The Difference between the Democrats and Republicans

Trump lied for 90 minutes. Trump is a convicted felon. THAT IS PROVEN. Biden had a bad debate. That hasn't happened every day. So fuck off because I DGAD what you think.

Who is paying you to support this evil commee Fraud and decades of destroying this Nation? China? Dems? Deep State criminals using GOVT funds? Iran? Global warming fruitcakes?
Yes, Trump has a record. He promised to minimize illegal immigration and "build a wall." He minimized illegal immigration and the Democrats prevented him from finishing the wall.

He promised to lower taxes, which would increase Federal tax revenues. Chalk that up as a success. Tax revenues, especially corporate tax revenues, have increased, despite an almost 50% reduction in the rates.

He promised to force our NATO allies to meet their obligations with respect to defense spending. Success.

He promised to keep Iran under control, and take away the oil money that they had been using to fund international terrorism. Success.

He promised to quit kissing China's ass with respect to trade. Success.

He kept Putin under wraps. Compare with O'Bama and Biden.

Do you think October 7th would have happened with Trump in office? Doubtful.

What the ever loving fuck are you talking about?
Bidens record shows that he can do the job. The pope is older than Biden, and when he speaks the world listens. As I get older, I refuse to be told what I can't do. So if Biden has to go for a bad debate,

the pope has people wipe his ass.....and only Catholics listen to him....i sure as hell dont care what he says.....joe biden looks old...and the pressure that he is under daily will probably either kill the guy before the 4 years are up,or make it too where he has to stand better hope kamala is better than advertised,because anything thats happening when he goes it falls onto her lap,,,,,both parties should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this nonsense.....
Maybe not, but if you have any decency towards the American people...........instead of voting in a vegetable, you need to openly support Trump or RFK!

I'm not voting for either. Neither are qualified for the job.

I saw a headline which I feels fits the election very well.

Ghastly vs Ghostly.
/——/ Our enemies watched our leader, fumbling, stumbling and sometimes confused as a green light to do whatever they want.
That’s why he needs to step down.
Trump has withstood a nonstop assault for 8 years and still stands strong, and our enemies fear him.
That’s the difference.
lots of Americans fear the guy too....the president should fear us,not the other way around....
LOL, the problem for you is.................67% of Americans agree with me. You are basically, done, over, forget about it, lol!

Hey, keep trying to GASLIGHT everyone-) Now that your side got caught, NOBODY believes you, and your own people want to throw Joe under the bus.

I LOVE watching you Leftists squirm, it is so damn gratifying-)
Why don't you shut the hell up fool. I'm nowhere near done. I'm watching a bunch of people at the poor peoples rally in D.C. who disagree with you and your bullshit. The only gaslighting being done is by Trump. Biden didn't sound like this on D DAY. He didn't sound like that in his SOTU speech. He didn't sound like that in the post debate rally. He dIdn't sound like that yesterday, and he didn't sound like that today in a rally. So you hang on to that one debate and then when trump stands before the nation reciting lies in his nomination you will understand that he cannot win.

And let me tell you something old white racist POS, if Trump gets elected, not only am I not finished, people like me will fight even harder. If you thought the 1960's was something, let Trump and the racists you support try the shit they have planned. We are not going back. Do you understand? And if you stand in our way, you and those like you will get crushed. Thats not a threat, it is the reality of the outcome of this battle. Wrong never wins the war. And you are on the side of wrong.
Difference is.....your own guy.....Joe Biden, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt with his debate performance,
He was quiet. That's all. he answered questions, which tRump did not. He was responsive to the moderators, which tRump was not. He discussed policy, which tRump did not.

And now that it's over, he raised more money than tRump, and his polling got better, not tRump's.

You kids are all frothing at the mouth over a few people losing their heads and saying Joe should step down. That's because you know going up against him in the General Election is a guaranteed loss for you.
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I'm not voting for either. Neither are qualified for the job.

I saw a headline which I feels fits the election very well.

Ghastly vs Ghostly.
And where did you get that headline? Surely, from the MSM which has lied to you for 3 and 1/2 years.

Ask yourself this question----------->like it or not, who/whom has told you the TRUTH for the most part, and who/whom has lied!

People MUST remove their biases before assessing what is going on. Our biases are created by what the people in our sphere tell us what is true, and accurate. Now we find out, the MSM and the DNC have been lying to us.

Do any of you want to be sheep, or a pawn of any political party?

Trump is NOT the be all, end all, far from it. But Biden is a DISASTER. You want your children/grandchildren, protected by this guys decisions? If you do, then I must admit, I love my family more than you love yours.

I got through Clinton, and Obama, because I knew they were able to run the country. I did not agree with Obama, but Clinton did pretty well.

You have ALL been witness to Bidens incompetence. Tell America, this guy is who you want to run the country.........especially when if you get off your proverbial a**es, you can actually put up someone else who at least has a clue, and is cognitive.

If YOU are to lazy to do that, then YOUR side does NOT deserve to govern!
Difference is.....your own guy.....Joe Biden, proved beyond a shadow of a doubt with his debate performance, that ALL of you have been lying and gaslighting about his cognitive abilities for over 3 years. YOU CAN no longer be trusted, because you get your information from the people who said that Joe, was A-ok!

They LIED. You supported their lie, therefore, you need to be ignored since all of your talking points come from the people who insisted that Joe was ok.

I will NEVER again respond to any of your topics, because Joe proved that the MSM, the DNC, and YOU are all GASLIGHTING the American people.

P.S. You lose, it is over, and thank you for being as incompetent as you are! We see today that Minn, New Jersey, and Virginia are now in play. When are you arrogant clowns going to learn, that if you get caught lying and screwing the American people, there WILL be a price to pay!

Come November, YOU are going to learn! Trump will have such a mandate because of the electoral college outcome, you will be unable to resist ANYTHING for at least a year-) CYA, wouldn't want to be ya!
What happens if you're wrong? Do you believe you have the capacity to be more of an entitled, butthurt, miserable prick? :dunno:
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the pope has people wipe his ass.....and only Catholics listen to him....i sure as hell dont care what he says.....joe biden looks old...and the pressure that he is under daily will probably either kill the guy before the 4 years are up,or make it too where he has to stand better hope kamala is better than advertised,because anything thats happening when he goes it falls onto her lap,,,,,both parties should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this nonsense.....
Trump is under more pressue. Its really time people started looking at what actually is gingon inisteadof whatthey want to go on. Biden is physically and mentally better off than trunmp. Kamala Harris is more than able. Maybe start listening to her entire speeches instead of edited tweets showing her laughing.

People have made Bidens age an issue from the start while downplaying Trumps. Trump has consistently rambled incoherently in all of his ralies but that gets played off as trump being trump. Every excuse has been made for him. He didn't answer one question duriing the debate while Biden answered al of them, even as he strugged to do so, but we aret aking about him instead of the delusional one to his left that was taking crazy.

For christ sakes, Trump said that democrats support abortion after the child is born and no one questioned that. C'mon, lets get real. But at least you're talking about both of them being old so you are being fair.
And where did you get that headline? Surely, from the MSM which has lied to you for 3 and 1/2 years.

Ask yourself this question----------->like it or not, who/whom has told you the TRUTH for the most part, and who/whom has lied!

I do not need other people to tell me things.

People MUST remove their biases before assessing what is going on. Our biases are created by what the people in our sphere tell us what is true, and accurate. Now we find out, the MSM and the DNC have been lying to us.

Do any of you want to be sheep, or a pawn of any political party?

You are the one concerned over what others have to say.

Trump is NOT the be all, end all, far from it. But Biden is a DISASTER. You want your children/grandchildren, protected by this guys decisions? If you do, then I must admit, I love my family more than you love yours.

I already said I do not support Biden. I guess it went over your head.

I got through Clinton, and Obama, because I knew they were able to run the country. I did not agree with Obama, but Clinton did pretty well.

You have ALL been witness to Bidens incompetence. Tell America, this guy is who you want to run the country.........especially when if you get off your proverbial a**es, you can actually put up someone else who at least has a clue, and is cognitive.

If YOU are to lazy to do that, then YOUR side does NOT deserve to govern!

I saw Trump's incompetence also.
What happens if you're wrong? Do you believe you have the capacity to be more of an entitled, miserable prick? :dunno:

Wrong? Joe Biden proved that we on the right were correct! You have LOST, period, end of story. Trump can get convicted of pulling a tab off of a mattress, and fewer than 30% of the population is going to believe it.


Because your side got caught totally! Live with it, and cya, wouldn't want to be ya.
And where did you get that headline? Surely, from the MSM which has lied to you for 3 and 1/2 years.

Ask yourself this question----------->like it or not, who/whom has told you the TRUTH for the most part, and who/whom has lied!

People MUST remove their biases before assessing what is going on. Our biases are created by what the people in our sphere tell us what is true, and accurate. Now we find out, the MSM and the DNC have been lying to us.

Do any of you want to be sheep, or a pawn of any political party?

Trump is NOT the be all, end all, far from it. But Biden is a DISASTER. You want your children/grandchildren, protected by this guys decisions? If you do, then I must admit, I love my family more than you love yours.

I got through Clinton, and Obama, because I knew they were able to run the country. I did not agree with Obama, but Clinton did pretty well.

You have ALL been witness to Bidens incompetence. Tell America, this guy is who you want to run the country.........especially when if you get off your proverbial a**es, you can actually put up someone else who at least has a clue, and is cognitive.

If YOU are to lazy to do that, then YOUR side does NOT deserve to govern!
For christ sakes, Trump said that democrats support abortion after the child is born. Let me repeat: TRUMP SAID DEMOCRATS SUPPORT ABORTION AFTER THE CHILD IS BORN! C'mon, lets get real. The only gaslighting is coming from your side.

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