I'm willing to bet when you go high enough up their ladders you'll find the biggest donators, or majority shareholders in their parent companies are democrats or democrat party donators.

There is a reason why all the left leaning mainstream media outlets all mimic the same stories and catchphrases at the same time. Even fox is guilty of spinning the same stories

When it comes to the MSM there is very little true, unbiased news. Almost all of it is controlled to tell the American people not what they want to hear but what they want us to hear.

We can all thank Bill Clinton for this when he signed the telecommunications act for this.

I'm willing to bet when you go high enough up their ladders you'll find the biggest donators, or majority shareholders in their parent companies are democrats or democrat party donators.

There is a reason why all the left leaning mainstream media outlets all mimic the same stories and catchphrases at the same time. Even fox is guilty of spinning the same stories

When it comes to the MSM there is very little true, unbiased news. Almost all of it is controlled to tell the American people not what they want to hear but what they want us to hear.

We can all thank Bill Clinton for this when he signed the telecommunications act for this.

Politics can be controlled by the media. And in fact it is. Watch Biden's failure due to more than his acts, by the media presentation of things he says. They will take Biden out.
This does not mean a Republican will replace him. How big a deal is the Media making of Biden telling us he was falling asleep during the debate?
You are an ungentle far right, yes.

Deny it, and you will get laughed at.

investors.com is a far right financial guidance outlet. They engage in matters like

(stupid image removed)

Missy, the bias is all yours.

Seriously...is your entire LIFE devoted to trolling this site?

Stop lying, missy. I said, "Missy, the bias is all yours."

No matter how many times you say it, it is still a lie.

He will be defeated. And then the search for those like you begins.

Yes, we know you sit in your basement and dream of being the head of the Stasi.

You are MAGA, unAmerican, and unconstitutional. SCOTUS is trying to send us back to the early days of the Republic. It will fail.

That's another lie.

He will be defeated. And then the search for those like you begins.

There are many more of us than you, and we are committed to the irradication of criminal MAGAism.

So...now you are openly admitting that you want your opponents killed. You belong in prison.

You are a doddering old fool.

No, that's the vegetable in the White House.
Seriously...is your entire LIFE devoted to trolling this site?

No matter how many times you say it, it is still a lie.

Yes, we know you sit in your basement and dream of being the head of the Stasi.

That's another lie.

So...now you are openly admitting that you want your opponents killed. You belong in prison.

No, that's the vegetable in the White House.
Thank you very much for dealing with that poster.
Nobody can outlast him, unfortunately. He has made 60+ posts per day, every day, seven days a week, for fifteen months. He spends every waking moment trolling this site.
I know you, Robert, and most of the time I get along with you.

Action Jackson was doing over 100 posts a day for a year for MAGA, until he disappeared.

Guys, MAGA is anti-American evil, and I will always oppose it.
Guys, MAGA is anti-American evil, and I will always oppose it.
When was America perfect? MAGA is not about perfection!!! IT is about better in the past. Say when Eisenhower was president. We talk of the good old days.
When was America perfect? MAGA is not about perfection!!! IT is about better in the past. Say when Eisenhower was president. We talk of the good old days.
We are not going back when Eisenhower was president. You want to go back to the beginning of miraculous medicines? You want to go back segregation and lynchings. You want to go back to when women needed their husbands' signatures of their credit cards. Robert, it will not be permitted. The election this fall will wake you up, I hope.

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