Here is what Biden needs to do to give the democrats a chance

It's not about race for me. And if you're calling me a liar, you can fuck yourself (again). They need a candidate who can make a plausible promise to do something about the border. And one who distances themselves from all the woke nonsense. That will be enough to peel away reluctant Trump voters and win the election.
Nobody said a black woman couldn’t govern. That’s just IM2 trying to make it seem that people are racist.

I think Condi Rice would be a wonderful president. She’s not interested, though.
Biden had a chance if he was able to speak convincingly in the debate and bring some fire to his campaign stops, but none of that happened. I think a majority of Americans are simply too stupid to understand the threat Trump poses to democracy, but many in this majority, were you to make it understandable, really wouldn't care anyway.

For far too long both parties have not done enough for the American people, instead concentrating on special interests. Do that for decade after decade and you will eventually end up with someone like Trump.
You can’t unring a bell

He needs to do more than show he is occasionally lucid
Here is what Biden needs to do to give the democrats a chance against Trump.
1. Needs to go on national t.v tonight in the oval office and do what Nixon did. Yep, he needs to drop out of the race but also resign the office.
2. Endorse Harris and release his delegates to her.

Harris needs to be president with all the organization and funding that Biden currently has.

3. She needs to pick a young vice president that can speak and inspire people. This person would be the future after Harris.

This might allow this race to be a lot closer or even winnable. This would allow the democrats to possibly win the house and keep the senate within a seat.

If not then we're fucked. It will be a maga landslide. Biden will go down to be the worse fucking president in history because he was selfish!
Nonsense, as the DNC and the media said time and again up until the debate, Joe's mental faculties are just fine.

Besides, at the debate Joe answered all the questions.

Democrats have a way out of the pit

Biden just needs to take it
Biden is the choice if Democrats want to win. It's time people stopped repeating the right wing narrative. The polls have not moved. And if Democrats stopped the foolishness and pointed out trumps age and his criminality, things would change.
It's not about race for me. And if you're calling me a liar, you can fuck yourself (again). They need a candidate who can make a plausible promise to do something about the border. And one who distances themselves from all the woke nonsense. That will be enough to peel away reluctant Trump voters and win the election.

Literally no one is going to be peeled away from President Trump.

Your 5th party nonsense is fun.

It this is mental delusion.
Thanks for admitting how clueless Democrats are. Everyone with at least a room temperature IQ knew 5 years ago Biden was an old dementia patient in need of 7/24 nursing home care.
….and yet they still preferred him to Trump. That tells you how brainwashed they are with this “threat to democracy” lie.

I am really hoping Biden holds on. I’m a little worried that libs will turn out in droves to vote for Harris, even though she’s completely inept, because they care about her female blackness more than her competence.
We all wish he had 3.5 years of success to point to. After all, we are all in this together.
That’s another thing that’s so odd. I’ve had Democrats continue to insist that Biden had a successful presidency.

I just don’t get it. His policies helped skyrocket inflation to 9%, people can’t afford groceries and gas, he enriched Iran so they could continue their reign of terror, he swung open the doors to 11 million illegals, he moved up back into energy dependence, and his rhetoric is so vile that he has demonized half of all Americans.
That’s another thing that’s so odd. I’ve had Democrats continue to insist that Biden had a successful presidency.

I just don’t get it. His policies helped skyrocket inflation to 9%, people can’t afford groceries and gas, he enriched Iran so they could continue their reign of terror, he swung open the doors to 11 million illegals, he moved up back into energy dependence, and his rhetoric is so vile that he has demonized half of all Americans.
We have had global inflation

The US recovery has been stronger than anywhere in the world

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