Obama to dems: I couldn't get Michelle to run, you're stuck with Biden

Don’t know, but it’s likely Mrs O wins the election and the EC
Is it?

Probably PV, but I am not sure she can cobble together an EC victory.

If she is a shoe in win, they would have made her run and let Barry run the show.

I think anyone getting in this late will have a tough time.
Is it?

Probably PV, but I am not sure she can cobble together an EC victory.

If she is a shoe in win, they would have made her run and let Barry run the show.

I think anyone getting in this late will have a tough time.
It’s all speculation, since she doesn’t appear interested in running.

At any rate, it’s all meaningless. The potus doesn’t run the country anyway and the two crime families always nominate candidates with many similar policies.
Michelle is a racist, not very smart and would lead us down the totalitarian road even faster than Bernie. The crooked media would have their hands full, trying to sell such a defective loser to the public. MAGA


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