Oklahoma’s Superintendent of “Education” will require Bible Study in all Public schools.

Bingo. If it is elective, it isn't the state promoting a religion.
According to another source it is mandatory instruction.

‘“Oklahoma's top education official ordered public schools Thursday to incorporate the Bible into lessons for grades 5 through 12, the latest effort by conservatives to incorporate religion into classrooms.

The directive sent Thursday to superintendents across the state by Republican State Superintendent Ryan Walters says adherence to the mandate is compulsory and "immediate and strict compliance is expected."”

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Oklahoma’s state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary move that blurs the lines between religious instruction and public education.

The superintendent, Ryan Walters, who is a Republican, described the Bible as an “indispensable historical and cultural touchstone” and said it must be taught in certain grade levels.

Can anyone guess where Oklahoma stands in Educational achievement?

If you guessed 50th you would be correct.

Besides being blatantly unconstitutional, we have the Chinese breathing down our throats as they make major advancements in science, and these Republicans want to bring our public education back to the dark ages. Why is it Pubs want to force down the throats of its residents their brand of Christianity (sorry Catholics) instead of having their kids attend parochial school? Teaching the Bible should stay with the Church. Oklahoma will continue to remain in last place and its children will be left behind as other states and their students get prepared for the future.
That doesn't "blur the lines" it bloody well erases them.
I imagine Bible study would be allowed rather than required and that's a major accomplishment since FDR's KKK Justice created the modern "separation of church and state" that had no basis in the Constitution. . More NYT spin designed to get their left base hysterical.

That's WRONG!!

"In 1802 Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to the Danbury, Connecticut Baptist Convention in which he presented his views on the relationship between religion and the role of the state in the new nation. Basing his views on the establishment clause of the First Amendment which said that there should be “no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” Jefferson stated that there must be a “wall of separation” that clearly limited the involvement of religious denominations and religious leaders in matters related to national governance.

Founding Fathers like Jefferson were concerned that allowing religion and religious denominations to cross over the wall and introduce beliefs and practices into the governing realm would create a polarizing environment that could make policy decisions and national leadership a difficult and contentious process. "
If you kids hadn't crippled the education system you might have been taught that in a US government class.
He will-- when the SCOTUS ruling comes down. This is the kind of radical crap that results when the left's insanity reaches the level it has in the US today. The Ten Commandments was tiptoeing down the line, but bible study in public schools cleared the line by a mile.

What the actual fuck, kid?
IK, the title of the OP says as much. As I said in an earlier post, when the left starts demanding such cockamamie degenerate lessons as gender studies and drag queen story hours, it is inevitable that the radical right will respond in kind.
Oh, it's republicans being the victim again.
Oklahoma’s state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary move that blurs the lines between religious instruction and public education.

The superintendent, Ryan Walters, who is a Republican, described the Bible as an “indispensable historical and cultural touchstone” and said it must be taught in certain grade levels.

Can anyone guess where Oklahoma ranks in Educational achievement?

If you guessed 50th you would be correct.

Besides being blatantly unconstitutional, we have the Chinese breathing down our throats as they make major advancements in science, and these Republicans want to bring our public education back to the dark ages. Why is it Pubs want to force down the throats of its residents their brand of Christianity (sorry Catholics) instead of having their kids attend parochial school? Teaching the Bible should stay with the Church. Oklahoma will continue to remain in last place and its children will be left behind as other states and their students get prepared for the future.
He said it will teach U.S. History in an interview. WTF

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