Biden is Coming to Kick Trumps Ass!

I agree that the person with the best command of the facts will win.
Trump is used to exaggerating everything, so he is at a disadvantage.
However, Biden has not been doing press conferences,so he will be under tremendous pressure to perform.

The problem may be that Republicans and Democrats have very different "facts".
I wonder how they will be "fact-checked".
The facts are the facts. There is no different set of facts by party. One party has the facts and the other one doesn't. Biden has debated many times in his life. Trump has not.
The deck isn't stacked for anyone. Biden has not been furnished the questions. You guys know Biden is going to beat Trumps ass and now are looking for excuses. Trump agreed to the terms of this debate. If Trump is walking into a trap, its a trap he made himself. Biden beat the shit out of trump in debates 4 years ago. What makes you think he's going to lose now? Both men are 4 years older. Both men are elderly. Biden is simply just a better politician and policy maker than Trump, and he most certainly is better at governing.

Sure it’s stacked for Biden. No opening statement, no audience, strict moderation of microphone time (so they can’t really banter back and forth), moderated by cnn, moderated by trump haters.

CNN already showed they can’t be trusted by furnishing questions to Hillary…there non reason to think they wouldn’t do it again

As far as Biden winning, he might, but then Biden could show up and not speak a word the whole debate and dems would still say he won…so, it’s all subjective.
Watch Biden whip trumps ass. You ignore the crazy Trump has been talking at his rallies.
/----/ I posted a video of Dementia Joe trying to talk. Why don't you post one of Trump mumbling?
The facts are the facts. There is no different set of facts by party. One party has the facts and the other one doesn't. Biden has debated many times in his life. Trump has not.
One example is J6.
Ds say it was an insurrection
Rs say it was a protest over a stolen election
One example is J6.
Ds say it was an insurrection
Rs say it was a protest over a stolen election
And the facts show it was an insurrection.

Because the facts also show there was no stolen election.
And the facts show it was an insurrection.

Because the facts also show there was no stolen election.
1. It was not an insurrection because no one was charged with it.
2. Trump got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than 2016 and lost? That proves theft to me.
Trump is slower than Biden. Trump rambles incoherently. The mikes getting turned off saves trump from doing that. Biden is going to beat trumps ass. Insults and lies aren't going to work in this debate. This s about who has command of the facts and the issues of our day. Trump doesn't have that. That's why he will lose.
You obviously don't understand how modern presidential debates work. Command of the facts means nothing, only the image matters, and who wins is entirely determined by one's preference before the debate ever happens. Therefore, you would insist that Joe Biden had a stellar performance if he stumbles on stage, mumbles something about Taylor Swift, shakes hands with an invisible ghost and wanders off, singing, "Zippy a Dee Doo Dah".

No, the winner for most people will be determined by the following:

1. Who looks more in control of the situation. Advantage TRUMP!
2. Who looks healthier. Advantage TRUMP!
3. Who sounds more coherent. Advantage TRUMP!
4. Who doesn't poop themselves. Advantage TRUMP!

The moderators cutting off the microphone would seem to advantage Quid Pro more, but that could easily backfire if it becomes obvious that they're using it to muzzle TRUMP! while allowing Quid Pro to ramble on and interrupt. In all seriousness, if TRUMP! can control his impetuousness, the debate is his to lose. All he needs to do for most people is look presidential, stand tall and be dignified. Quid Pro will do the rest for him.
Trump talked all that bolo bullshit and now 1 day before the debate, we see him running scared. Joe Biden is coming for that ass.

From 'WORST debater' to 'worthy debater': Trump changes his tune on Biden's skills​

The former president, leery of past mistakes when he set the bar too low for Biden, is now trying to raise expectations for his rival in their first 2024 showdown Thursday in Atlanta.

In six weeks, Donald Trump has gone from mocking President Joe Biden as a feckless debater who can barely speak to praising his talents ahead of their first debate in the 2024 presidential election.

“Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced — He can’t put two sentences together!” Trump wrote on his social media platform on May 15. Two days later, he said in a speech to the Minnesota GOP: “He can’t talk. He can’t walk. Can’t find his way off a stage. Can’t put two sentences together.”

But lately, ahead of the debate Thursday in Atlanta, Trump is singing a different tune, saying he has watched Biden’s vice presidential debate from 2012 and appreciated his rival’s abilities.

“He beat Paul Ryan pretty badly,” Trump said in an interview with the “All-In Podcast” that published Thursday. “And I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. I would say I don’t want to underestimate him.”

Biden beat Trump like he was a drummer in a band in 2020. And it's about to happen again.
No matter how bad Biden does, you will spin it anyway.

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