Supreme Court Watch: Chevron Doctrine

The Chevron decision is just another fucked up decsion from this radical and out of control Supreme Court. It will now be judges who determine what words and phrases mean in the administrative code. So it takes it out the hands of elected and appointed officials and puts it in their hands. What the fuck do judges know about chemical compounds and other complicated sciences that these agencies regulate. You think the Courts are clogged now, just wait. This SCOTUS makes a mockery of what precedent means.
The Chevron decision is just another fucked up decsion from this radical and out of control Supreme Court. It will now be judges who determine what words and phrases mean in the administrative code. So it takes it out the hands of elected and appointed officials and puts it in their hands. What the fuck do judges know about chemical compounds and other complicated sciences that these agencies regulate. You think the Courts are clogged now, just wait. This SCOTUS makes a mockery of what precedent means.
You dont have to be chemist to know a Benzine spill is a serious threat to the environment. DEA, Caustucs, phosphates...etc

But the abuse is CFRs that go way beyond the original law.

Only way would be final approval CFRs
You dont have to be chemist to know a Benzine spill is a serious threat to the environment. DEA, Caustucs, phosphates...etc

But the abuse is CFRs that go way beyond the original law.

Only way would be final approval CFRs
We live in a complicated world. When Congress passes a law it can’t possibly put into legislation every possible outcome. That is the job of the administrative agency. Big polluters love this change in the law because they can now run ramshod on these laws that govern them. The law does nothing for the middle class individual, but hey, now the Supreme Court can determine what “clean ” means in “clean water” while you and your family are drinking water contaminated with mercury.
We live in a complicated world. When Congress passes a law it can’t possibly put into legislation every possible outcome. That is the job of the administrative agency. Big polluters love this change in the law because they can now run ramshod on these laws that govern them. The law does nothing for the middle class individual, but hey, now the Supreme Court can determine what “clean ” means in “clean water” while you and your family are drinking water contaminated with mercury.
And these agencies ABUSE IT. Put the CFRs for final approval to congess

10000 Commandments is ridiculous

Thank God almighty the country may be snatched right out of the fire
This won't solve all the problem but it is hugely a step in the right direction. Personally I wish the Court had just said that nothing has force of law unless the elected representatives of the people pass that law on a up or down vote on the record. Nobody knows how many rules or regulations there are, all potentially with force of law, but there are so many no person or even no organization or business has a legal team large enough to know more than a fraction of them. On any given day any person or business or whatever can be breaking a law they never heard of.

The Founders never intended that unelected faceless bureaucrats write and put into force most of the laws we are required to live by.

And these agencies ABUSE IT. Put the CFRs for final approval to congess

10000 Commandments is ridiculous
So each piece of Congressional legislation will now be 100,000 pages if we have to include all the CFRs. Wow can you imagine how busy our courts will be. We will need to have to appoint an additional 20,000 federal judges.
This won't solve all the problem but it is hugely a step in the right direction. Personally I wish the Court had just said that nothing has force of law unless the elected representatives of the people pass that law on a up or down vote on the record. Nobody knows how many rules or regulations there are, all potentially with force of law, but there are so many no person or even no organization or business has a legal team large enough to know more than a fraction of them. On any given day any person or business or whatever can be breaking a law they never heard of.

The Founders never intended that unelected faceless bureaucrats write and put into force most of the laws we are required to live by.

Years and years ago I remember a segment with John Stossel where he sat in a room with all US laws on paper stacked around him. The stacks completely filled the entire room to the ceiling.

It's absurd
Courts are required to exercise their judgement when deciding if a gov't agency has acted within it's statutory authority and that has not changed. The Chevron Doctrine meant that the courts could defer to the agencies in cases where the law wasn't clear or was no longer in effect. Now that the CD is gone, it doesn't mean the agency decisions cannot be upheld in court if a standard of reasonability is met. But the SCOTUS ruling means that agencies don't get the final say in determining the scope of their own power, the courts do and without deference to ambiguity or prior laws that are no longer in effect.
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So each piece of Congressional legislation will now be 100,000 pages if we have to include all the CFRs.

Only the new regs posted. Most would be house keeping measures.

Example is NEC electrical code. There are only minor changes each year. Usually to technology. Old regs would not need to be reviewed

Only the new regs posted. Most would be house keeping measures.

Example is NEC electrical code. There are only minor changes each year. Usually to technology. Old regs would not need to be reviewed
And when these regs are challenged or when we need clarification for what a word or phrase means? It will be judges now. Prepare for an avalanche of lawsuits not to mention who knows how many contradictory decisions.

SCOTUS is conservative now. It won’t always be,
And when these regs are challenged or when we need clarification for what a word or phrase means? It will be judges now. Prepare for an avalanche of lawsuits not to mention who knows how many contradictory decisions.

SCOTUS is conservative now. It won’t always be,
I stated it needs to be reviewed by Congress. But your side uses CFRs to push Green BS. So your side would never vote to force approval of CFRs.

Stuff like increasing the ground rod resistance on a pole to less than 5 ohms from 1 ohm would be just sign off
I stated it needs to be reviewed by Congress. But your side uses CFRs to push Green BS. So your side would never vote to force approval of CFRs.

Stuff like increasing the ground rod resistance on a pole to less than 5 ohms from 1 ohm would be just sign off
So, Congress’ full time job now is monitoring every piece of legislation they pass? Why the hell should anyone in Congress be concerned about “ground rod resistence?” You just proved my point why this Chevron decision will result in a giant Clusterf*ck.
So, Congress’ full time job now is monitoring every piece of legislation they pass? Why the hell should anyone in Congress be concerned about “ground rod resistence?” You just proved my point why this Chevron decision will result in a giant Clusterf*ck.
No I didnt. There are a few thousand up to 10000 a year with Biden. And there is the problem. EPA pushing green crap.

Time for them to do their damn jobs. Cry me a river
So, Congress’ full time job now is monitoring every piece of legislation they pass? Why the hell should anyone in Congress be concerned about “ground rod resistence?” You just proved my point why this Chevron decision will result in a giant Clusterf*ck.

IMHO, it was already a clusterfuck. This Chevron decision merely levels the playing field.
Years and years ago I remember a segment with John Stossel where he sat in a room with all US laws on paper stacked around him. The stacks completely filled the entire room to the ceiling.

It's absurd
Absurd and gives government control over people that it was never intended to have. If any President or Senate or House leader wants to extort money/campaign contributions or whatever from any business all it has to do is have a staffer hunt through the mess until it finds a rule or regulation they can use to threaten a CEO or say they may or may not condone some piece of legislation coming up that will have regulations that negatively or positively affect that business. They aren't blatant about it of course, but they'll work it into a conversation in a way the CEO can't miss it.

It isn't a coincidence that so many big businesses are giving more to Democrats than Republicans and vote mostly Democrat these days because it is the Democrats who so hugely love rules and regulations and who most influence the bureaucrats (also mostly Democrats) who write them. It isn't a coincidence that so much of big business has gone full 'woke' almost simultaneously since Biden took office.

I tend to agree with Peter Schweizer that it is far more likely that big business is in the pockets of politicians who call the shots rather than the other way around.

90,402 pages and 3,018 rules and regulations added to the federal register in 2023 alone. Give me a break.

The Chevron ruling will hopefully give a good deal of pause to that. And if we can re-elect President Trump I'm pretty sure he will continue his policy of removing two unnecessary rules and regulations for every new one imposed.

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