Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden

He volunteered dumb-ass.

It was posted that, "Every government job requires a drug test and background check.....Joe Biden couldn't pass either."

The only thing that is certain at this point is how the Convicted of Felony question will turn up on the background check.

In vain of the old Miller Lite "Taste Great" / "Less Filling" commercials, it would be great to see the crowd outside the venue tonight alternate "Lock him Up" and "Pee in a cup" chants.
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Check Joe for an earpiece that feeds him information at the debate and I wonder in Biden's training, if they fed him the questions and he is memorizing them (which might be hard for him to do because his brain is gone) :p
Trump is 78, obese and dumb. Biden is physically and mentally younger than Trump.
We are 60 years into the great society! I do not get it. Tens of trillions of dollars spent on it. The cookie cutter Prog African American women alone is enough to end this suffering for us all. Ten times more expensive high maintenance with ten times more loudmouth spewing's. They are torture. And the African American guys know it as they get white women.

Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden​

26 Jun 2024 ~~ By Cristina Laila

The Biden Camp officially refused to drug test Joe Biden ahead of Thursday night’s highly anticipated presidential debate.
Joe Biden is currently hiding at Camp David and doing “debate prep.”
President Trump and Joe Biden will face off in the first presidential debate next Thursday. The debate will be hosted by CNN in Atlanta.
The microphones will be muted except when it is the candidate’s ‘turn’ to speak.
The bar is set so low for feeble Biden that all he has to do is show up and not keel over and he will be applauded.


Every government job requires a drug test and background check.....Joe Biden couldn't pass either.
There is a pattern here, Democrat neo-Marxists won't release the recording of the interview, won't take a drug test. We are supposed to take the word of a pathetic fraud, plagiarist and liar.
Remember when the Quisling News Media insisted that President Trump's medical records be made public, claiming the President didn't have the right to personally privacy?
It's apparent that Democrats don't care about the stress on Biden's body from jacking him up with drugs.
They are trying to familiarize biden with a fake stage, hoping he will remember cues from his handlers on what to say and perfecting the drug cocktail Biden used while using the questions CNN already fed to the Biden team.
You can smell the odor of fear running through the Neo-Marxist Democrat ranks that they've backed the wrong horse in Biden, they are frantically scrambling to keep their power.

That person has no idea where the hell they are, he just marches where they tell him, shame on anyone who votes for this obviously sick man!

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