Will trump be pilled up?

The same evidence that in 2020 Biden hid from
campaigning.That Biden Lied about most everything.
Taking Lying to a new low.
Trump has Friends.All that most sane americans
need is that hardened fact.
" No man is useless while he has a friend. "
Robert Lewis Stevenson
Biden biggest friend is constant use of
I remember the story that is how I know that you saying Biden is "trafficking cocaine from The White House" is far from fact.
It is pure bullshit fake news....because THAT wasn't even "the story."
Explain Biden's over the top rambunctious State of the Union
address.Where he basically yelled.
Most people though he musta been on something.
You idiots are amusing as hell. You've got Trump...out there campaigning every day...no different than when he was doing it the last two times...and then you've got Biden...needing a week to prep for a debate where you KNOW that CNN has already given his camp the questions that they'll be asking! But you think it's Trump that needs drugs? Please...that's just stupid.

P01135809 talked sharks and electric boats. Under Joe Biden we have 27 Months of Unemployment under 4%.

Snoreleone said that if Biden were elected in 2020, our country would have a "Depression the likes of which you have never seen", right now the U.S. economy is the strongest in the world.

Baron Von Shitzinpantz said if Biden won, "Your 401k will shrink". Under Biden 401k's have grown on average of 11%.

Under Biden, over 7,000,000 jobs have been created. The Orange Shit Gibbon lost over 1.5M jobs.

Putin's Butt Boy added $8T to the National, thanks to his tax cuts to the richest one percent.

Yes, pile it on. The Orange Shit Gibbon is a loser. Bring the fuck on.
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I remember the story that is how I know that you saying Biden is "trafficking cocaine from The White House" is far from fact.
It is pure bullshit fake news....because THAT wasn't even "the story."
Was it not coke? Is it not his home? He’s not living there?
I get it . " What folks think ".
How about what Folks think about Donald Trump.
Like his constant Overflow huge massive crowds
whenever and wherever he be.
Kind of simple actually.
Also explains in plain english why Joe Biden hid
when he campaigned for 2020.At best attracting
crowds via small parking lots where his supporters
stayed in their cars honking out approval.
I mean,even dat would bowl over Twilight Zones
Host Rod Serling { resting nicely in Heaven }.
Serlings alma mater being Antioch College in
Yellow strings,Ohio.A short drive from Dayton U.
where I spent 4 years learning how so skip classes
and flunk out with grace.
I visited Antioch College a few times in that
period.They had a bar where they served real draft beer
w/o carding students.They had wooden tables
with built in Chess boards.
" Be ashamed to die until you have won some
victory for Humanity. "
Antioch College Motto
What people generally think of trump would be a good topic. You should start your own thread about that. This one is about whether trump would use performance enhancing drugs.
What people generally think of trump would be a good topic. You should start your own thread about that. This one is about whether trump would use performance enhancing drugs.
There is vast knowledge that Trump does NOT Drink or
Smoke.What on earth makes you think that a guy who
doesn't even casually drink or smoke would engage in
drugs that distort reality.Or makes one feel good.
This is a Thread attacking Trump with speculation.
That is not warranted.The guy never had as much as a
misdomeanor Until a corrupt judge { Marchand }
who Donated to Biden oversaw a bogus trial.
It's a Black Letter Law that Judges are forbidden to
donate to politic candidates and hold Trials.
Be For Real
All the people I know that old take many pills. People with both advanced age and wealth might have entire pharmacies in their homes. Knowing Trump's hobbies, I assume his most frequent dose is for ED.
There is vast knowledge that Trump does NOT Drink or
Smoke.What on earth makes you think that a guy who
doesn't even casually drink or smoke would engage in
drugs that distort reality.Or makes one feel good.
This is a Thread attacking Trump with speculation.
That is not warranted.The guy never had as much as a
misdomeanor Until a corrupt judge { Marchand }
who Donated to Biden oversaw a bogus trial.
It's a Black Letter Law that Judges are forbidden to
donate to politic candidates and hold Trials.
Be For Real
attacking with speculation? Do you have any credible proof that Biden might be drugged, or are you just repeating your cult leader's crap?
attacking with speculation? Do you have any credible proof that Biden might be drugged, or are you just repeating your cult leader's crap?
Search the web and you'll find a couple doctors
one a Politician in Congress from Texas who has a lot to say about
Biden's change of character when he performed his SOTU address.
Plus others who got deleted.Because the Mainstream Media is beholdin
to Biden and Democrats.They routinely make sure News sites don't
reach the public.With ANYTHING negative about Biden and Hunter.
Like the famous Lie where 51 Intelligence officials signed their
names to a draft stating the Hunter Biden Laptop was bogus.
One of whom was Leon Panetta.Who distorted the hunt for
Bin Laden.That Obama masterminded it.
Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here think about the possibility.
The debate was rigged. The Republicans gave Biden a quaalude. After such a dirty trick the results of the 2024 election cannot be accepted.
If Trump wins I will be charging the capital to stop radification of the vote. Is anyone with me? It is the new thing to do if you lose an election.
A trump Presidency will bring many new things, to government, like Jan 6th vote stoppage.
Will our democracy survive?
Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here think about the possibility.

Hey I know I bet Taylor Swift is off somewhere writing a song FOR JOE BIDEN that she's going to premiere sometime in September amirite? I mean you heard it from well-connected sources right?
Lots of MAGA claims that Biden will be hopped up on some kind of performance enhancing drugs. If there are drugs that could help you in a debate, do you think trump is too honorable to take them? No doubt, MAGAs have been desperately searching for such drugs, and if they exist, they will be pouring them down his gullet with a funnel? Take the survey to see what folks here think about the possibility.
^^ LMAO. This thread aged well.
Hey I know I bet Taylor Swift is off somewhere writing a song FOR JOE BIDEN that she's going to premiere sometime in September amirite? I mean you heard it from well-connected sources right?
Disappointing to say Biden's debate performance was shaky at best. Still, after comparing shaky to all the attempted overthrow of the election and verifiable lies that trump told, Biden is still the only choice. Do you really think Biden supports murder of a newborn child?
Disappointing to say Biden's debate performance was shaky at best. Still, after comparing shaky to all the attempted overthrow of the election and verifiable lies that trump told, Biden is still the only choice. Do you really think Biden supports murder of a newborn child?

People don't believe you anymore when you talk about Trump's lies and etc etc etc, and no one cares. You became the party of The Dems Who Cried Wolf by all these impeachments and weaponizing the courts. You overplayed your hand, your left with demented Biden, and now....well, good luck
People don't believe you anymore when you talk about Trump's lies and etc etc etc, and no one cares. You became the party of The Dems Who Cried Wolf by all these impeachments and weaponizing the courts. You overplayed your hand, your left with demented Biden, and now....well, good luck
The impeachments were valid. Republicans who voted not to convict him publicly admitted he was guilty, but their vote was politically driven. The courts are following normal procedures.
The impeachments were valid. Republicans who voted not to convict him publicly admitted he was guilty, but their vote was politically driven. The courts are following normal procedures.

And Taylor Swift will SURELY headline a Biden event and write a song for him!
Disappointing to say Biden's debate performance was shaky at best. Still, after comparing shaky to all the attempted overthrow of the election and verifiable lies that trump told, Biden is still the only choice. Do you really think Biden supports murder of a newborn child?

The non-stop lying by Snoreleone was unbelievable. The moderators did nothing to stop. One high point, we could him shtting in pants.

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