Biden is Coming to Kick Trumps Ass!

Trump talked all that bolo bullshit and now 1 day before the debate, we see him running scared. Joe Biden is coming for that ass.

From 'WORST debater' to 'worthy debater': Trump changes his tune on Biden's skills​

The former president, leery of past mistakes when he set the bar too low for Biden, is now trying to raise expectations for his rival in their first 2024 showdown Thursday in Atlanta.

In six weeks, Donald Trump has gone from mocking President Joe Biden as a feckless debater who can barely speak to praising his talents ahead of their first debate in the 2024 presidential election.

“Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced — He can’t put two sentences together!” Trump wrote on his social media platform on May 15. Two days later, he said in a speech to the Minnesota GOP: “He can’t talk. He can’t walk. Can’t find his way off a stage. Can’t put two sentences together.”

But lately, ahead of the debate Thursday in Atlanta, Trump is singing a different tune, saying he has watched Biden’s vice presidential debate from 2012 and appreciated his rival’s abilities.

“He beat Paul Ryan pretty badly,” Trump said in an interview with the “All-In Podcast” that published Thursday. “And I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. I would say I don’t want to underestimate him.”

Biden beat Trump like he was a drummer in a band in 2020. And it's about to happen again.
How'd that work out for ya last night..? Lol!
Trump had people in tent cities on the border stacking up. There is no open bordrr and white supremacists are a greater threat to us than these people. That is a fact backed up by the FBI/DHS, and don't try teling me how white supremacists are imaginary.

Right wing meda exaggerates things done by immigrants. We all know what the RWM is all about. It's the white race hustle and you like it.
1. So what. Criminals deserve to be in stir.

2. There is an open border, that's how 12,000,000 illegals entered the US, including terrorists & criminals

3. What white supremacists? There are none you moron.

1. So what. Criminals deserve to be in stir.

2. There is an open border, that's how 12,000,000 illegals entered the US, including terrorists & criminals

3. What white supremacists? There are none you moron.

There is no open border and white supremacists do exist. There is no debatng these two things.
There is no open border and white supremacists do exist. There is no debatng these two things.

1. Google says you're a liar.

2. White supremacist may exist, but they are no more dangerous than antifa or the thousands of criminals and terrorists that Biden let into the US
Trump has a record and it is not what you got told by the bullshit you read. Edited videos you chose to believe aren't going to happen tonight. Meanwhile you best hope trump doesn't start taking about Hannibal Lecter or how he beat Obama. Biden never pooped himself. Trump is a fat slob with a bad diet, and a painted on tan, so Biden will look healthier. And Biden is far more coherent than Trump. And Biden is in more control of the situation since Trump has been whining about it. CuttIng the mikes off will keep trump from interrupting like he did last time and on topic. Biden is about to destroy Trump and after it's done you guys will make the excuses trump tells you to make after he makes them.

You talk about presence, well the American people will be looking at one man who is presdent and the other a man convicted on 34 counts, found liable for sexual assault and who is indicted and facing trials on 57 other criminal counts. He can't whine about Bidens DOJ here because the facts will getput on him. This an't no trump rally. Command of the facts do work in debates because we aren't lookinig for a TV show performer. So tonight you are going to see two old men. 1 old man is going to look fit, the other will be a overweight old man with a fake tan and a comb over. Biden has mastery of the issues. Trump doesn't and thats important in a president.
Still hold to that fantasy after last night's debacle?
Trump talked all that bolo bullshit and now 1 day before the debate, we see him running scared. Joe Biden is coming for that ass.

From 'WORST debater' to 'worthy debater': Trump changes his tune on Biden's skills​

The former president, leery of past mistakes when he set the bar too low for Biden, is now trying to raise expectations for his rival in their first 2024 showdown Thursday in Atlanta.

In six weeks, Donald Trump has gone from mocking President Joe Biden as a feckless debater who can barely speak to praising his talents ahead of their first debate in the 2024 presidential election.

“Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced — He can’t put two sentences together!” Trump wrote on his social media platform on May 15. Two days later, he said in a speech to the Minnesota GOP: “He can’t talk. He can’t walk. Can’t find his way off a stage. Can’t put two sentences together.”

But lately, ahead of the debate Thursday in Atlanta, Trump is singing a different tune, saying he has watched Biden’s vice presidential debate from 2012 and appreciated his rival’s abilities.

“He beat Paul Ryan pretty badly,” Trump said in an interview with the “All-In Podcast” that published Thursday. “And I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. I would say I don’t want to underestimate him.”

Biden beat Trump like he was a drummer in a band in 2020. And it's about to happen again.
How’s that crow taste, son?
I'm fne. I wasn't in the debate. What I saw was trump lyinig.
Called that one didn't I? No matter how bad Biden did, even as said by democrats and leftists, you're still trying to spin it. Many dems are in full panic mode and many are suggesting Biden should step down.
What I saw was Trump lying over and over. Seems that the media doesn't want to discuss this at least thus far.
I told everyone before the debate that the modern televised American presidential debate is all about appearance, none about what the candidates actually say, and I was right. TRUMP! won that debate and mopped the floor with Quid Pro Joe. That's what the media is reacting to. The few, weak, scattered voices insisting that Quid Pro actually won or that TRUMP! is a big old meany who doesn't deserve to win, or Orange Man Bad, or whatever, don't get it. By today's standards, TRUMP! won, handily. I said all he had to do was stand strong, look healthy and in command of himself, and restrain himself from acting like a 5-year-old in the playground. The camera would make his case for him, making a sharp contrast with the elderly, frail, confused Quid Pro Joe.

And it did.

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