There's a hidden message in Biden's humiliating withdrawal letter that should terrify every American.

There's a hidden message in Biden's humiliating withdrawal letter that should terrify every American. And the shaming question: Who on EARTH is running this country?

21 Jul 2024 ~~ By Maureen Callahan

What a disgraceful end to a disgraceful presidency.
Rather than exit this presidential race with dignity, rather than show long-suffering Americans the respect we deserve, President Joe Biden hastily declared he's out — on social media.
Joe Biden's ghosted us!
LBJ in 1968 this is not. In fact, this withdrawal — in tone, tenor, shame, and bitterness — calls to mind none other than Richard Nixon's resignation.
Biden has humiliated himself, the nation, the Democratic elites, megadonors and liberal-media enablers who spent years covering for him.
And he didn't even initially endorse his Vice President! Someone had to clean up Aisle 9 on X with a hasty follow-up Kamala endorsement tweet.
Rather than exit this presidential race with dignity, rather than show long-suffering Americans the respect we deserve, President Joe Biden hastily declared he's out - on social media.
Announcements of this magnitude are typically presaged with an alert to the media. Early reports are that Biden's top campaign staff didn't know about the letter, with a handful told just one minute before someone pushed 'publish'.
It all raises more questions.
Such as: Who wrote it? When was it drafted? Was it his decision alone, or was he coereced?
Why didn't Biden, like LBJ before him, announce his monumental decision to stand down during a primetime televised address from the Oval? Is he that far gone — unable to read prepared marks from a teleprompter?
Who is running this country?
This, truly, is the only question that matters.
This was never about Joe Biden. No one cares if his feelings are hurt. This is about the safety and security of this country, which Biden — in his megalomania and greed— has compromised.
So please: spare us.
At the end of this ignominious letter, Biden condescendingly tells us that 'we just have to remember we are the United States of America.'
We know, Joe. We know.
'Remember' is quite the word choice. After all: the only person who needs reminding that, yes, we are America, a democracy that elects our leaders, not shadow governments, is President — for now — Biden.

The larger question is, who has been running this country for the last three and a half years?
Biden may pop up tomorrow and say that’s not his signature and he’s still in.
Shame on all the neo-Marxist Nazi's and all the Quisling media for the political fraud of putting up a dementia laden empty suit of a President in the office in 2020 to begin with. THEY ALL knew then this was a fraud, that the Biden “administration” not Joe Biden would be in charge.
Knowing that Joe Biden is now exposed with advanced Dementia, I’m sure the billionaire political donors to the Democrat party and those who are really running the country behind the scenes gave Joe a 'Golden Parachute' Jill couldn’t refuse. Millions of dollars in untraceable offshore accounts for he and his family along with freedom from any future potential criminal prosecutions.
The chilling factor every American must now know is who has had control of the "Nuclear Football" that supposedly only the President has authority to use?
Strangely, the excuse of Covid is being used to allow Joe to bow out of the race. The burning next question is;
Will Covid also be the of cause Biden's untimely death before the DNC Convention so they can access the 90 plus million dollars in the Campaign coffers?
It’s a continuation of the puppeteers showing us that, except for the Trump anomaly, they can have whoever the fuck they want there to implement their directives. They elevated a “scholar” who was Born in Kenya, and apparently the only American Lawyer who never heard of Judicial Review to the presidency.

But if you stray, you get removed
These next few weeks are going to be so much fun watching you Trump worshipers freak out like this.

Such great entertainment.
What is going to be more fun is watching you Democrat Sheeple simultaneously try to build a legacy for Biden and legitimacy for Harris when in reality, your only hope as it has been, is to continue to attack Trump.
Will Covid also be the of cause Biden's untimely death before the DNC Convention so they can access the 90 plus million dollars in the Campaign coffers?
All the Biden money is Biden/Harris one needs to steal it, it is hers already since she too was on the ticket. It's the Biden / Harris campaign, not the Biden alone campaign.
What is going to be more fun is watching you Democrat Sheeple simultaneously try to build a legacy for Biden and legitimacy for Harris when in reality, your only hope as it has been, is to continue to attack Trump.

That has always been the Dems only hope, but since Trump sucks so much it gives them a 50/50 shot.

As for me, I am still voting for Chase Oliver, so nothing has changed for me....except I get better entertainment from both sides now
That has always been the Dems only hope, but since Trump sucks so much it gives them a 50/50 shot.

As for me, I am still voting for Chase Oliver, so nothing has changed for me....except I get better entertainment from both sides now
Trump has been on Dems’ minds not only since the day he was named the Republican nominee in 2016, but every day since Joe Biden took office in 2021. Two impeachments, 34 indictments, and an assassin’s bullet aren’t keeping Trump down. So, saying he “sucks” without context isn’t a strategy. You can hate him but you know deep down, you can’t sleep on Trump’s resilience.
Nope, this shit is great. The election had gotten stale and boring.

Now it is once again entertaining.

So far my favorite part is to see the worshipers of Trump go after another person's sexual history! The irony of that is so sweet is it can be tasted in my coffee!
All the Biden money is Biden/Harris one needs to steal it, it is hers already since she too was on the ticket. It's the Biden / Harris campaign, not the Biden alone campaign.
I just wonder how your leaders are going to get rid of her and keep the black vote. Going to be interesting.
Trump has been on Dems’ minds not only since the day he was named the Republican nominee in 2016, but every day since Joe Biden took office in 2021. Two impeachments, 34 indictments, and an assassin’s bullet aren’t keeping Trump down. So, saying he “sucks” without context isn’t a strategy. You can hate him but you know deep down, you can’t sleep on Trump’s resilience.

I do not give a flying fuck which one wins. My life changes not one iota based on who wins this election.

Though there is a small part of me that thinks it would be nice to get off the very short list of countries that have never had a female leader.
I do not give a flying fuck which one wins. My life changes not one iota based on who wins this election.

Though there is a small part of me that thinks it would be nice to get off the very short list of countries that have never had a female leader.
DEI ^^^

DEI gets people killed.
Trump has been on Dems’ minds not only since the day he was named the Republican nominee in 2016, but every day since Joe Biden took office in 2021. Two impeachments, 34 indictments, and an assassin’s bullet aren’t keeping Trump down. So, saying he “sucks” without context isn’t a strategy. You can hate him but you know deep down, you can’t sleep on Trump’s resilience.

Only 1 impeachment trial took place by the Senate for Trump's 1/6/21 actions after Biden was inaugurated president....A bipartisan 58 senators voted yes, to Convict him I believe....

Both impeachments were brought while Trump was the sitting president.

The 34 indictments and felony convictions by a jury of 12, were brought by New York State, of which there is NO Federal control over, by Biden.
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I do not give a flying fuck which one wins. My life changes not one iota based on who wins this election.

Though there is a small part of me that thinks it would be nice to get off the very short list of countries that have never had a female leader.
A lot of inner-city folks, poorer people in rural areas and those on fixed incomes or near it think differently. They must vote smart. And that is Trump. Joe and the Progs ph uked people over. Voting stupid price will not put food on the table.

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