Have you noticed?

No one has a right to shoot someone, you are lying.

He could have used any number of 100+ long range weapons, dumbass.

Your post is direct evidence that you are an idiot.

You aren't even smart enough to use comparisons correctly.

Stupid and immature is no way to go through life. Be better.

Sure they do. If you feel threatened, you have the right to shoot someone. "Stand your ground" says exactly that. It doesn't matter whether the threat is real or not, your feelings about being threatened are all that matter.
Sure they do. If you feel threatened, you have the right to shoot someone. "Stand your ground" says exactly that. It doesn't matter whether the threat is real or not, your feelings about being threatened are all that matter.

But the 2A doesn't say you have the right to shoot people, as the looney lefty implied.
It doesn't matter how many times you disprove something to them, they won't accept it. This is why i don't spend a lot of time arguing. I'll try at first but when it becomes evident, as it usually does, that I'm wasting my time on an idiot, I'll just call them idiots and dismiss them.

Yes, dismiss everything you don't want to hear. That's working well for you at this point.

The only nation in the first world with unfettered access to weapons has the highest rate of murder, mass shootings and gun crime in the first world - by FAR.

The only nation in the first world without universal government funded health care is the only nation in the first world where life expectancy is declining.

The only nation in the first world with abortion bans has the highest rate of maternal death in pregnancy and childbirth, and the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world.

So much for Republicans being "pro life".
Yes, dismiss everything you don't want to hear. That's working well for you at this point.

The only nation in the first world with unfettered access to weapons has the highest rate of murder, mass shootings and gun crime in the first world - by FAR.

The only nation in the first world without universal government funded health care is the only nation in the first world where life expectancy is declining.

The only nation in the first world with abortion bans has the highest rate of maternal death in pregnancy and childbirth, and the highest rate of infant mortality in the first world.

So much for Republicans being "pro life".

The fact that this bull shit has been argued against and defeated so many times in this Message Board and yet you sill spout this nonsense proves exactly what I was saying to be true.

Ignorant and stubborn is no way to go through life, be better.
I have noticed that not one democrat or media outlet is calling for the resignation of the Secret Service chief or the FBI. Why is that? Is political power more important than the safety and the future of the United States

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