Oklahoma’s Superintendent of “Education” will require Bible Study in all Public schools.


That's WRONG!!

"In 1802 Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to the Danbury, Connecticut Baptist Convention in which he presented his views on the relationship between religion and the role of the state in the new nation. Basing his views on the establishment clause of the First Amendment which said that there should be “no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” Jefferson stated that there must be a “wall of separation” that clearly limited the involvement of religious denominations and religious leaders in matters related to national governance.

Founding Fathers like Jefferson were concerned that allowing religion and religious denominations to cross over the wall and introduce beliefs and practices into the governing realm would create a polarizing environment that could make policy decisions and national leadership a difficult and contentious process. "

If you kids hadn't crippled the education system you might have been taught that in a US government class.
Now schools are the 'governing' realm? Not likely. Get used to it, if folks can get degenerate faggotry in the classroom there is no limit to what can or can't be introduced.
So you can't define a good teacher. Thanks for that.
Well YOU certainly can't.

Is a Private School Teacher Better?
Is a Public School teacher Better?
Is a Home School Parent better?

You have no idea.
You are Clueless.

So you, please define a good teacher.
Now schools are the 'governing' realm? Not likely. Get used to it, if folks can get degenerate faggotry in the classroom there is no limit to what can or can't be introduced.
Government schools.

And as far as "faggotry" goes, he who smelt it dealt it, fag.
Keep in mind, the 1st Amendment's prohibition of the establishment of religion applies only to the Federal government. For the first several decades after passage of the Bill of Rights, there were States that were avowedly associated with specific religious traditions.

While Leftists are wedded to the missive in which it was proposed that there must be a "wall of separation between Church and State." But that ain't part of the Constitution.

I don't think it is wise to mandate teaching of the Bible in public schools, I believe the States have the power to make such decisions.

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