Supreme Court Watch: Chevron Doctrine

our professional civil servants are managed by a corps of political appointees and guided by legislation and the constitution.

what is your problem?
Too many civil servants. Too many appointees. All thinking they have the right to INTERPRET legislation rather than abiding by the letter of the law.
There are plenty of laws on the books pal.

Indeed they are, and this will not change that.

Laws are written as generalities, not as specifics to cover every aspect. The members of Congress do not have the knowledge to write as law the rules for safe meat processing, thus they write the law vague and let the experts fill in the details.

That will not change and judges who have zero knowledge of the things they are ruling on will now be the determining party.

I do not see this as a good thing.
Try reading the COTUS. It spells it out quite clearly.
YES, it does.

U.S. Code​


The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is prepared by the ...

The United States Code ("Code") contains the general and permanent laws of the United States, arranged into 54 broad titles according to subject matter. The organization of the Code was originally established by Congress in 1926 with the enactment of the act of June 30, 1926, chapter 712.
Since then, 27 of the titles, referred to as positive law titles, have been restated and enacted into law by Congress as titles of the Code.
The remaining titles, referred to as non-positive law titles, are made up of sections from many acts of Congress that were either included in the original Code or subsequently added by the editors of the Code, i.e., the Office of the Law Revision Counsel, and its predecessors in the House of Representatives.


Article I, Section 1, of the United States Constitution, provides that:

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.


Joint resolutions may originate either in the House of Representatives or in the Senate—not, as is sometimes incorrectly assumed, jointly in both Houses.
There is little practical difference between a bill and a joint resolution and the two forms are sometimes used interchangeably. One difference in form is that a joint resolution may include a preamble preceding the resolving clause.

Statutes that have been initiated as bills may be amended by a joint resolution and vice versa.
As do the unelected judges and justices, who just gave themselves near unlimited power.

People who do not know the difference between nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide are going to make the rules for pollution now. Does this seem a good thing?
No it does not seem good to me

Federal judges and bureaucrats answer to no one and are the foundation of the Deep State
The "unelected beuracrats" you Bozos keep ranting & raving about are in most cases experts in their field & highly educated. With this decision, regulations regarding clean water, air, education standards, drug approvals etc may be decided by some idiot judge who knows nothing about a particular field but sits on a bench because he/she sucked some politician's ass.

When your water looks & tastes like Flint's you'll be satisfied.

The nations was not founded to be run by pinhead "experts" in their field like Michael Mann or Paul Krugman or a million Federal Bureaucrats
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2 sides to every story.

Federal agencies have used this to basucally create laws that were AMBIGUOUS to laws passed. It has been ABUSED to create laws without real consent.

It created this...
Ten Thousand Commandments 2023 - Competitive Enterprise Institute

On the other side. Without regulation industry polutes the hell out of their areas. Ive seen this first hand. We have seen it with Super Fund Clean up.

Needs to have any new CFRs approved by Congress to ensure the intent of leguslation is in any new CFR

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