Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden

Convicted Felons are drug tested as a condition of parole
Cool story, Trollwinger.

Neither is on parole. So why don't you want your Pedo Messiah to take a drug test?

We all know it's because he would fail as bad as he has as President.
You know who’s not on parole? The guy that brought coke in the White House, old cocaine Joey can’t even find the guy! And this is who yoj wants enforcing federal law!?!

Trump will be sentenced on July 11
At that point he will be processed and ordered to take a Drug Test

Hope he is clean
Our President is not a Convict and has no reason to be drug tested
As a CONVICTED FELON, Trump will be required to take regular Drug Tests
And only one of the two is willing to take a drug test for the debate..............and it isn't COCAINE JOE, Trollwinger.

He’s not running away from a drug test
He has no choice

Like all convicted felons, Crooked Donnie will be required to pee in a cup to see if he uses drugs

Crooked Donnie’s violent mood swings, ramblings and incoherent rants indicate he is on something
In case anybody doesn't trust the Gateway Pundit here is a corroborating story:

The Biden people have always vehemently denied that they are drugging Joe so that he can function. But they sure aren't willing to confirm that with the public are they? I mean how stupid do you have to be to not see the difference every time they pump him full of stimulants?

Screaming *Joe!

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