Here is what Biden needs to do to give the democrats a chance

This is retarded. Democrats are wasting time instead of attacking a convicted felon who has shown he is crazy. Trump speaks tonight, and America is about to hear a bunch of condfidently spoken totally unhinged bullshit. Instead of taking that bullshit apart and focusing on the fact we face the possibiity of putting a FELON into office and giving him immunity from crime, Democrats will be talking about getting rid of a good president because he is old. Trump is old and he is the one you don't want near the nuclear codes as he ages even more.
That is all true, but..........'Murica.
Here is what Biden needs to do to give the democrats a chance against Trump.
1. Needs to go on national t.v tonight in the oval office and do what Nixon did. Yep, he needs to drop out of the race but also resign the office.
2. Endorse Harris and release his delegates to her.

Harris needs to be president with all the organization and funding that Biden currently has.

3. She needs to pick a young vice president that can speak and inspire people. This person would be the future after Harris.

This might allow this race to be a lot closer or even winnable. This would allow the democrats to possibly win the house and keep the senate within a seat.

If not then we're fucked. It will be a maga landslide. Biden will go down to be the worse fucking president in history because he was selfish!
Thanks for admitting how clueless Democrats are. Everyone with at least a room temperature IQ knew 5 years ago Biden was an old dementia patient in need of 7/24 nursing home care.
This is retarded. Democrats are wasting time instead of attacking a convicted felon who has shown he is crazy. Trump speaks tonight, and America is about to hear a bunch of condfidently spoken totally unhinged bullshit. Instead of taking that bullshit apart and focusing on the fact we face the possibiity of putting a FELON into office and giving him immunity from crime, Democrats will be talking about getting rid of a good president because he is old. Trump is old and he is the one you don't want near the nuclear codes as he ages even more.


That Jessica dude is actually mentally ill and it sees how totally fucked you all are.
This is retarded. Democrats are wasting time instead of attacking a convicted felon who has shown he is crazy. Trump speaks tonight, and America is about to hear a bunch of condfidently spoken totally unhinged bullshit. Instead of taking that bullshit apart and focusing on the fact we face the possibiity of putting a FELON into office and giving him immunity from crime, Democrats will be talking about getting rid of a good president because he is old. Trump is old and he is the one you don't want near the nuclear codes as he ages even more.
Democrats are so bad even a convicted felon can beat them.
Here is what Biden needs to do to give the democrats a chance against Trump.
1. Needs to go on national t.v tonight in the oval office and do what Nixon did. Yep, he needs to drop out of the race but also resign the office.
2. Endorse Harris and release his delegates to her.

Harris needs to be president with all the organization and funding that Biden currently has.

3. She needs to pick a young vice president that can speak and inspire people. This person would be the future after Harris.

This might allow this race to be a lot closer or even winnable. This would allow the democrats to possibly win the house and keep the senate within a seat.

If not then we're fucked. It will be a maga landslide. Biden will go down to be the worse fucking president in history because he was selfish!
I think they need to bail on Harris as well. But you're right - he needs to resign. That will give Harris her props by making her the first female president, then they can pick someone with broader appeal at the convention without totally dissing her.
5. Harris needs a real platform to run against the conservative project 2025. Rebuilding our country, lowering housing prices and a plan to rebuild our educational system for starters. Rebuilding the middle class action plan!!!

Yet they only care about men in women's rooms and drugging and mutilating kids.

With a dash of illegal immigration and criminal support on the side.
I think they need to bail on Harris as well. But you're right - he needs to resign. That will give Harris her props by making her the first female president, then they can pick someone with broader appeal at the convention without totally dissing her.

I agree that Biden needs to drop out now because it doesn't take a neurologist to see this man is in cognitive decline. Kamala should finish out his term. The reason for Biden dropping out obviously has to be a medical one, or Democrats will have issues with the delegates pledged to Biden. The reason can't be "Biden can't beat Trump".

Kamala is not a good candidate. But it has to be her or the party will really be at odds. The issue with Kamala is she was not a popular candidate back in 2020 and she's done nothing to help her reputation. Kamala had to withdraw before the primaries in 2020 with less popular votes than Tulsi Gabbard (who's now a Trump supporter), Amy Klobuchar, Deval Patrick and Michael Bennet just to name a few. Corey Booker had more votes than Kamala.

Kamala can pick whoever she wants for Vice President, but it won't make a difference. She will still be the nominee for President and there's no way around that.

The Republicans are more unified than ever. MAGA supporters will be proud and loud this time. The Republicans aren't the party that pushed a candidate clearly in cognitive decline. "Orange Man Bad" is a joke of a rallying cry for Democrats.

The entire world saw Trump raise his fist and yell, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" after getting shot in the face. There is no campaign ad the Democrats can put out there that will be even close to this picture.

I think they need to bail on Harris as well. But you're right - he needs to resign. That will give Harris her props by making her the first female president, then they can pick someone with broader appeal at the convention without totally dissing her.
I would like to see a candidate other than Harris

But the Biden/Harris election funds can only go to Harris

Too late for another candidate to build a war chest
I think they need to bail on Harris as well. But you're right - he needs to resign. That will give Harris her props by making her the first female president, then they can pick someone with broader appeal at the convention without totally dissing her.
There is nothing wrong with Harris. Except if you don't think a black woman can govern. Don't even try lying about how it's not about race.
Here is what Biden needs to do to give the democrats a chance against Trump.
1. Needs to go on national t.v tonight in the oval office and do what Nixon did. Yep, he needs to drop out of the race but also resign the office.
2. Endorse Harris and release his delegates to her.

Harris needs to be president with all the organization and funding that Biden currently has.

3. She needs to pick a young vice president that can speak and inspire people. This person would be the future after Harris.

This might allow this race to be a lot closer or even winnable. This would allow the democrats to possibly win the house and keep the senate within a seat.

If not then we're fucked. It will be a maga landslide. Biden will go down to be the worse fucking president in history because he was selfish!
I'd feel sorry for you, but your party dug it's own grave when you installed Biden, knowing his infirmities, when it was clear that Socialist Sanders was going to win your party's nomination in 2020.
I agree that Biden needs to drop out now because it doesn't take a neurologist to see this man is in cognitive decline. Kamala should finish out his term. The reason for Biden dropping out obviously has to be a medical one, or Democrats will have issues with the delegates pledged to Biden. The reason can't be "Biden can't beat Trump".

Kamala is not a good candidate. But it has to be her or the party will really be at odds. The issue with Kamala is she was not a popular candidate back in 2020 and she's done nothing to help her reputation. Kamala had to withdraw before the primaries in 2020 with less popular votes than Tulsi Gabbard (who's now a Trump supporter), Amy Klobuchar, Deval Patrick and Michael Bennet just to name a few. Corey Booker had more votes than Kamala.

Kamala can pick whoever she wants for Vice President, but it won't make a difference. She will still be the nominee for President and there's no way around that.

The Republicans are more unified than ever. MAGA supporters will be proud and loud this time. The Republicans aren't the party that pushed a candidate clearly in cognitive decline. "Orange Man Bad" is a joke of a rallying cry for Democrats.

The entire world saw Trump raise his fist and yell, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" after getting shot in the face. There is no campaign ad the Democrats can put out there that will be even close to this picture.

You ignore the worse cognitive shape Trump is in.
I would like to see a candidate other than Harris

But the Biden/Harris election funds can only go to Harris

Too late for another candidate to build a war chest

To note, the Supreme Court ruled a president can do anything he wants as long as he considers it official.

Biden: I officially give my funds to "______". Nothing will be done about that.
I'd feel sorry for you, but your party dug it's own grave when you installed Biden, knowing his infirmities, when it was clear that Socialist Sanders was going to win your party's nomination in 2020.
Your party has nominated a convicted felon.

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