Biden Won't Commit To A Drug Test

If blood starts shooting out of his eyes I guess all of that hard work will be wasted.

This happened live on TV when one of Biden's eyes went bloodshot during a live appearance.
Here's the townhall when his eye turned bloodshot in the middle of the broadcast:

I'm sorry but this debate is SCRIPTED and RIGGED for Dems with a mic mute button to prevent Trump from covering the real issues.
WHY all the excuses?

Are you terrified of the trump response.......Sharks, Batteries, Water, Toilets................... it's bad, I understand.

trump WILL COVER exactly ZERO real issues.
You know this, trump can't and won't answer a direct question.

Let's count them tonight.
Now you sound like a normal Democrat.

I was a registered Republican for most of my life... much to my mother's chagrin... nowadays I choose no affiliation... it's been that way since Bush invaded Iraq. I can't say that I would ever register with either party going forward. I can say that neither of these men will get my vote, just like last time and the time before...

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